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CIE Discussion Papers

From University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Industrial Economics
�ster Farimagsgade 5, Building 26, DK-1353 Copenhagen K., Denmark.
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Thomas Hoffmann ().

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2010-02: Targeted Advertising in Magazine Markets Downloads
Ambarish Chandra and Ulrich Kaiser
2010-01: Regulation of Pharmaceutical Prices: Evidence from a Reference Price Reform in Denmark Downloads
Ulrich Kaiser, Susan Mendez and Thomas Rønde
2009-01: Collusion in markets with imperfect price information on both sides Downloads
Christian Schultz
2008-01: Gains and Pains from Contract Research: A Transaction and Firm-level Perspective Downloads
Christoph Grimpe and Ulrich Kaiser
2007-14: Vertically Integrated Firms' Investments in Electricity Generating Capacities Downloads
Anette Boom
2007-13: Transparency and Product Variety Downloads
Christian Schultz
2007-12: Arm’s Length Provision of Public Services Downloads
Morten Bennedsen and Christian Schultz
2007-11: Exports and Productivity: Comparable Evidence for 14 Countries Downloads
Roberto Alvarez, Martin Andersson, Flora Bellone, Loren Brandt, Davide Castellani, Joze Damijan, Jose C. Fariñas, Ana Fernandes, Helmut Fryges, Holger Görg, Sir David Greenaway, Stefanie Haller, Alberto Isgut, Liza Jabbour, Patricio Jaramillo, Sara Johansson, Rasmus Jørgensen, Ulrich Kaiser, Richard Kneller, Crt Kostevc, Ricardo López Rago, Juan A. Mañez, Ana Martin, Patrick Musso, Mirabelle Muûls, Lionel Nesta, Leonhard Pertl, Mauro Pisu, Sašo Polanec, Maria Engracia Rochina Barrachina, Frances Ruane, Juan A. Sanchis Llopis, Stefano Schiavo, Francesco Serti, Chiara Tomasi, Johannes Van Biesebroeck, Joachim Wagner, Antonello Zanfei and Yifan Zhang
2007-10: Leveraging Resistance to Change and the Skunk Works Model of Innovation Downloads
Andrea Fosfuri and Thomas Rønde
2007-09: Restructuring Electricity Markets when Demand is Uncertain: Effects on Capacity Investments, Prices and Welfare Downloads
Anette Boom and Stefan Buehler
2007-08: Do Media Consumers Really Dislike Advertising? An Empirical Assessment of a Popular Assumption in Economic Theory Downloads
Ulrich Kaiser
2007-07: Strategic Assortment Reduction by a Dominant Retailer Strategic Assortment Reduction by a Dominant Retailer Downloads
Anthony Dukes, Tansev Geylani and Kannan Srinivasan
2007-06: In-Store Media and Channel Management Downloads
Anthony Dukes and Yunchuan Liu
2007-05: When Pricing Below Marginal Cost Pays Off: Optimal Price Choice in a Media Market with Upfront Pricing Downloads
Ulrich Kaiser
2007-04: Is Self-Employment Always a Bad Experience? Downloads
Ulrich Kaiser and Nikolaj Malchow-Møller
2007-03: Do Magazines' ”Companion Websites” Cannibalize the Demand for the Print Version? Downloads
Ulrich Kaiser and Hans Christian Kongsted
2007-02: True Versus Spurious State Dependence in Firm Performance: The Case of German Exports Downloads
Ulrich Kaiser and Hans Christian Kongsted
2007-01: The Pulse of Liability of Foreignness: Dynamic Legitimacy and Experience Effects in the German Car Market Downloads
Ulrich Kaiser and Wolfgang Sofka
2006-01: Economic Darwinism Downloads
Birgitte Sloth and Hans Jørgen Whitta-Jacobsen
2005-14: The Principle of Proportionality: Separating the Impact of Dual Class Shares, Pyramids and Cross-ownership on Firm Value Across Legal Regimes in Western Europe Downloads
Morten Bennedsen and Kasper Meisner Nielsen
