Policy Briefs
From Peterson Institute for International Economics
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- PB17-6: Short-Run Effects of Lower Productivity Growth: A Twist on the Secular Stagnation Hypothesis
- Olivier Blanchard, Guido Lorenzoni and Jean-Paul L'Huillier
- PB17-5: Against the Wind: China's Struggle to Integrate Wind Energy into Its National Grid
- Long Lam, Lee Branstetter and Ines Azevedo
- PB17-4: The Ryan-Brady Cash Flow Tax: Disguised Protection, Exaggerated Revenue, and Increased Inequality
- William Cline
- PB17-3: Border Tax Adjustments: Assessing Risks and Rewards
- Gary Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu
- PB17-2: Lessons for US Business Tax Reform from International Tax Rates
- Gary Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu
- PB17-1: Management and Resolution of Banking Crises: Lessons from Recent European Experience
- Patrick Honohan
- PB16-24: Should the United States Recognize China as a Market Economy?
- Chad Bown
- PB16-23: The US Export-Import Bank Stimulates Exports
- Caroline Freund
- PB16-22: Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, November 2016
- William Cline
- PB16-21: Making US Trade and Investment Policies Work for Global Development
- Robert Lawrence and Terra Lawson-Remer
- PB16-20: Protectionism in the 2016 Election: Causes and Consequences, Truths and Fictions
- Cullen S. Hendrix
- PB16-19: Systemic Implications of Problems at a Major European Bank
- William Cline
- PB16-18: Uneven Progress on Sovereign Wealth Fund Transparency and Accountability
- Sarah E. Stone and Edwin Truman
- PB16-17: What Does Measured FDI Actually Measure?
- Olivier Blanchard and Julien Acalin
- PB16-16: Apple’s Tax Dispute With Europe and the Need for Reform
- Gary Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu
- PB16-15: Increased Trade: A Key to Improving Productivity
- Gary Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu
- PB16-14: The State of Advanced Economies and Related Policy Debates: A Fall 2016 Assessment
- Olivier Blanchard
- PB16-13: The IMF and Euro Area Crises: Review of a Report from the Independent Evaluation Office
- Edwin Truman
- PB16-12: The US-EU Privacy Shield Pact: A Work in Progress
- Gary Hufbauer and Euijin Jung
- PB16-11: Do DSGE Models Have a Future?
- Olivier Blanchard
- PB16-10: Reducing Government Debt Ratios in an Era of Low Growth
- Paolo Mauro and Jan Zilinsky
- PB16-9: Converging on the Medal Stand: Rio 2016 Olympic Forecasts
- Marcus Noland
- PB16-8: Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for the World Trading System
- Jeffrey Schott, Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs and Euijin Jung
- PB16-7: Enhancing Export Opportunities for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
- Caroline Freund, Gary Hufbauer and Euijin Jung
- PB16-6: Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2016
- William Cline
- PB16-5: How Offshoring and Global Supply Chains Enhance the US Economy
- Theodore Moran and Lindsay Oldenski
- PB16-4: Quantitative Easing: An Underappreciated Success
- Joseph Gagnon
- PB16-3: Breaking the Link between Housing Cycles, Banking Crises, and Recession
- Avinash Persaud
- PB16-2: The Case for Growth-Indexed Bonds in Advanced Economies Today
- Olivier Blanchard, Paolo Mauro and Julien Acalin
- PB16-1: The US Phillips Curve: Back to the 60s?
- Olivier Blanchard
- PB15-24: An Assessment of the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement
- Jeffrey Schott, Euijin Jung and Cathleen Cimino
- PB15-23: Toward a European Migration and Mobility Union
- Jacob Kirkegaard
- PB15-22: Pitching a Level Playing Field: Women and Leadership in Sports
- Barbara Kotschwar and Tyler Moran
- PB15-21: World on the Move: The Changing Global Income Distribution and Its Implications for Consumption Patterns and Public Policies
- Tomas Hellebrandt and Paolo Mauro
- PB15-20: Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, November 2015
- William Cline
- PB15-19: Stability Bonds for the Euro Area
- Angel Ubide
- PB15-18: Russia's Economy under Putin: From Crony Capitalism to State Capitalism
- Simeon Djankov
- PB15-17: Chinese Investment and CFIUS: Time for an Updated (and Revised) Perspective
- Theodore Moran
- PB15-16: Do Public Development Banks Hurt Growth? Evidence from Brazil
- Monica de Bolle
- PB15-15: Fiscal Tightening and Economic Growth: Exploring Cross-Country Correlations
- Paolo Mauro and Jan Zilinsky
- PB15-14: Reshoring by US Firms: What Do the Data Say?
- Lindsay Oldenski
- PB15-13: Korea and the TPP: The Inevitable Partnership
- Jeffrey Schott
- PB15-12: From Populist Destabilization to Reform and Possible Debt Relief in Greece
- William Cline
- PB15-11: Hungary under Orbán: Can Central Planning Revive Its Economy?
- Simeon Djankov
- PB15-10: Gains from Harmonizing US and EU Auto Regulations under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
- Caroline Freund and Sarah Oliver
- PB15-9: Too Much Finance, or Statistical Illusion?
- William Cline
- PB15-8: Estimates of Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates, May 2015
- William Cline
- PB15-7: Quantity Theory of Money Redux? Will Inflation Be the Legacy of Quantitative Easing?
- William Cline
- PB15-6: From Rapid Recovery to Slowdown: Why Recent Economic Growth in Latin America Has Been Slow
- Jose De Gregorio
- PB15-5: How Not to Regulate Insurance Markets: The Risks and Dangers of Solvency II
- Avinash D. Persaud