Working Papers
From Universidad de San Andres, Departamento de Economia Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Maria Amelia Gibbons (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 171: Conjugal Trajectories, Family Structures, and Social Vulnerability: A look at three generations of women in the City of Buenos Aires

- María Solana Cucher, María Victoria Rosino, María Florencia Ruiz and Mariano Tommasi
- 170: Latin America and the Caribbean in the first quarter of the 21st century. What should be reformed, what can be reformed, and how to think about it?

- Mariano Tommasi
- 169: The Political Economy of Redistribution and (In)efficiency in Latin America and The Caribbean

- Matías Güizzo Altube, Carlos Scartascini and Mariano Tommasi
- 168: Dishonesty and Public Employment

- Guillermo Cruces, Martín Rossi and Ernesto Schargrodsky
- 167: Incorporating Cultural Context into Safe-Water Interventions: Experimental Evidence from Egypt

- Giulia Buccione and Martín Rossi
- 166: Exchange Rate Regimes 20 years later: The prevalence of floats

- Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Federico Sturzenegger
- 165: The Global Distributive Impact of the US Inflation Shock

- Gautam Nair and Federico Sturzenegger
- 164: Search, Transport Costs, and Labor Markets in South Africa

- Kishan Shah and Federico Sturzenegger
- 163: Discrimination with Inaccurate Beliefs and Confirmation Bias

- Christian Ruzzier and Marcelo Woo
- 162: Impacto de un programa de pensiones no contributivas en la oferta laboral del hogar. El caso de Previência Rural en Brasil

- Claudia Vazquez

- José Santiago Mosquera
- 160: A decomposition method to evaluate the 'paradox of progress' with evidence for Argentina

- Javier Alejo, Leonardo Gasparín, Gabriel Montes Rojas and Walter Sosa Escudero
- 159: RIF Regression via Sensitivity Curves

- Javier Alejo, Gabriel Montes Rojas and Walter Sosa Escudero
- 158: Fiscal Policy, Income Redistribution and Poverty Reduction in Argentina

- Juan Cruz López del Valle, Caterina Brest López, Joaquín Campabadal, Julieta Ladronis, Nora Lustig, Valentina Martínez Pabón and Mariano Tommasi
- 157: Playing Whac-A-Mole in the Fight against Corruption: Evidence from Random Audits in Brazil

- Maximiliano Lauletta, Martín Rossi and Christian Ruzzier
- 156: Useful Results for the Simulation of Non-Optimal Economies with Heterogeneous Agents

- Damian Pierri
- 155: Confinement and Intimate Partner Violence

- María Gibbons, Tommy Murphy and Martín Rossi
- 154: Memory, Multiple Equilibria and Emerging Market Crises

- Damian Pierri and Kevin Reffett
- 153: Short and Long-Run Distributional Impacts of COVID-19 in Latin America

- Nora Lustig, Valentina Martinez Pabon, Guido Neidhöfer and Mariano Tommasi
- 152: Familia y desarrollo humano en el siglo XXI. Revisión de la literatura internacional y algunos apuntes para el caso argentino

- Mariano Tommasi, María Edo and Agustina Thailinger
- 151: Cepo para principantes

- Santiago Mosquera and Federico Sturzenegger
- 150: A Balance-Sheet Approach to Fiscal Sustainability

- Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Federico Sturzenegger
- 149: Sleeping with the Enemy: The Perils of Having the Government On(the)board

- Santiago Barraza, Martín Rossi and Christian Ruzzier
- 148: Intergenerational transmission of lockdown consequences: Prognosis of the longer-run persistence of COVID-19 in Latin America

- Guido Neidhöfer, Nora Lustig and Mariano Tommasi
- 147: Accuracy in Recursive Minimal State Space Methods

- Damian Pierri and Julián Martínez
- 146: The empirical dimension of overborrowing

- Damian Pierri, Gabriel Montes-Rojas and Pablo Mira-Llambi
- 145: The impact of COVID-19 in the allocation of time within couples. Evidence for Argentina

- Victoria Costoya, Lucia Echeverria, María Edo, Ana Rocha and Agustina Thailinger
- 144: The Short-Term Effect of the Paycheck Protection Program on Unemployment

- Santiago Barraza, Martín Rossi and Timothy J. Yeager
- 143: COVID-19 Lockdowns and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Two Studies in Argentina

- Santiago Perez-Vincent, Enrique Carreras, María Gibbons, Tommy Murphy and Martín Rossi
- 142: A Practitioner’s Guide to Efficiency and Competition Policies in Banking - Based on Argentina’s experience 2015-2019

- Horacio Liendo and Federico Sturzenegger
- 141: Audits and Government Hiring Practices

- Maximiliano Lauletta, Martín Rossi and Christian Ruzzier
- 140: Military Conscription, Sexist Attitudes, and Intimate Partner Violence

- María Gibbons and Martín Rossi
- 139: How should Central Banks accumulate reserves?

- Federico Sturzenegger
- 138: Life Cycle, Financial Frictions and Informal Labor Markets: The Case of Chile

- Enrique Kawamura and Damian Pierri
- 137: A Note on Hibernation in a Lockdown

- Federico Sturzenegger
- 136: Productivity differences among firms in Latin American and the Caribbean

- Lucas Figal Garone, Paula A. López Villalba, Alessandro Maffioli and Christian Ruzzier
- 135: Macri´s Macro: The meandering road to stability and growth

- Federico Sturzenegger
- 134: Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Supply of Business Loans

- Santiago Barraza and Andrea Civelli
- 133: When You Can't Tube... Impact of a Major Youtube Outage on Rapes

- María Gibbons and Martín Rossi
- 132: The Long-Term Effect of Military Conscription on Personality and Beliefs

- Gabriela Ertola Navajas, Paula López Villalba, Martín Rossi and Antonia Vazquez
- 131: Determinants of Budget Projection Errors in Latin America and the Caribbean

- Jorge Baldrich, Israel Fainboim and Mario Pessoa
- 130: Following the Poppy Trail: Causes and Consequences of Mexican Drug Cartels

- Tommy Murphy and Martín Rossi
- 129: JUE Insight: The Unintended Effect of Argentina’s Subsidized Homeownership Lottery Program on Intimate Partner Violence

- Bruno Cardinale Lagomarsino and Martín Rossi
- 128: Fundamentals and Optimal Institutions: The case of US sports leagues

- Martín González Eiras, Nikolaj A. Harmon and Martín Rossi
- 127: Self-Perpetuation of Political Power: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Argentina

- Martín Rossi
- 126: Police-Monitored Cameras and Crime

- Ignacio Munyo and Martín Rossi
- 125: Peer Pressure and Externalities: Evidence from a field experiment

- Bruno Cardinale Lagomarsino, Matias Gutman, Lucia Freira, María Lanzalot, Maximiliano Lauletta, Leandro Malchik, Felipe Montaño Campos, Bianca Pacini, Martín Rossi and Christian Valencia
- 124: The Impact of Restrictions to Export on Production: A synthetic controls approach

- Martín Rossi, Ezequiel Garcia Lembergman and Rodolfo Stucchi
- 123: Diferencias Educativas entre Escuelas Privadas y Públicas en Argentina

- Facundo Albornoz, Melina Furman, María Eugenia Podestá, Paula Razquin and Pablo Ernesto Warnes
- 122: Importing After Exporting

- Facundo Albornoz and Ezequiel Garcia Lembergman
Papers sorted by number 171 121 71