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Economics of Education Working Paper Series

From University of Zurich, Department of Business Administration (IBW)
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235: Assessing the Value of Incomplete University Degrees: Experimental Evidence from HR Recruiters Downloads
Andrea Diem, Christian Gschwend and Stefan Wolter
234: Minimum Wages in the Apprenticeship Market: Adverse Effects on Labor Demand? Downloads
Michael Doersam and Henrika Langen
233: Works Councils and Apprenticeship Training: Heterogeneous Works Councils, Heterogeneous Effects? Downloads
Kathrin Weis, Samuel Muehlemann and Harald Pfeifer
232: AI Adoption and Workplace Training Downloads
Samuel Muehlemann
231: Environmental Awareness and Occupational Choices of Adolescents Downloads
Patrick Lehnert and Harald Pfeifer
230: Gender Norms, Occupational Choices, and the Innovation Gender Gap Downloads
Andreas F. Buehler, Patrick Lehnert and Uschi Backes-Gellner
229: Locked-in vs. Locked-out: Can Detracked Classes Increase Education Equality? Downloads
Valentina Sontheim
228: Competitive Peers: The Way to Higher Paying Jobs? Downloads
Claudio Schilter, Samuel Luethi and Stefan Wolter
227: Classroom versus workbench: Labour market effects of firm-based learning Downloads
Samuel Luethi
226: When patience pays off - evidence on cultural determinants of post-compulsory education achievement Downloads
Samuel Luethi and Stefan Wolter
225: Firms' training processes and their apprentices' education success Downloads
Pontus af Buren and Jürg Schweri
224: The virtues of going virtual Downloads
Daniel Goller, Chiara Graf and Stefan Wolter
223: Apprenticeship Input Demand Cyclicality of R&D and non-R&D Firms Downloads
Samuel Muehlemann, Gerard Pfann and Harald Pfeifer
222: Classroom rank in math, occupational choices and labor market outcomes Downloads
Enzo Brox, Maddalena Davoli and Maurizio Strazzeri
221: No Graduate Left Behind: Resource Configurations Enabling a Successful Labor Market Entry Downloads
Patricia Palffy, Luc Sandfort, Martin Schneider and Uschi Backes-Gellner
220: Unpacking Financial Literacy in Switzerland: Demographic Heterogeneity, Self-Perception Gaps, and Financial Fragility Downloads
Maddalena Davoli and Uschi Backes-Gellner
219: Minimum Wages and Human Capital Investment: A Meta-Regression Analysis Downloads
Chris Doucouliagos and Katarina Zigova
218: Empowering refugees: The role of comprehensive training programs in labor market integration Downloads
Chiara Zisler, Eric Bettinger and Uschi Backes-Gellner
217: Beggars cannot be choosers: The effect of labor market tightness on hiring standards, wages, and hiring costs Downloads
Carolin Linckh, Samuel Muehlemann and Harald Pfeifer
216: Are parents an obstacle to gender-atypical occupational choices? Downloads
Stefan Wolter and Thea Zoellner
215: Students' grit and their post-compulsory educational choices and trajectories: Evidence from Switzerland Downloads
Janine Albiez, Maurizio Strazzeri and Stefan Wolter
214: The impact of hiring costs for skilled workers on apprenticeship training: A comparative study Downloads
Manuel Aepli, Samuel Muehlemann, Harald Pfeifer, Jürg Schweri, Felix Wenzelmann and Stefan Wolter
213: How Scary is the Risk of Automation? Evidence from a Large Survey Experiment Downloads
Maria A. Cattaneo, Christian Gschwendt and Stefan Wolter
212: Pathways to Prosperity: The Roles of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills in Employer Quality and Early Career Earnings Downloads
Mahdi Gholami and Samuel Muehlemann
211: Intergenerational Mobility of Education in Europe: Geographical Patterns, Cohort-Linked Measures, and the Innovation Nexus Downloads
Sarah McNamara, Guido Neidhoefer and Patrick Lehnert
210: The Effect of Postsecondary Educational Institutions on Local Economies: A Bird's-Eye View Downloads
