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Working Papers

From Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
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554: Temporal aggregation in a multi-sector economy with endogenous growth Downloads
Jean Mercenier and Philippe Michel
553: Prior density ratio class robustness in econometrics Downloads
John Geweke and Lea Petrella
552: Bayesian inference for linear models subject to linear inequality constraints Downloads
John Geweke
551: Transaction services, inflation, and welfare Downloads
S. Aiyagari, R. Braun and Zvi Eckstein
550: Coexistence of money and interest-bearing securities Downloads
S. Aiyagari, Neil Wallace and Randall Wright
549: Neighbors: a locational model of human capital acquisition Downloads
George T. McCandless
548: Putty-clay capital and energy Downloads
Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
547: Social insurance and transition Downloads
Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
546: Optimal social insurance, incentives, and transition Downloads
Andrew Atkeson and Patrick Kehoe
545: On the turnover of business firms and business managers Downloads
Thomas Holmes and James Schmitz
544: Analyzing a proposal to ban state tax breaks to businesses Downloads
Thomas Holmes
543: Comments on Farmer and Guo's \"The econometrics of indeterminacy: an applied study.\" Downloads
S. Aiyagari
542: The evolution of debt and equity markets in economic development Downloads
John H. Boyd and Bruce Smith
541: The co-evolution of the real and financial sectors in the growth process Downloads
John H. Boyd and Bruce Smith
540: Bayesian reduced rank regression in econometrics Downloads
John Geweke
539: Variable selection and model comparison in regression Downloads
John Geweke
538: The optimal quantity of debt Downloads
S. Aiyagari and Ellen McGrattan
537: The use of debt and equity in optimal financial contracts Downloads
John H. Boyd and Bruce Smith
536: The debasement puzzle: an essay on medieval monetary policy Downloads
Arthur J. Rolnick, Francois Velde and Warren Weber
532: Bayesian comparison of econometric models
John Geweke
531: Are banks dead? or, are the reports greatly exaggerated? Downloads
John H. Boyd and Mark Gertler
528: Inflation and money growth under alternative monetary standards Downloads
Arthur J. Rolnick and Warren Weber
525: Interpreting monetary stabilization in a growth model with credit goods production Downloads
S. Aiyagari and Zvi Eckstein
516: Government transaction policy, the medium of exchange, and welfare Downloads
S. Aiyagari and Neil Wallace
510: Patterns of exchange, fiat money, and the welfare costs of inflation Downloads
Irasema Alonso
508: Optimal capital income taxation with incomplete markets, borrowing constraints, and constant discounting Downloads
S. Aiyagari
502: Uninsured idiosyncratic risk and aggregate saving Downloads
S. Aiyagari
500: Ex-dividend price behavior of common stocks Downloads
John H. Boyd and Ravi Jagannathan
491: Modeling the dynamic impact of North American free trade Downloads
Timothy Kehoe
480: An evaluation of the performance of an applied general equilibrium model of the Spanish economy Downloads
Timothy Kehoe, Clemente Polo and Ferran Sancho
478: Liquidity effects, monetary policy, and the business cycle (technical appendix) Downloads
Lawrence Christiano and Martin Eichenbaum
473: Optimal fiscal policy in a stochastic growth model (technical appendix) Downloads
Varadarajan Chari, Lawrence Christiano and Patrick Kehoe
467: Computational algorithms for solving variants of Fuerst's model Downloads
Lawrence Christiano
460: Computation and multiplicity of equilibria Downloads
Timothy Kehoe
459: Algorithms for explaining forecast revisions Downloads
Richard M. Todd
456: The output, employment, and interest rate effects of government consumption Downloads
S. Aiyagari, Lawrence Christiano and Martin Eichenbaum
448: Comment on Romer, \"Crazy explanations for the productivity slowdown\" Downloads
Lawrence Christiano
445: Debt constrained asset markets Downloads
Timothy Kehoe and David Levine
436: On characterizing equilibria of economies with externalities and taxes as solutions to optimization problems Downloads
Timothy Kehoe, David Levine and Paul Romer
428: Existence of steady states with positive consumption in the Kiyotaki-Wright model Downloads
S. Aiyagari and Neil Wallace
427: Intertemporal substitution and smoothness of consumption Downloads
Lawrence Christiano
426: International real business cycles Downloads
David Backus, Patrick Kehoe and Finn Kydland
413: Temporary price changes and the real effects of monetary policy Downloads
Patrick Kehoe and Virgiliu Midrigan
404: The optimum quantity of money revisited Downloads
Timothy Kehoe, David Levine and Michael Woodford
393: Walras' Law and nonoptimal equilibria in overlapping generations models Downloads
S. Aiyagari
385: Organizations in economic analysis Downloads
John H. Boyd, Edward Prescott and Bruce Smith
384: Implementing Bayesian vector autoregressions Downloads
Richard M. Todd
380: Why does inventory investment fluctuate so much? Or: does the stock market dance to its own music? (technical appendix) Downloads
Lawrence Christiano
369: Money does Granger-cause output in the bivariate output-money relation (technical appendix) Downloads
Lawrence Christiano and Lars Ljungqvist
361: A continuous time, general equilibrium, inventory-sales model Downloads
Lawrence Christiano and Martin Eichenbaum
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