ULB Institutional Repository
From ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Benoit Pauwels (bpauwels@ulb.ac.be). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2013/10141: Federal policies and local economies: Europe and the U.S
- Mario Forni and Lucrezia Reichlin
- 2013/10139: A measure of co-movement for economic variables: theory and empirics
- Christophe Croux, Mario Forni and Lucrezia Reichlin
- 2013/10137: Coincident and leading indicators for the Euro area
- Lucrezia Reichlin, Mario Forni, Marc Hallin and Marco Lippi
- 2013/10133: The generalised dynamic factor model: consistency and rates
- Mario Forni, Marc Hallin, Marco Lippi and Lucrezia Reichlin
- 2013/10131: A core inflation indicator for the Euro area
- Riccardo Cristadoro, Mario Forni, Lucrezia Reichlin and Giovanni Veronese
- 2013/10129: The generalised dynamic factor model: one sided estimation and forecasting
- Mario Forni, Marc Hallin, Marco Lippi and Lucrezia Reichlin
- 2013/10127: VARs, common factors and the empirical validation of equilibrium business cycle models
- Domenico Giannone, Lucrezia Reichlin and Luca Sala
- 2013/10123: Luxembourg, assessment of the gender perspective in the Luxembourg reform programme for employment, EGGE Network, DG Employment
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10121: Luxembourg, assessment of the gender perspective in the national action plan for social inclusion
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10119: Luxembourg, reconciliation of work and private life; EGGE Network, DG Employment
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10117: Luxembourg, the gender pay gap: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10111: Luxembourg, assessment of the national action plan for social inclusion from a gender perspective: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10109: Luxembourg, assessment of the national action plan for employment from gender perspective
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10107: Luxembourg, the gender wage gap: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10105: Belgium, the gender wage gap: country report
- Danièle Meulders and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10103: Impact assessment of the European employment strategy in Belgium
- Salimata Sissoko, Robert Plasman and Thierry Lallemand
- 2013/10101: France, state of the art report: country report
- Salimata Sissoko and Robert Plasman
- 2013/10099: Belgium, state of the art report: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10097: France, initial survey of policies report: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10095: Belgium, initial survey of policies report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10093: Luxembourg, the cost of non-equality: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10091: Belgium, analysis of policy context and policies
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10089: France, analysis of policy context and policies
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10087: Luxembourg, making work pay debates from a gender perspective: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10085: Luxembourg assessment of the national action plan for employment from a gender perspective: country report
- Robert Plasman and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10083: Why are inequalities so unequal ?a panel study of the gender pay gap in Europe
- Amynah Gangji, Kristian Orsini and Salimata Sissoko
- 2013/10047: Les méthodes de la réforme: une approche politico-économique
- Micael Castanheira
- 2013/10045: Réformes et mondialisation: exploiter la diversité
- Micael Castanheira
- 2013/10043: Workbook to accompany political economics: explaining economic policy
- Micael Castanheira, Isabelle Brocas, Ronny Razin and David Strömberg
- 2013/10027: La politique de l'union européenne en faveur des régions moins favorisées: théorie et pratique
- Micael Castanheira and Georges Siotis
- 2013/10025: Political economy of growth: lessons learned and challenges ahead
- Micael Castanheira and Hadi Esfahani
- 2013/10023: Regions in Europe: Sisyphus or Phoenix?
- Micael Castanheira and Georges Siotis
- 2013/10021: Economie politique de la taxation
- Micael Castanheira and Christian Valenduc
- 2013/10019: How to gain political support for reforms?
- Micael Castanheira, Stéphane Carcillo, Vincenzo Galasso, Giuseppe Nicoletti, Enrico Perotti and Lidia Tsyganok
- 2013/10017: Structural reforms without prejudice
- Micael Castanheira, Tito Boeri, Riccardo Faini and Vincenzo Galasso
- 2013/10015: Les positions politiques des partis belges
- Micael Castanheira and Abdul Noury
- 2013/10013: Réformer sans tabous: 10 questions pour la Belgique de demain
- Micael Castanheira and Jean Hindriks
- 2013/10011: The optimal speed of transition: a general equilibrium analysis
- Micael Castanheira and Gérard Roland
- 2013/10009: Victory margins and the paradox of voting
- Micael Castanheira
- 2013/10007: Public finance and the optimal speed of transition
- Micael Castanheira
- 2013/10005: Why vote for losers?