Patrick Lehnert, Madison Dell, Uschi Backes-Gellner and Eric Bettinger
209: "This time it's different" Generative Artificial Intelligence and Occupational Choice Downloads
Daniel Goller, Christian Gschwendt and Stefan Wolter
208: Reaching for gold! The impact of a positive reputation shock on career choice Downloads
Daniel Goller and Stefan Wolter
206: A, B, or C? Question Format and the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy Downloads
Maddalena Davoli
205: Curriculum Updates in Vocational Education and Changes in Graduates' Skills and Wages Downloads
Andreas F. Buehler, Patrick Lehnert and Uschi Backes-Gellner
204: Opening doors for immigrants: The importance of occupational and workplace-based cultural skills for successful labor market entry Downloads
Chiara Zisler, Damiano Pregaldini and Uschi Backes-Gellner
203: How negative labor supply shocks affect training in firms: Lessons from opening the Swiss-German border Downloads
Caroline Neuber-Pohl, Damiano Pregaldini, Uschi Backes-Gellner, Sandra Dummert and Harald Pfeifer
202: The employment effects of raising negotiated minimum wages for apprentices Downloads
Carolin Links, Caroline Neuber-Pohl and Harald Pfeifer
201: Does Ethnic Diversity in Schools Affect Occupational Choices? Downloads
Damiano Pregaldini, Simone Balestra and Uschi Backes-Gellner
200: Berufliche Bildung als Innovationstreiber: Ein lange vernachlässigtes Forschungsfeld Downloads
Uschi Backes-Gellner and Patrick Lehnert
199: Central Exams and Adult Skills: Evidence from PIAAC Downloads
Lisa Leschnig, Guido Schwerdt and Katarina Zigova
198: The response of public education spending to changes in student cohort sizes Downloads
Samuel Luethi and Maria Zumbuehl
197: What wages do people expect for vocational and academic education backgrounds in Switzerland? Downloads
Maria A. Cattaneo
196: "The double-dividend of training" - Labour market effects of work-related continuous education in Switzerland Downloads
Stefan Denzler, Jens Ruhose and Stefan Wolter
195: Much ado about nothing? School Curriculum Reforms and Students' Educational Trajectories Downloads
Maurizio Strazzeri, Chantal Oggenfuss and Stefan Wolter
194: Apprenticeships Downloads
Uschi Backes-Gellner and Patrick Lehnert
193: How Middle-Skilled Workers Adjust to Immigration: The Role of Occupational Skill Specificity Downloads
Damiano Pregaldini and Uschi Backes-Gellner
192: The Role of Occupational Skill Sets in the Digital Transformation: How IT Progress Shapes Returns to Specialization and Social Skills Downloads
Fabienne Kiener, Christian Eggenberger and Uschi Backes-Gellner
191: Is Technological Change Really Skills-Biased? Firm-level Evidence of the Complementarities between ICT and Workers' Education Downloads
Thomas Bolli and Filippo Pusterla
190: Sitting next to a dropout: Study success of students with peers that came to the lecture hall by a different route Downloads
Daniel Goller, Andrea Diem and Stefan Wolter
189: The Earth is Not Flat: A New World of High-Dimensional Peer Effects Downloads
Aurélien Sallin and Simone Balestra
188: Different degrees of skill obsolescence across hard and soft skills and the role of lifelong learning for labor market outcomes Downloads
Tobias Schultheiss and Uschi Backes-Gellner
187: The Role of Fields of Study for the Effects of Higher Education Institutions on Regional Firm Location Downloads
Tobias Schlegel and Uschi Backes-Gellner
186: Train drain? Access to skilled foreign workers and firms' provision of training Downloads
Maria Esther Oswald-Egg and Michael Siegenthaler
185: Is being competitive always an advantage? Degrees of competitiveness, gender, and premature work contract termination Downloads
Samuel Luethi and Stefan Wolter
Page updated 2025-02-19
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