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IOB Discussion Papers

From Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB)
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2010.03: Managing multilaterals’ effectiveness: which way forward? Downloads
Nathalie Holvoet and Koen De Koster
2010.02: The new territorial paradigm of rural development: theoretical foundations from systems and institutional theories Downloads
Mateo Ambrosio-Albalá and Johan Bastiaensen
2010.01: Challenges in impact evaluation of development interventions: opportunities and limitations for randomized experiments Downloads
Jos Vaessen
2009.03: Agrarian reform in the Philippine banana chain Downloads
Joy Hasmin De Los Reyes and Wim Pelupessy
2009.02: The potential and limitations of markets and Payments for Ecosystem Services in agricultural landscape restoration: critical reflections inspired by an assessment of the RISEMP program in Matiguás-Río Blanco, Nicaragua Downloads
Johan Bastiaensen and Gert Van Hecken
2009.01: Monitoring and Evaluation at the sector level: experiences from Joint Sector Reviews in the education sectors of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger Downloads
Nathalie Holvoet and Liesbeth Inberg
2008.09: The inverse relationship between farm size and productivity in rural Rwanda Downloads
An Ansoms, Ann Verdoodt and Eric Van Ranst
2008.08: The bumpy road from Paris to Brussels: the European Commission Governance Incentive Tranche Downloads
Nadia Molenaers and Leen Nijs
2008.07: Rural poverty and livelihood profiles in post-genocide Rwanda Downloads
An Ansoms
2008.06: A green revolution for Rwanda? The political economy of poverty and agrarian change Downloads
An Ansoms
2008.05: Policy dialogue under the new aid approach: which role for medium-sized donors? Theoretical reflections and views from the field Downloads
Robrecht Renard and Nadia Molenaers
2008.04: The local relevance of huuman rights: a methodological approach Downloads
Gaby Oré Aguilar
2008.03: A perilous path to democracy: political transition and authoritarian consolidation in Rwanda Downloads
Marina Rafti
2008.02: The denial of politics in PRSP’s monitoring and evaluation: experiences from Rwanda Downloads
Nathalie Holvoet and Heidy Rombouts
2008.01: Rwanda’s experiment in people’s courts (gacaca) and the tragedy of unexamined humanitarianism: a normative/ethical perspective Downloads
Dadimos Haile
2007.07: “Does the truth pass across the fire without burning?”: transitional justice and its discontents in Rwanda’s gacaca courts Downloads
Bert Ingelaere
2007.06: Living the transition: a bottom-up perspective on Rwanda’s political transition Downloads
Bert Ingelaere
2007.05: Dutch disease in aid-recipient countries: are there medicines to avoid an outbreak? Downloads
Karel Verbeke
2007.04: Civil society participation in poverty reduction processes: who is getting a seat at the pro-poor table? Downloads
Sara Dewachter
2007.03: South Africa’s BIG debate in comparative perspective Downloads
Stefaan Marysse and Joris Verschueren
2007.02: Striving for growth, bypassing the poor? A critical review of Rwanda’s rural sector policies Downloads
An Ansoms
2007.01: Methodological challenges in impact evaluation: the case of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Downloads
Jos Vaessen and David Todd
2006.11: Gender-sensitiveness of Belgian aid discourse and practice at the turn of the century Downloads
Nathalie Holvoet
2006.10: The aid 'darlings' and 'orphans' of the Great Lakes Region in Africa Downloads
Danny Cassimon, An Ansoms and Stefaan Marysse
2006.09: L’aide internationale et la quête élusive du developpement socio-economique au Sénégal Downloads
Robrecht Renard and Nadia Molenaers
2006.08: Political arenas around access to land: a diagnosis of property rights practices in the Nicaraguan interior Downloads
Johan Bastiaensen, Ben D'Exelle and Cécile Famerée
2006.07: Returns on investments during the colonial era: the case of Congo Downloads
Frans Buelens and Stefaan Marysse
2006.06: Civil society participation in fragile states: critical thoughts on the new development paradigm and its implementation Downloads
Heidy Rombouts
2006.05: South Kivu: a sanctuary for the rebellion of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda Downloads
Marina Rafti
2006.04: Théorie consociative et partage du pouvoir au Burundi Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