2005-13: Inside the Family Firm: The Role of Families in Succession Decisions and Performance Downloads
Morten Bennedsen, Kasper Nielsen, Francisco Pérez-González and Daniel Wolfenzon
2005-12: Competition Policy and Innovation Downloads
Peter Møllgaard and Jo Lorentzen
2005-11: Information Exchange, Market Transparency and Dynamic Oligopoly Downloads
Per Overgaard and Peter Møllgaard
2005-10: Advertising and Price Signaling of Quality in a Duopoly with Endogenous Locations Downloads
Philippe Bontems and Valerie Meunier
2005-09: Two at the Top: Quality Differentiation in Markets with Switching Costs Downloads
Thomas Gehrig and Rune Stenbacka
2005-08: Financing of Media Firms: Does Competition Matter? Downloads
Hans Jarle Kind, Tore Nilssen and Lars Sørgard
2005-07: Repeated Signaling Games Downloads
Ayça Kaya
2005-06: Media Concentration and Consumer Product Prices Downloads
Anthony Dukes
2005-05: Local Competition and Impact of Entry by a Dominant Retailer Downloads
Ting Zhu, Vishal Singh and Anthony Dukes
2005-04: Pre-Auction Offers in Asymmetric First-Price and Second-Price Auctions Downloads
Rene Kirkegaard and Per Overgaard
2005-03: Do Women in Top Management Affect Firm Performance? A Panel Study of 2500 Danish Firms Downloads
Nina Smith, Valdemar Smith and Mette Verner
2005-02: Look How Little I’m Advertising! Downloads
Kyle Bagwell and Per Overgaard
2005-01: Labor Pooling in R&D Intensive Industries Downloads
Heiko Gerlach, Thomas Rønde and Konrad Stahl
2004-03: Virtual Capacity and Tacit Collusion Downloads
Christian Schultz
2004-02: Cooperation in International Banking Supervision Downloads
Cornelia Holthausen and Thomas Rønde
2004-01: Project Choice and Risk in R&D Downloads
Heiko Gerlach, Thomas Rønde and Konrad Stahl
2003-06: Resting on Laurels: A Theory of Inertia in Organizations Downloads
Martin Ruckes and Thomas Rønde
2003-05: Outsourcing, Market Structure and Elections Downloads
Morten Bennedsen and Christian Schultz
2003-04: The Competition Law & Economics of Electricity Market Regulation Downloads
Peter Møllgaard and Nielsen Claus Kastberg
2003-03: Entry, Exit, and Imperfect Competition in the Long Run Downloads
Rabah Amir and Val Lambson
2003-02: High-tech clusters, technology spillovers, and trade secret laws Downloads
Andrea Fosfuri and Thomas Rønde
2003-01: Buy-Out Prices in Online Auctions: Multi-Unit Demand Downloads
Rene Kirkegaard and Per Overgaard
2002-12: Exclusive Safeguards and Technology Transfer: Subcontracting Agreements in Eastern Europe's Car Component Industry Downloads
Peter Møllgaard and Jochen Lorentzen
2002-11: Competition Compliance: Limits to Competition Policy Harmonisation in EU Enlargement Downloads
Jochen Lorentzen and Peter Møllgaard
2002-10: Does the New Economy Create Higher Productivity? Downloads
Mogens Dilling-Hansen, Erik Madsen and Valdemar Smith
2002-09: Do R&D Investments Affect Export Performance? Downloads
Valdemar Smith, Erik Madsen and Mogens Dilling-Hansen
2002-08: Are Ownership Structures Risk- & Wealth-Constrained? Downloads
Jørgen Drud Hansen, Camilla Jensen and Erik Madsen
2002-07: The Establishment of the Danish Windmill Industry - Was it Worthwhile? Downloads
Jørgen Drud Hansen, Camilla Jensen and Erik Madsen
2002-06: Meaningful and Measurable Market Domination Downloads
Lisbeth la Cour and Peter Møllgaard
2002-05: Influence Costs in Heterogeneous Cooperatives: A Formal Model of Sales Distortion Downloads
Peter Bogetoft and Henrik B. Olesen
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