Working Papers
From Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
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- 704: Women's emancipation through education: a macroeconomic analysis
- Fatih Guvenen and Michelle Rendall
- 703: The Stolper-Samuelson effects of a decline in aggregate consumption
- Erzo Luttmer
- 702: Optimal devaluations
- Constantino Hevia and Juan Pablo Nicolini
- 701: Real-time forecasting with a mixed-frequency VAR
- Frank Schorfheide and Dongho Song
- 700: Migration, congestion externalities, and the evaluation of spatial investments
- Taryn Dinkelman and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
- 699: Eventually, noise and imitation implies balanced growth
- Erzo Luttmer
- 698: Unconventional fiscal policy at the zero bound
- Isabel Correia, Emmanuel Farhi, Juan Pablo Nicolini and Pedro Teles
- 697: Understanding the long-run decline in interstate migration
- Greg Kaplan and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
- 696: Slow convergence in economies with firm heterogeneity
- Erzo Luttmer
- 695: Clearing arrangements in the United States before the Federal Reserve System
- Warren Weber
- 694: The labor productivity puzzle
- Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott
- 693: Catch-up growth followed by stagnation: Mexico, 1950–2010
- Timothy Kehoe and Felipe Meza
- 692: On efficiently financing retirement
- Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott
- 691: Buyers, sellers and middlemen: variations in search theory
- Linda Wong and Randall Wright
- 690: Sticky prices: a new monetarist approach
- Allen Head, Lucy Qian Liu, Guido Menzio and Randall Wright
- 689: Endogenous credit cycles
- Chao Gu and Randall Wright
- 688: Innovation and growth with financial, and other, frictions
- Jonathan Chiu, Cesaire Meh and Randall Wright
- 687: Technology capital transfer
- Thomas Holmes, Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott
- 686: Do newspapers matter? Short-run and long-run evidence from the closure of The Cincinnati Post
- Miguel Garrido and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
- 685: Costly financial intermediation in neoclassical growth theory
- Rajnish Mehra, Facundo Piguillem and Edward Prescott
- 684: Intergenerational redistribution in the Great Recession
- Andy Glover, Jonathan Heathcote, Dirk Krueger and José-Víctor Ríos-Rull
- 683: Heterogeneity and risk sharing in village economies
- Pierre Chiappori, Krislert Samphantharak and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
- 682: Negative equity does not reduce homeowners' mobility
- Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
- 681: Interstate migration has fallen less than you think: consequences of hot deck imputation in the Current Population Survey
- Greg Kaplan and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
- 680: Short and long interest rate targets
- Bernardino Adao, Isabel Correia and Pedro Teles
- 679: Bank liability insurance schemes before 1865
- Warren Weber
- 678: Models of firm heterogeneity and growth
- Erzo Luttmer
- 677: Moving back home: insurance against labor market risk
- Greg Kaplan
- 676: A simple model of bank employee compensation
- Christopher Phelan
- 675: Boomerang kids: labor market dynamics and moving back home
- Greg Kaplan
- 674: Risk sharing, inequality, and fertility
- Roozbeh Hosseini, Larry Jones and Ali Shourideh
- 673: Prizes and patents: using market signals to provide incentives for innovations
- Varadarajan Chari, Mikhail Golosov and Aleh Tsyvinski
- 672: Technology diffusion and growth
- Erzo Luttmer
- 671: Transition to FDI openness
- Ellen McGrattan
- 670: Capital taxation during the U.S. Great Depression
- Ellen McGrattan
- 669: A theory of outsourcing and wage decline
- Thomas Holmes and Julia Thornton Snider
- 668: Economies of density versus natural advantage: crop choice on the back forty
- Thomas Holmes and Sanghoon Lee
- 667: Facts and myths about the financial crisis of 2008 (Technical notes)
- Maxim Troshkin
- 666: Facts and myths about the financial crisis of 2008
- Varadarajan Chari, Lawrence Christiano and Patrick Kehoe
- 665: Business start-ups and productive efficiency
- Hakki Yazici
- 664: New Keynesian models: not yet useful for policy analysis
- Varadarajan Chari, Patrick Kehoe and Ellen McGrattan
- 663: Accounting for private information
- Laurence Ales and Pricila Maziero
- 662: On the need for a new approach to analyzing monetary policy
- Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
- 661: Temporary price changes and the real effects of monetary policy
- Patrick Kehoe and Virgiliu Midrigan
- 660: Taxation, aggregates and the household
- Nezih Guner, Remzi Kaygusuz and Gustavo Ventura
- 659: Sophisticated monetary policies
- Andrew Atkeson, Varadarajan Chari and Patrick Kehoe
- 658: Coin sizes and payments in commodity money systems
- Angela Redish and Warren Weber
- 657: On the mechanics of firm growth
- Erzo Luttmer
- 656: Sticky prices and sectoral real exchange rates
- Patrick Kehoe and Virgiliu Midrigan
- 655: Intermediated quantities and returns
- Rajnish Mehra, Facundo Piguillem and Edward Prescott