Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS)
From School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Cara Liggins (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 15-19: Take it or leave it: Experimental evidence on the effect of time-limited offers on consumer behaviour
- Robert Sugden, Mengjie Wang and Daniel Zizzo
- 15-18: Efficiency versus equality in real-time bargaining with communication
- Fabio Galeotti, Maria Montero and Anders Poulsen
- 15-17: Overbidding and heterogeneous behavior in contest experiments: A comment on the endowment effect
- Subhasish Chowdhury and Peter Moffatt
- 15-16: A self-funding reward mechanism for tax compliance
- Enrique Fatas, Daniele Nosenzo, Martin Sefton and Daniel Zizzo
- 15-15: Social competition in low-information Cournot markets
- Enrique Fatas, Antonio Morales and Ainhoa Jaramillo-Gutiérrez
- 15-14: Identity, language, and conflict: An experiment on ethno-linguistic diversity and group discrimination in two bilingual societies
- Maria Paz Espinosa, Enrique Fatas and Paloma Ubeda
- 15-13: Characterising competitive equilibrium in terms of opportunity
- Robert Sugden
- 15-12: Do consumers take advantage of common pricing standards? An experimental investigation
- Robert Sugden and Jiwei Zheng
- 15-11: Real time tacit bargaining, payoff focality, and coordination complexity: Experimental evidence
- Wolfgang Luhan, Anders Poulsen and Michael Roos
- 15-10: Heterogeneity in risk attitudes across domains: A bivariate random preference approach
- Anna Conte, Peter Moffatt and Mary Riddel
- 15-09: Identity and group conflict
- Subhasish Chowdhury, Joo Young Jeon and Abhijit Ramalingam
- 15-08: Why are heterogeneous communities inefficient? Theory, history, and an experiment
- David Hugh-Jones and Carlo Perroni
- 15-07: Discovering user recreational values for local public services: Attitudes and perspectives regarding a country park’s facilities
- Michael Brock and Charles Lester
- 15-06: Putting Bambi in the firing line: Applying moral philosophy to environmental and economic attitudes to deer culling
- Michael Brock
- 15-05: Does it matter which effort task you use? A comparison of four effort tasks when agents compete for a prize
- Emanuela Lezzi, Piers Fleming and Daniel Zizzo
- 15-04: Authority and centrality: Power and cooperation in social dilemma networks
- Boris van Leeuwen, Abhijit Ramalingam, David Rojo Arjona and Arthur Schram
- 15-03: Resources for conflict: Constraint or wealth?
- Kyung Baik, Subhashish M. Chowdhury and Abhijit Ramalingam
- 15-02: Social information 'nudges': An experiment with multiple group references
- Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Abhijit Ramalingam and David Rojo Arjona
- 15-01: Bargaining under surveillance: Evidence from a three-person ultimatum game
- Lauri Sääksvuori and Abhijit Ramalingam
- 14-10: An individualistic approach to institution formation in public good games
- Abhijit Ramalingam, Sara Godoy, Antonio Morales and James Walker
- 14-09: Gender differences in the giving and taking variants of the dictator game
- Subhasish Chowdhury, Joo Young Jeon and Bibhas Saha
- 14-08: The role of conferences on the pathway to academic impact: Evidence from a natural experiment
- Fernanda de Leon and Ben McQuillin
- 14-07: Stake size and the power of focal points in coordination games: Experimental evidence
- Melanie Parravano and Odile Poulsen
- 14-06: Heterogeneity in preferences towards complexity
- Peter Moffatt, Stefania Sitzia and Daniel Zizzo
- 14-05: Health information, treatment, and worker productivity: Experimental evidence from malaria testing and treatment among Nigerian sugarcane cutters
- Andrew Dillon, Jed Friedman and Pieter Serneels
- 14-04: Reminders, payment method and charitable giving: evidence from an online experiment
- Axel Sonntag and Daniel Zizzo
- 14-03: Keep Up With the Winners: Experimental Evidence on Risk Taking, Asset Integration, and Peer Effects
- Marcel Fafchamps, Bereket Kebede and Daniel Zizzo
- 14-02: Institutional Authority and Collusion
- Axel Sonntag and Daniel Zizzo
- 14-01: A Triple Test for Behavioral Economics Models and Public Health Policy
- Ryota Nakamura, Marc Suhrcke and Daniel Zizzo
- 13-11r: Group size and matching protocol in contests
- Kyung Baik, Subhasish Chowdhury and Abhijit Ramalingam
- 13-10: Unstructured Bargaining over an Endogenously Produced Surplus and Fairness Ideals: An Experiment
- Wolfgang Luhan, Odile Poulsen and Michael Roos
- 13-09: Incomplete Punishment Networks in Public Goods Games: Experimental Evidence
- Andreas Leibbrandt, Abhijit Ramalingam, Lauri Sääksvuori and James Walker
- 13-08-r: ‘Doggedness’ or ‘disengagement’? An experiment on the effect of inequality in endowment on behaviour in team competitions
- Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Abhijit Ramalingam, Siddharth Ramalingam and Brock Stoddard
- 13-07: On the Robustness of Emotions and Behavior in a Power-to-Take Game Experiment
- Fabio Galeotti
- 13-06: Altruism, Anticipation, and Gender
- Subhasish Chowdhury and Joo Young Jeon
- 13-05: Search Costs in Consumer Product Choice: Does Delaying the Provision of Information increase Choice Efficiency?
- Axel Sonntag
- 13-04: Experimenter Demand Effects and Altruism towards the Experimenter
- Piers Fleming and Daniel Zizzo
- 13-03: Efficiency and Fairness in Revenue Sharing Contracts
- Alexandros Karakostas, Axel Sonntag and Daniel Zizzo
- 13-02-r: How Salient is an Equal but Inefficient Outcome in a Coordination Situation? Some Experimental Evidence
- Zoe Bett, Anders Poulsen and Odile Poulsen
- 13-01: Private provision of public goods in a second-best world: Cap-and-trade schemes limit green consumerism
- Grischa Perino
- 12-06: A Popperian test of level-k theory
- Shaun Hargreaves Heap, David Rojo Arjona and Robert Sugden
- 12-05: The behavioural economist and the social planner: To whom should behavioural welfare economics be addressed?
- Robert Sugden
- 12-04: Income effect and altruism
- Subhashish Chowdhury and Joo Young Jeon
- 12-03: Trust and trustworthiness with singleton groups
- Fabio Galeotti and Daniel Zizzo
- 12-02: Are tax-financed contributions to a public good completely crowded-out? Experimental evidence
- Timothy Gronberg, Andrew Luccasen, Theodore Turocy and John van Huyck
- 12-01: Inducing natural group identity: A RDP analysis
- Daniel Zizzo
- 11-15: Do dictator games measure altruism?
- Daniel Zizzo
- 11-14: Reservation values and regret in laboratory first price auctions: Context and bidding behavior
- Elizabeth Watson and Theodore Turocy
- 11-12: Envy and agricultural innocation: An experimental case study from Ethiopia
- Bereket Kebede and Daniel Zizzo
- 11-11: Emotions and chat in a financial markets experiment
- Shaun Hargreaves Heap and Daniel Zizzo
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