Policy Briefs
From Peterson Institute for International Economics
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- PB18-24: Impact of Italy’s Draft Budget on Growth and Fiscal Solvency
- Olivier Blanchard, Alvaro Leandro, Silvia Merler and Jeromin Zettelmeyer
- PB18-23: What Might a Trump Withdrawal from the World Trade Organization Mean for US Tariffs?
- Chad Bown and Douglas Irwin
- PB18-22: KORUS Amendments: Minor Adjustments Fixed What Trump Called "Horrible Trade Deal"
- Jeffrey Schott and Euijin Jung
- PB18-21: China and the United States: Trade Conflict and Systemic Competition
- C. Fred Bergsten
- PB18-20: Europe's Search for a Safe Asset
- Jeromin Zettelmeyer and Alvaro Leandro
- PB18-19: QE: A User's Guide
- Joseph Gagnon and Brian Sack
- PB18-18: Sector Gains Are Uneven under 2017 Tax Law
- Thomas Pellet
- PB18-17: How the United States Should Confront China Without Threatening the Global Trading System
- Robert Lawrence
- PB18-16: Vehicular Assault: Proposed Auto Tariffs Will Hit American Car Buyers’ Wallets
- Mary Lovely, Jérémie Cohen-Setton and Euijin Jung
- PB18-15: The European Union’s Proposed Digital Services Tax: A De Facto Tariff
- Gary Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu
- PB18-14: China’s Social Credit System: A Mark of Progress or a Threat to Privacy?
- Martin Chorzempa, Paul Triolo and Samm Sacks
- PB18-13: China’s Forced Technology Transfer Problem—And What to Do About It
- Lee Branstetter
- PB18-12: Trump Tariffs Primarily Hit Multinational Supply Chains, Harm US Technology Competitiveness
- Mary E. Lovely and Yang Liang
- PB18-11: NAFTA Termination: Legal Process in Canada and Mexico
- Tetyana Payosova Payosova, Gary Hufbauer and Euijin Jung
- PB18-10: How to Solve the Greek Debt Problem
- Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Emilios Avgouleas, Barry Eichengreen, Miguel Poiares Maduro, Ugo Panizza, Richard Portes, Beatrice Weder di Mauro and Charles Wyplosz
- PB18-9: IMF Quota and Governance Reform Once Again
- Edwin Truman
- PB18-8: The Case for Raising de minimis Thresholds in NAFTA 2.0
- Gary Hufbauer, Zhiyao Lu and Euijin Jung
- PB18-7: Can a Country Save Too Much? The Case of Norway
- Joseph Gagnon
- PB18-6: Five Reasons Why the Focus on Trade Deficits Is Misleading
- Robert Lawrence
- PB18-5: The Dispute Settlement Crisis in the World Trade Organization: Causes and Cures
- Tetyana Payosova Payosova, Gary Hufbauer and Jeffrey Schott
- PB18-4: Why Has the Stock Market Risen So Much Since the US Presidential Election?
- Olivier Blanchard, Christopher Collins, Mohammad Jahan-Parvar, Thomas Pellet and Beth Anne Wilson
- PB18-3: The New Tax Law’s Impact on Inequality: Minor but Worse if Accompanied by Regressive Spending Cuts
- William Cline
- PB18-2: Earmarked Revenues: How the European Union Can Learn from US Budgeting Experience
- Jacob Kirkegaard
- PB18-1: China Needs Better Credit Data to Help Consumers
- Martin Chorzempa
- PB17-31: Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, November 2017
- William Cline
- PB17-30: Will Corporate Tax Cuts Cause a Large Increase in Wages?
- William Cline
- PB17-29: United States Is Outlier in Tax Trends in Advanced and Large Emerging Economies
- Simeon Djankov
- PB17-28: Tax Overhaul Risks Making the US Tax and Transfer System (Even) More Regressive
- Jacob Kirkegaard
- PB17-27: Will Rising Interest Rates Lead to Fiscal Crises?
- Olivier Blanchard and Jeromin Zettelmeyer
- PB17-26: The Case for an American Productivity Revival
- Lee Branstetter and Daniel Sichel
- PB17-24: Agriculture in the NAFTA Renegotiation
- Cullen S. Hendrix
- PB17-23: Trade Balances and the NAFTA Renegotiation
- C. Fred Bergsten
- PB17-22: NAFTA Renegotiation: US Offensive and Defensive Interests vis-à-vis Canada
- Gary Hufbauer and Euijin Jung
- PB17-21: Steel, Aluminum, Lumber, Solar: Trump's Stealth Trade Protection
- Chad Bown
- PB17-20: The Financial Stability Oversight Council: An Essential Role for the Evolving US Financial System
- Simon Johnson and Antonio Weiss Weiss
- PB17-19: Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2017
- William Cline
- PB17-18: Governance and Ownership of Significant Euro Area Banks
- Nicolas Veron
- PB17-17: How to Make Immigration the Bridge to an Orderly and Timely Brexit
- Jacob Kirkegaard
- PB17-16: The Payoff to America from Globalization: A Fresh Look with a Focus on Costs to Workers
- Gary Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu
- PB17-15: G-7 Economic Cooperation in the Trump Era
- Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Edwin Truman and C. Fred Bergsten
- PB17-14: Corporate Tax Cuts: Examining the Record in Other Countries
- Simeon Djankov
- PB17-13: Do Digital Currencies Pose a Threat to Sovereign Currencies and Central Banks?
- Daniel Heller
- PB17-12: Race to the Top: The Case for the Financial Stability Board
- Nathan Sheets
- PB17-11: Will the Proposed US Border Tax Provoke WTO Retaliation from Trading Partners?
- Chad Bown
- PB17-10: International Financial Cooperation Benefits the United States
- Edwin Truman
- PB17-9: The City of London after Brexit
- Simeon Djankov
- PB17-8: Making the Best of Brexit for the EU-27 Financial System
- Andre Sapir, Dirk Schoenmaker and Nicolas Veron
- PB17-7: US Trade Policy Options in the Pacific Basin: Bigger Is Better
- Jeffrey Schott
- PB17-6: Short-Run Effects of Lower Productivity Growth: A Twist on the Secular Stagnation Hypothesis
- Olivier Blanchard, Guido Lorenzoni and Jean-Paul L'Huillier
- PB17-5: Against the Wind: China's Struggle to Integrate Wind Energy into Its National Grid
- Long Lam, Lee Branstetter and Ines Azevedo