GRI Working Papers
From Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by The GRI Administration (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 323: Intellectual property rights protection and the international transfer of low-carbon technologies

- Antoine Dechezleprêtre
- 321: Benchmarks for emissions trading – general principles for emissions scope

- Misato Sato, Karsten Neuhoff, Vera Zipperer
- 320: Exploring the spatial and temporal determinants of gas central heating adoption

- John Curtis Daire McCoy
- 292: Monitoring and punishment networks in a common-pool resource dilemma: experimental evidence

- Alessandro Tavoni
- 291: Understanding interpersonal violence: the impact of temperatures in Mexico

- Fidel Gonzalez Francois Cohen
- 290: To build or not to build? Capital stocks and climate policy

- Elizabeth Baldwin, Yongyang Cai, Karlygash Kuralbayeva
- 289: Energy savings through foreign acquisitions? Evidence from Indonesian manufacturing plants

- Arlan Brucal, Inessa Love, Beata Javorcik
- 285: Income inequality and carbon consumption: evidence from environmental Engel curves

- Lutz Sager
- 284: How do African SMEs respond to climate risks? Evidence from Kenya and Senegal

- Shaikh Eskander
- 283: Cumulative carbon emissions and economic policy: in search of general principles

- Frank Venmans
- 282: The impact of broadband and other infrastructure on the location of new business establishments

- Daire McCoy, Sean Lyons, Edgar Morgenroth, Donal Palcic, Leonie Allen
- 281: The energy costs of historic preservation

- Christian Hilber, Charles Palmer, Edward Pinchbeck
- 280: Geoengineering at the ‘edge of the world’: exploring perceptions of ocean fertilization through the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation

- Mike Hulme Kate Elizabeth Gannon
- 279: The effects of home energy efficiency upgrades on social housing tenants: evidence from Ireland

- Bryan Coyne, Sean Lyons, Daire McCoy
- 278: Uncertainty and ambiguity in environmental economics: conceptual issues

- Geoffrey Heal
- 277: Consumer surplus from energy transitions

- Roger Fouquet
- 276: Energy policy and the power sector in the long run

- Sam Fankhauser Baran Doda
- 275: A theory of gains from trade in multilaterally linked ETSs

- Baran Doda, Simon Quemin, Luca Taschini
- 274: Does choice of drought index influence estimates of drought-induced cereal losses in India?

- Francisco Pereira Fontes, Ashley Gorst, Charles Palmer
- 273: Compliance, Efficiency and Instrument Choice: Evidence from air pollution control in China

- Thomas Stoerk
- 272: Survey sponsor effects on the willingness to pay for mortality risk reductions

- Marcelo Lima
- 271: Discounting and the Representative Median Agent

- Johannes Emmerling
- 270: What drives social contagion in the adoption of solar photovoltaic technology

- Andrea Baranzini, Stefano Carattini, Martin Peclat
- 269: Be who you ought or be who you are? Environmental framing and cognitive dissonance in going paperless

- Greer Gosnell
- 268: Mortality inequality, temperature and public health provision: evidence from Mexico

- Francois Cohen and Antoine Dechezleprêtre
- 267: Economic growth and development with low-carbon energy

- Sam Fankhauser and Frank Jotzo
- 266: Do Energy Efficiency Standards Hurt Consumers? Evidence from Household Appliance Sales

- Arlan Brucal and Michael Roberts
- 265: Methods for strengthening a weak instrument in the case of a persistent treatment

- Michel Berthélemy, Petyo Bonev, Damien Dussaux and Magnus Söderberg
- 264: International patent families: from application strategies to statistical indicators

- Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Yann Ménière and Myra Mohnen
- 263: The cost of adapting to climate change: evidence from the US residential sector

- Francois Cohen, Matthieu Glachant and Magnus Söderberg
- 262: A new approach to an age-old problem: solving externalities by incenting workers directly

- Greer Gosnell, John List and Robert Metcalfe
- 261: Was von Thünen right? Cattle intensification and deforestation in Brazil

- Francisco Pereira Fontes and Charles Palmer
- 260: Valuing predictability

- Antony Millner and Daniel Heyen
- 259: Cooperation in the climate commons

- Stefano Carattini, Simon Levin and Alessandro Tavoni
- 258: Enabling private sector adaptation in developing countries and their semi-arid regions – case studies of Senegal and Kenya

- Florence Crick, Mamadou Diop, Momadou Sow, Birame Diouf, Babacar Diouf, Joseph Muhwanga and Muna Dajani
- 257: Carbon offsets out of the woods? The acceptability of domestic vs. international reforestation programmes

- Andrea Baranzini, Nicolas Borzykowski and Stefano Carattini
- 256: Climate change perception and system of rice intensification (SRI) impact on dispersion and downside risk: a moment approximation approach

- Mintewab Bezabih, Remidius Ruhinduka and Mare Sarr
- 255: Adaptation to climate change

- Sam Fankhauser
- 254: Getting more ‘carbon bang’ for your ‘buck’ in Acre State, Brazil

- Charles Palmer, Luca Taschini and Timothy Laing
- 253: Climate change, development, poverty and economics

- Sam Fankhauser and Nicholas Stern
- 252: Tales from the tails: Sector-level carbon intensity distribution

- Baran Doda
- 251: Estimating the effect of air pollution on road safety using atmospheric temperature

- Lutz Sager
- 250: Asset accounting, fiscal policy and the UK’s oil and gas resources, past and future

- Giles Atkinson and Kirk Hamilton
- 249: A bargaining experiment on heterogeneity and side deals in climate negotiations

- Greer Gosnell and Alessandro Tavoni
- 248: Climate change, heat stress and labour productivity: A cost methodology for city economies

- Hélia Costa, Graham Floater, Hans Hooyberghs, Stijn Verbeke and Koen De Ridder
- 247: How green are economists?

- Stefano Carattini and Alessandro Tavoni
- 246: Renewables, allowances markets, and capacity expansion in energy-only markets

- Paolo Falbo, Cristian Pelizzari and Luca Taschini
- 245: Emission intensity and firm dynamics: reallocation, product mix, and technology in India

- Geoffrey Barrows and Hélène Ollivier
- 244: Energy efficiency gains from trade in intermediate inputs: firm-level evidence from Indonesia

- Michele Imbruno and Tobias Ketterer
- 243: Green taxes in a post-Paris world: are millions of nays inevitable?

- Stefano Carattini, Andrea Baranzini, Philippe Thalmann, Frederic Varone and Frank Vohringer
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