2006.03: Participation in PRSP processes: conditions for pro poor effectiveness Downloads
Robrecht Renard and Nadia Molenaers
2006.02: Localizing human rights Downloads
Koen De Feyter
2006.01: The cracks in the new aid paradigm Downloads
Robrecht Renard
2005.06: The participation conditionality under Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: the joint staff assessment -experience Downloads
Sara Dewachter
2005.05: Perceived wealth as a poverty measure for constructing a poverty profile: a case study of four villages in rural Tanzania Downloads
Bjorn Van Campenhout
2005.04: Poverty effects from trade liberalisation in Argentina Downloads
Ariel A. Barraud and German Calfat
2005.03: Beyond indifferent players: on the existence of prisoners dilemmas in games with amicable and adversarial preferences Downloads
Andrew W. Horowitz and Renato G. Flôres
2005.02: Putting the new aid paradigm to work: challenges for monitoring and evaluation Downloads
Robrecht Renard and Nathalie Holvoet
2005.01: Dealing with stakeholder values in the evaluation of development programs: a methodological framework for mid term evaluation Downloads
Jos Vaessen
2004.06: Comment mesurer la pauvreté? Une déconstruction méthodologique de l’évolution de la pauvreté monétaire à Kisenso (Kinshasa RDC), 1997-2002 Downloads
Tom De Herdt
2004.05: Decentralization issues in post-conflict Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (preliminary draft) Downloads
Stefaan Marysse
2004.04: Towards a local socio-institutional analysis of anti-poverty interventions: a critical review of methods and researchers Downloads
Tom De Herdt, Johan Bastiaensen and Ben D'Exelle
2004.03: Poverty reduction and local arenas: community level intermediation and exclusion of externally provided resources Downloads
Ben D'Exelle
2004.02: Suivi et évaluation des Projets de Développement Rural dans la Région des Grands Lacs d’Afrique. Leçons tirées des expériences du Burundi en matière de suivi-évaluation des projets agricoles Downloads
Luc D'Haese, P. F. Ndimira and J. Ndimubandi
2004.01: The Rwandan political opposition in exile: a valid interlocutor vis-à-vis Kigali? Downloads
Marina Rafti
2003.07: Rwandan economic involvement in the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo Downloads
Stefaan Marysse and Jeroen Cuvelier
2003.06: Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army: the New Order no one ordered Downloads
Frank Van Acker
2003.05: Civil society participation in Rwanda’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Downloads
Robrecht Renard and Nadia Molenaers
2003.04: Measuring outcome and impact of small development projects: lessons from the evaluation of a training project on low external input agriculture in Guatemala Downloads
Jos Vaessen and Jan De Groot
2003.03: Household matters: on the usefulness of an institutional approach for understanding intrahousehold allocation Downloads
Nathalie Holvoet
2003.02: Nutrition-productivity link and the persistence of poverty Downloads
Tekabe Ayalew
2003.01: Local Agenda 21 and poverty Downloads
Eva Palmans and Stefaan Marysse
2002.08: Breaking with the past? Belgian development co-operation at the turn of the century Downloads
Nathalie Holvoet and Robrecht Renard
2002.07: The international financial institutions andhuman rights: law and practice Downloads
Koen De Feyter
2002.06: Poverty, institutions and interventions: a framework for an institutional analysis of poverty and local anti-poverty interventions Downloads
Johan Bastiaensen, Tom De Herdt and Jos Vaessen
2002.05: Strengthening civil society from the outside? Donor driven consultation and participation processes in Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSP): the Bolivian case Downloads
Nadia Molenaers and Robrecht Renard
2002.04: Possibilities for consumer government actions to support coffee producers Downloads
German Calfat and Renato G. Flôres
2002.03: Besoins de financement de la reconstruction de l’économie congolaise: ampleur et conditions préalables Downloads
Stefaan Marysse and Laurent Luzolele Lola Nkakala
2002.02: Combattre la pauvreté dans le Congo en situation de post-conflict Downloads
Laurent Luzolele Lola Nkakala and Stefaan Marysse
2002.01: The new role of some key peripheral countries after the fall of the Berlin wall: the case of Democratic Republic of Congo Downloads
Stefaan Marysse
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