ICAE Working Papers
From Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Teresa Griesebner ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact ). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 157: Idiosyncrasies of the oligarchic elite: On the political economy of wealth concentration in Austria

- Stephan Puehringer, Matthias Aistleitner, Lukas Cserjan, Sophie Hieselmayr and Jan Weber
- 156: Dekarbonisierung des Gebaeudesektors als Teil einer sozial-oekologischen Transformation: ein Gestaltungsvorschlag

- Jakob Kapeller, Anna Hornykewycz, Jan David Weber and Lukas Cserjan
- 155: Systemism

- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch and Jakob Kapeller
- 154: Path Dependence

- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch and Jakob Kapeller
- 153: The micro-macro link in heterodox economics

- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch and Jakob Kapeller
- 152: Organizers and promotors of academic competition? The role of (academic) social networks and platforms in the competitization of science

- Stephan Puehringer and Georg Wolfmayr
- 151: Dilemmata marktliberaler Globalisierung. Globale Freiheit durch globalen Wettbewerb?

- Jakob Kapeller and Georg Hubmann
- 150: Competitive Performativity of (Academic) Social Networks. The subjectivation of Competition on ResearchGate, Google Scholar and Twitter

- Stephan Puehringer and Georg Wolfmayr
- 149: Wie viel Wettbewerb wollen wir (uns leisten)? Zur Verwettbewerblichung der Universitaeten in Oesterreich und darueber hinaus

- Stephan Puehringer
- 148: Gendered Competitive Practices in Economics. A Multi-Layer Model of Womens Underrepresentation

- Stephan Puehringer and Theresa Hager
- 147: Endogenous Heterogeneous Gender Norms and the Distribution of Paid and Unpaid Work in an Intra-Household Bargaining Model

- Theresa Hager, Patrick Mellacher and Magdalena Rath
- 146: The three faces of competitization: From marketization to a multiplicity of competition

- Carina Altreiter, Claudius Graebner, Stephan Puehringer, Ana Rogojanu and Georg Wolfmayr
- 145: The charm of emission trading: Ideas of German public economists on economic policy in times of crises

- Rouven Reinke and Laura Porak
- 144: Degrowth and the Global South? How institutionalism can complement a timely discourse on ecologically sustainable development in an unequal world

- Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch and Birte Strunk
- 143: Competing for sustainability? An institutionalist analysis of the new development model of the European Union

- Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch, Anna Hornykewycz and Theresa Hager
- 142: Degrowth and the Global South: the twin problem of global dependencies

- Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch and Birte Strunk
- 141: It's the End of Globalization as We Know It! Zeitgemaesse Betrachtungen zur politischen Oekonomik der Globalisierungskrise

- Christian Reiner
- 140: Hat die oekonomische Macht von Unternehmen in Oesterreich zugenommen?

- Christian Reiner and Christian Bellak
- 139: Development and Interdisciplinarity: re-examining the 'economics silo'

- Matthias Aistleitner
- 138: Investment booms, diverging competitiveness and wage growth within a monetary union: An AB-SFC model

- Bernhard Schuetz
- 137: Winning urban competition with a social agenda. The competition imaginary in Viennese urban development plans

- Carina Altreiter, Susanna Azevedo, Laura Porak, Stephan Puehringer and Georg Wolfmayr
- 136: The Authors of Economics Journals Revisited: Evidence from a Large-Scale Replication of Hodgson and Rothman (1999)

- Matthias Aistleitner, Jakob Kapeller and Dominik Kronberger
- 135: The emergence of debt and secular stagnation in an unequal society: a stockflow consistent agent-based approach

- Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch, Anna Hornykewycz and Bernhard Schuetz
- 134: Elements of an evolutionary approach to comparative economic studies: complexity, systemism, and path dependent development

- Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch
- 133: Is a 10 trillion euro European climate investment initiative fiscally sustainable?

- Rafael Wildauer, Stuart Leitch and Jakob Kapeller
- 132: Zur Pluralitaet der oekonomischen Politikberatung in Deutschland

- Stephan Puehringer
- 131: Standortwettbewerb und Deindustrialisierung: Das Beispiel MAN als Lehrbuchfall

- Jakob Kapeller and Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch
- 130: (Mis)Measuring Competitiveness: The Quantification of a Malleable Concept in the European Semester

- Claudius Graebner-Radkowitsch and Theresa Hager
- 129: A European Wealth Tax for a Fair and Green Recovery

- Rafael Wildauer, Stuart Leitch and Jakob Kapeller
- 128: Competition in Transitional Processes: Polanyi and Schumpeter

- Theresa Hager, Ines Heck and Johanna Rath
- 127: Design and Take-Up of Austria's Coronavirus Short-Time Work Model

- Dennis Tamesberger and Simon Theurl
- 126: Governing the Ungovernable - Recontextualizations of 'Competition' in European Policy Discourse

- Laura Porak
- 125: Competition universalism: Its historical origins and timely alternatives

- Claudius Graebner and Stephan Puehringer
- 124: Decreasing Dependency through Self-Reliance: Strengthening Local Economies through Community Wealth Building

- Julia Eder
- 123: Talking about competition? Discursive shifts in the economic imaginary of competition in public debates

- Stephan Puehringer, Laura Porak and Johanna Rath
- 122: The evolution of debtor-creditor relationships within a monetary union: Trade imbalances, excess reserves and economic policy

- Claudius Graebner, Philipp Heimberger, Jakob Kapeller, Michael Landesmann and Bernhard Schuetz
- 121: The political economy of academic publishing: On the commodification of a public good

- Stephan Puehringer, Johanna Rath and Teresa Griesebner
- 120: Theorizing competition: an interdisciplinary framework

- Carina Altreiter, Claudius Graebner, Stephan Puehringer, Ana Rogojanu and Georg Wolfmayr
- 119: Do the 'smart kids' catch up? Technological capabilities, globalisation and economic growth

- Claudius Graebner, Philipp Heimberger and Jakob Kapeller
- 118: Der 'groesste Trumpf' Europas - Eine Analyse des ‘economic imaginary’ der Europaeischen Kommission

- Laura Porak
- 117: Theorizing Competition. An interdisciplinary approach to the genesis of a contested concept

- Stephan Puehringer, Georg Wolfmayr, Carina Altreiter, Claudius Graebner and Ana Rogojanu
- 116: Special Interest Groups and Growth: A Meta-Analysis of Mancur Olsons Theory

- Theresa Hager
- 115: Das doppelte Reflexionsproblem in der Oekonomik

- Katrin Hirte
- 114: Friedman's Instrumentalismus und das Problem von Kopernikus

- Katrin Hirte
- 113: The emergence of core-periphery structures in the European Union: a complexity perspective

- Claudius Graebner and Jakob Hafele
- 112: Fixing long-term price paths for fossil energy: the optimal incentive for limiting global warming

- Stephan Schulmeister
- 111: How to boost the European Green Deal's scale and ambition

- Rafael Wildauer, Stuart Leitch and Jakob Kapeller
- 110: Exploring the trade (policy) narratives in economic elite discourse

- Matthias Aistleitner and Stephan Puehringer
- 109: Zwischen Meritokratie und Wohlfahrtschauvinismus

- Karl Beyer, Stephan Puehringer and Markus Griesser
- 108: Capability accumulation and product innovation: an agent-based perspective

- Claudius Graebner and Anna Hornykewycz
Papers sorted by number 157 107 57