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1234: Optimal Hedging when the Underlying Asset Follows a Regime-switching Markov Process Downloads
Pascal François, Geneviève Gauthier and Frédéric Godin
1233: The Empirical Measure of Information Problems with Emphasis on Insurance Fraud and Dynamic Data Downloads
Georges Dionne
1232: Risk Classification and Health Insurance Downloads
Georges Dionne and Casey Rothschild
1231: Adverse Selection in Insurance Contracting Downloads
Georges Dionne, Nathalie Fombaron and Neil Doherty
1230: Price Stickiness in Customer Markets with Reference Prices Downloads
Nicolas Vincent
1229: Rural Policies, Price Change and Poverty in Tanzania: an Agricultural Household Model-Based Assessment Downloads
Luca Tiberti and Marco Tiberti
1228: Inflation and Growth: a New Keynesian Perspective Downloads
Robert Amano, Thomas Carter and Kevin Moran
1227: Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Labour Market Adjustments in Canadian Manufacturing Industries Downloads
Gabriel Bruneau and Kevin Moran
1226: Comparative Ross Risk Aversion in the Presence of Quadrant Dependent Risks Downloads
Georges Dionne and Jingyuan Li
1225: Pro-poor Growth in Andean Countries Downloads
Abdelkrim Araar
1224: Pay-for-Luck in CEO Compensation: Matching and Efficient Contracting Downloads
Pierre Chaigneau and Nicolas Sahuguet
1223: Do Higher Childcare Subsidies Improve Parental Well-being? Evidence from Québec's Family Policies Downloads
Abel Brodeur and Marie Connolly
1222: Expected Poverty Changes with Economic Growth and Redistribution Downloads
Abdelkrim Araar
1221: Securitization and Optimal Retention under Moral Hazard Downloads
Sara Malekan and Georges Dionne
1220: The First-Order Approach when the Cost of Effort is Money Downloads
Marie-Cecile Fagart and Claude Fluet
1219: Model Implied Credit Spreads Downloads
Gunnar Grass
1218: Globalization and Individual Gains from Trade (revised version) Downloads
Kristian Behrens and Yasusada Murata
1217: Learning and Technology Progress in Dynamic Games Downloads
Leonard Mirman and Marc Santugini
1216: Le financement des services de garde des enfants: effets sur le travail, le revenu des familles, et les finances publiques Downloads
Nicholas-James Clavet and Jean-Yves Duclos
1215: Entry, Imperfect Competition, and Futures Market for the Input Downloads
Georges Dionne and Marc Santugini
1214: An Extension of the Consumption-based CAPM Model Downloads
Georges Dionne, Jingyuan Li and Cedric Okou
1213: The Global Fight against Child Trafficking: How Can It Be Won ? Downloads
Sylvain Dessy, Caroline Orset and Legrand Yémélé Kana
1212: Government Spending, Monetary Policy, and the Real Exchange Rate Downloads
Hafedh Bouakez and Aurélien Eyquem
1211: Comparative Ross Risk Aversion in the Presence of Mean Dependent Risks Downloads
Georges Dionne and Jingyuan Li
1210: Do Political Institutions Affect the Choice of the U.S. Cross-Listing Venue? Downloads
Jean-Claude Cosset, Charles Martineau and Anis Samet
1209: The Effect of Risk Preferences on the Valuation and Incentives of Compensation Contracts Downloads
Pierre Chaigneau
1208: Explaining the Structure of CEO Incentive Pay with Decreasing Relative Risk Aversion Downloads
Pierre Chaigneau
1207: The Optimal Timing of CEO Compensation Downloads
Pierre Chaigneau
1206: Transparency in the Financial System: Rollover Risk and Crises Downloads
Matthieu Bouvard, Pierre Chaigneau and Adolfo de Motta
1205: On the Value of Improved Informativeness Downloads
Pierre Chaigneau
1204: A Review of Recent Theoretical and Empirical Analyses of Asymmetric Information in Road Safety and Automobile Insurance Downloads
Georges Dionnne, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Jean Pinquet
1203: Foreign Direct Investments in Africa's Farmlands: Threat or Opportunity for Local Populations? Downloads
Sylvain Dessy, Gaston Gohou and Désiré Vencatachellum
1202: The Political Economy of Social Inclusion Downloads
Sylvain Dessy, Stephane Pallage and Désiré Vencatachellum
1201: A Reconsideration of Arrow-Lind: Risk Aversion, Risk Sharing, and Agent Choice Downloads
Eric Fesselmeyer, Leonard Mirman and Marc Santugini
1141: A Structural Balance Sheet Model of Sovereign Credit Risk Downloads
Pascal François, Georges Hübner and Jean-Roch Sibille
1140: Bank Leverage Regulation and Macroeconomic Dynamics Downloads
Ian Christensen, Césaire Meh and Kevin Moran
1139: Non-Comparative versus Comparative Advertising of Quality Downloads
Winand Emons and Claude Fluet
1138: Marginal Likelihood for Markov-Switching and Change-Point GARCH Models Downloads
Luc Bauwens, Arnaud Dufays and Jeroen V.K. Rombouts
1137: Risk Classification in Insurance Contracting Downloads
Georges Dionne and Casey Rothschild
1136: Firm-Sponsored Classroom Training: is it Worth it for Older Workers ? Downloads
Benoit Dostie and Pierre Thomas Léger
1135: The Distributional Impacts of a Universal School Reform on Mathematical Achievements: a Natural Experiment from Canada (revised) Downloads
Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan
1134: Comparative Advantage, Service Trade, and Global Imbalances Downloads
Alessandro Barattieri
1133: Estimating Trade and Investment Flows: Partners and Volumes Downloads
Alessandro Barattieri
1132: On Risk Aversion, Classical Demand Theory, and KM Preferences Downloads
Leonard Mirman and Marc Santugini
1131: Strategic Exploitation of a Common Resource under Environmental Risk Downloads
Eric Fesselmeyer and Marc Santugini
1130: Privatization and Globalization: an Empirical Analysis Downloads
Narjess Boubakri, Jean-Claude Cosset, Nassima Debab and Pascale Valéry
1129: Minimum Income Proposal in Québec Downloads
Nicholas-James Clavet, Jean-Yves Duclos and Guy Lacroix
1128: Currency Total Return Swaps: Valuation and Risk Factor Analysis Downloads
Romain Cuchet, Pascal François and Georges Hübner
1127: Reciprocity in Labor Relations: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Long-Term Relationships Downloads
Matthieu Chemin, Joost DeLaat and André Kurmann
1126: The Recent Evolution of Retirement Patterns in Canada Downloads
Pierre Lefebvre, Philip Merrigan and Pierre-Carl Michaud
Page updated 2024-09-14
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