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From Peterson Institute for International Economics
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PB21-22: Digital agreements: What's covered, what's possible Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Megan Hogan
PB21-21: An uneven global rebound will challenge emerging-market and developing economies Downloads
Maurice Obstfeld
PB21-20: Climate policy is macroeconomic policy, and the implications will be significant Downloads
Jean Pisani-Ferry
PB21-19: Another reason to raise the Fed's inflation target: An employment and output boom Downloads
David Reifschneider and David Wilcox
PB21-18: Collateral benefits? South Korean exports to the United States and the US-China trade war Downloads
Mary E. Lovely, David Xu and Yinhan Zhang
PB21-17: RCEP is not enough: South Korea also needs to join the CPTPP Downloads
Jeffrey Schott
PB21-16: The Pandemic's Long Reach: South Korea's Fiscal and Fertility Outlook Downloads
Jacob Kirkegaard
PB21-15: Health and economic outcomes in South Korea and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic Downloads
Euijin Jung and David Wilcox
PB21-14: Assessing potential economic policy responses to genocide in Xinjiang Downloads
Cullen S. Hendrix and Marcus Noland
PB21-13: Can China blunt the impact of new US economic sanctions? Downloads
Mary Lovely and Jeffrey Schott
PB21-12: Overheating debate: Why not in Japan? Downloads
Egor Gornostay and Madi Sarsenbayev
PB21-11: Economic costs and benefits of accelerated COVID-19 vaccinations Downloads
Joseph Gagnon, Steven Kamin and John Kearns
PB21-10: Improving China's participation in resolving developing-country debt problems Downloads
Martin Chorzempa and Adnan Mazarei
PB21-9: Startups in the United States during the pandemic reflect some dynamism amid job losses Downloads
Simeon Djankov and Eva (Yiwen) Zhang
PB21-8: The evolving gender gap in labor force participation during COVID-19 Downloads
Simeon Djankov, Eva (Yiwen) Zhang, Pinelopi Goldberg and Marie Hyland
PB21-7: Does the new fiscal consensus in advanced economies travel to emerging markets? Downloads
Olivier Blanchard, Josh Felman and Arvind Subramanian
PB21-6: The unappreciated trend toward unilateral trade liberalization Downloads
Robert Lawrence
PB21-5: Will industrial and agricultural subsidies ever be reformed? Downloads
Gary Hufbauer
PB21-4: Uncertain prospects for sovereign wealth funds of Gulf countries Downloads
Julien Maire, Adnan Mazarei and Edwin Truman
PB21-3: Sovereign wealth funds are growing more slowly, and governance issues remain Downloads
Julien Maire, Adnan Mazarei and Edwin Truman
PB21-2: Fiscal resiliency in a deeply uncertain world: The role of semiautonomous discretion Downloads
Peter R. Orszag, Robert E. Rubin and Joseph Stiglitz
PB21-1: Raising a caution flag on US financial sanctions against China Downloads
Jeffrey Schott
PB20-17: China's Financial Opening Accelerates Downloads
Nicholas Lardy and Tianlei Huang
PB20-16: Using purchasing power parities to compare countries: Strengths and shortcomings Downloads
Patrick Honohan
PB20-15: Taming the US trade deficit: A dollar policy for balanced growth Downloads
Joseph Gagnon
PB20-14: Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on individual mobility and the importance of socioeconomic factors Downloads
Julien Maire
PB20-13: Sovereign debt relief in the global pandemic: Lessons from the 1980s Downloads
Edwin Truman
PB20-12: Lebanon's monetary meltdown tests the limits of central banking Downloads
Patrick Honohan and Adnan Mazarei
PB20-11: A possible IMF Pandemic Support Facility for emerging-market countries Downloads
Matthew Fisher and Adnan Mazarei
PB20-10: US unemployment insurance in the pandemic and beyond Downloads
Jason Furman
PB20-9: When more delivers less: Comparing the US and French COVID-19 crisis responses Downloads
Jérémie Cohen-Setton and Jean Pisani-Ferry
PB20-8: A new policy toolkit is needed as countries exit COVID-19 lockdowns Downloads
Olivier Blanchard, Thomas Philippon and Jean Pisani-Ferry
PB20-7: Women scaling the corporate ladder: Progress steady but slow globally Downloads
Soyoung Han and Marcus Noland
PB20-6: What might have been: Globalization on the medal stand at the Tokyo Olympics Downloads
Soyoung Han and Marcus Noland
PB20-5: Reviving the potency of monetary policy with recession insurance bonds Downloads
Julia Coronado and Simon Potter
PB20-4: Securing macroeconomic and monetary stability with a Federal Reserve–backed digital currency Downloads
Julia Coronado and Simon Potter
PB20-03: What US strategy gets wrong about China in Africa Downloads
Cullen S. Hendrix
PB20-2: Automatic stabilizers in a low-rate environment Downloads
Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence Summers
PB20-1: Developing Countries Can Help Restore the WTO's Dispute Settlement System Downloads
Anabel González and Euijin Jung
PB19-19: The WTO’s Existential Crisis: How to Salvage Its Ability to Settle Trade Disputes Downloads
Jeffrey Schott and Euijin Jung
PB19-18: Are Central Banks Out of Ammunition to Fight a Recession? Not Quite Downloads
Joseph Gagnon and Christopher Collins
PB19-17: US-China Trade War: Both Countries Lose, World Markets Adjust, Others Gain Downloads
Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
PB19-16: Average Inflation Targeting Would Be a Weak Tool for the Fed to Deal with Recession and Chronic Low Inflation Downloads
David Reifschneider and David Wilcox
PB19-15: The Amazon Is a Carbon Bomb: How Can Brazil and the World Work Together to Avoid Setting It Off? Downloads
Monica de Bolle
PB19-14: Global E-Commerce Talks Stumble on Data Issues, Privacy, and More Downloads
Gary Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu
PB19-13: Hyperinflation in Venezuela: A Stabilization Handbook Downloads
Gonzalo Huertas
PB19-12: Chinese Investments in the US and EU Are Declining—for Similar Reasons Downloads
Jacob Kirkegaard
PB19-11: China, Like the US, Faces Challenges in Achieving Inclusive Growth Through Manufacturing Downloads
Robert Lawrence
PB19-10: Keeping Up with the Future: Upgrading Forecasts of Political Instability and Geopolitical Risk Downloads
Cullen S. Hendrix
PB19-9: The Rise of Global Innovation by US Multinationals Poses Risks and Opportunities Downloads
Lee Branstetter, Britta Glennon and J. Jensen
Page updated 2025-01-20
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