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From Peterson Institute for International Economics
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PB13-8: Crafting a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: What Can Be Done Downloads
Jeffrey Schott and Cathleen Cimino
PB13-7: The Congress Should Support IMF Governance Reform to Help Stabilize the World Economy Downloads
Edwin Truman
PB13-6: Liquefied Natural Gas Exports: An Opportunity for America Downloads
Gary Hufbauer, Allie E. Bagnall and Julia Muir Muir
PB13-5: From Supervision to Resolution: Next Steps on the Road to European Banking Union Downloads
Nicolas Veron and Guntram Wolff
PB13-4: Reengineering EMU for an Uncertain World Downloads
Angel Ubide
PB13-3: Debt Restructuring and Economic Prospects in Greece Downloads
William Cline
PB13-2: A Blueprint for Rebalancing the Chinese Economy Downloads
Nicholas Lardy and Nicholas Borst
PB13-1: The World Needs a Multilateral Investment Agreement Downloads
Anders Aslund
PB12-25: Currency Manipulation, the US Economy, and the Global Economic Order Downloads
Joseph Gagnon and C. Fred Bergsten
PB12-24: Europe's Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Long Journey Towards Banking Union Downloads
Nicolas Veron
PB12-23: Updated Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates Downloads
William Cline and John Williamson
PB12-22: Hyperinflations Are Rare, but a Breakup of the Euro Area Could Prompt One Downloads
Anders Aslund
PB12-21: How Can Trade Policy Help America Compete? Downloads
Robert Lawrence
PB12-20: Why a Breakup of the Euro Area Must Be Avoided: Lessons from Previous Breakups Downloads
Anders Aslund
PB12-19: Combating Widespread Currency Manipulation Downloads
Joseph Gagnon
PB12-18: The Coming Resolution of the European Crisis: An Update Downloads
C. Fred Bergsten and Jacob Kirkegaard
PB12-17: Southern Europe Ignores Lessons from Latvia at Its Peril Downloads
Anders Aslund
PB12-16: The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Asia-Pacific Integration: Policy Implications Downloads
Peter Petri and Michael Plummer
PB12-15: Restoring Fiscal Equilibrium in the United States Downloads
William Cline
PB12-14: Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2012 Downloads
William Cline and John Williamson
PB12-13: Right Idea, Wrong Direction: Obama’s Corporate Tax Reform Proposals Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Martin Vieiro
PB12-12: Japan Post: Anti-Reform Law Clouds Japan's Entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Julia Muir
PB12-11: Will the World Trade Organization Enjoy a Bright Future? Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Jeffrey Schott
PB12-10: Framework for the International Services Agreement Downloads
Gary Hufbauer, J. Jensen, Sherry Stephenson, Julia Muir and Martin Vierio
PB12-9: US Tire Tariffs: Saving Few Jobs at High Cost Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Sean Lowry
PB12-8: Does Monetary Cooperation or Confrontation Lead to Successful Fiscal Consolidation? Downloads
Tomas Hellebrandt, Adam Posen and Marilyne Tolle
PB12-7: Projecting China's Current Account Surplus Downloads
William Cline
PB12-6: Using US Strategic Reserves to Moderate Potential Oil Price Increases from Sanctions on Iran Downloads
Philip K. Verleger
PB12-5: Interest Rate Shock and Sustainability of Italy's Sovereign Debt Downloads
William Cline
PB12-4: The European Crisis Deepens Downloads
Peter Boone and Simon Johnson
PB12-3: Another Shot at Protection by Stealth: Using the Tax Law to Penalize Foreign Insurance Companies Downloads
Gary Hufbauer
PB12-2: Japan Post: Retreat or Advance? Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Julia Muir
PB12-1: The Coming Resolution of the European Crisis Downloads
C. Fred Bergsten and Jacob Kirkegaard
PB11-22: Oil Exporters to the Euro's Rescue? Downloads
Philip K. Verleger
PB11-21: What Can and Cannot Be Done about Rating Agencies Downloads
Nicolas Veron
PB11-20: The United States Should Establish Normal Trade Relations with Russia Downloads
Anders Aslund and Gary Hufbauer
PB11-19: G-20 Reforms of the International Monetary System: An Evaluation Downloads
Edwin Truman
PB11-18: The Current Currency Situation Downloads
William Cline and John Williamson
PB11-17: Debt Relief for Egypt? Downloads
John Williamson and Mohsin Khan
PB11-16: US Tax Discrimination Against Large Corporations Should Be Discarded Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Martin Vieiro
PB11-15: Sustainability of Greek Public Debt Downloads
William Cline
PB11-14: IFSWF Report on Compliance with the Santiago Principles: Admirable but Flawed Transparency Downloads
Allie Bagnall and Edwin Truman
PB11-13: Europe on the Brink Downloads
Peter Boone and Simon Johnson
PB11-12: Markets vs. Malthus: Food Security and the Global Economy Downloads
Cullen S. Hendrix
PB11-11: Keeping the Promise of Global Accounting Standards Downloads
Nicolas Veron
PB11-10: America’s Energy Security Options Downloads
Trevor Houser and Shashank Mohan
PB11-9: Lessons from the East European Financial Crisis, 2008-10 Downloads
Anders Aslund
PB11-8: What Should the United States Do about Doha? Downloads
Jeffrey Schott
PB11-7: Logistics Reform for Low-Value Shipments Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Yee Wong
PB11-6: Revitalizing the Export-Import Bank Downloads
Gary Hufbauer, Meera Fickling and Woan Foong Wong
Page updated 2024-09-11
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