- Micael Castanheira
- 2013/9981: The world development report on investing in health: summary and comments
- Ariane Chapelle and Médecins sans frontières Belgium
- 2013/9979: Ownership and control in Belgium
- Ariane Chapelle and Marco Becht
- 2013/9971: The virtues of operational risk management
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9969: Regards sur la Banque mondiale
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9967: Andersen consulting: Delphi study on the banking sector:the Belgian case
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9961: Corporate control in Belgium
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9959: La réforme du ratio Cooke: l'avancée des travaux
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9957: The impact of Basle II on internal auditing
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9955: Book review: Les obligations:notions financières essentielles by B. Colmant, V. Delfosse and L. Esch
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9953: Book review: Too sensational on the choice of exchange rate regime by M. Corden
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9951: Book review: Balance of paiements and exchange rate theories by N. Miller
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9949: Editorial
- Ariane Chapelle and Marek Hudon
- 2013/9947: Shareholding cascades: the separation of ownership and control in Belgium
- Ariane Chapelle, Marco Becht and Luc Renneboog
- 2013/9943: Block investments and the race for corporate control in Belgium
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9941: Separation between ownership and control: where do we stand?
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9935: The virtue of operational risk management
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9933: Corporate governance en Belgique: l'effet des pyramides
- Ariane Chapelle
- 2013/9931: Le risque opérationnel: implications de l'Accord de Bâle pour le secteur financier
- Ariane Chapelle, Georges Hübner and Jean-Philippe Peters
- 2013/9919: The millennium development goals and the efficiency of aid
- Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9917: La huella ecológica de la ciudad de Cochabamba
- Vincenzo Verardi, Pablo Prado and Wilma Gamboa
- 2013/9915: Estimating the direct costs of social conflicts: road blockings in Bolivia
- Vincenzo Verardi and Bruno De Borger
- 2013/9905: Redistributing income under fiscal vertical imbalance
- Laurent Bouton, Marjorie Gassner and Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9903: Stardust over Paris gastronomic restaurants
- Vincenzo Verardi, Olivier Gergaud and Linett Montano-Guzman
- 2013/9901: Análisis espacial del precio de oferta de la vivienda en el área metropolitana de Cochabamba
- Elda Collazos, Wilma Gamboa, Pablo Prado and Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9897: Le capital social à la lumière de la cohésion sociale: dialectique d'un questionnement
- Rebecca Cardelli, Christine Ruyters and Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9895: Electoral systems, racial tension and decentralization
- Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9893: Electoral systems and corruption
- Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9891: Electoral systems and environmental commitments
- Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9887: Electoral systems and income inequality
- Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9883: Human development and electoral systems
- Marjorie Gassner, Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros and Vincenzo Verardi
- 2013/9873: A survey of failure prediction models offered by vendors with an application to Belgian data
- Patrick Van Roy and Janet Mitchell
- 2013/9863: Vocabulaire de l'économie en Belgique
- Patrick Van Roy and Hervé Broquet
- 2013/9833: Antidumping law as a collusive device
- Maurizio Zanardi
- 2013/9831: Anti-dumping: What are the numbers to discuss at Doha?
- Maurizio Zanardi
- 2013/9829: Anti-dumping and anti-trust: trade and competition policy
- Maurizio Zanardi and Ian Wooton
- 2013/9827: Development policy lending, conditionality and ownership: a dynamic agency model perspective
- Alberto Paloni and Maurizio Zanardi
- 2013/9825: Can conditionality improve borrower ownership?
- Maurizio Zanardi and Alberto Paloni
- 2013/9823: The IMF, World Bank and policy reform
- Maurizio Zanardi and Alberto Paloni
- 2013/9821: Antidumping: a problem in international trade
- Maurizio Zanardi
- 2013/9819: What explains the proliferation of antidumping laws
- Hylke Vandenbussche and Maurizio Zanardi
- 2013/9811: Evaluation des actions en faveur des demandeurs d'emploi soutenues par le Fonds Social Européen en Wallonie (y compris le Hainaut) et dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (pour ce qui concerne les compétence de la Commission communautaire française) dans le cadre du DOCUP Objectif 1 (sous-axes 3.2 et 3.3), du Programme Opérationnel Objectif 3 et de l'Initiative Communautaire Emploi (programmation 1994-1999): rapport final
- Patrick Feltesse, E. Moro, Michael Rusinek, Corinne Soudan, Bernard Fusulier, Danièle Meulders and Robert Plasman
- 2013/9805: Indicators on gender pay equality: the Belgian presidency's report
- Anne Plasman, Robert Plasman, Michael Rusinek and Francois Rycx
- 2013/9803: Indicateurs d'inégalité salariale: rapport final
- Anne Plasman, Francois Rycx, Michael Rusinek, Valter Cortese, Estelle Krezslo, Adinda Vanheerswynghels and Robert Plasman
- 2013/9789: Formations cofinancées par le FSE: quel est l'impact de mener une formation jusqu'à son terme?
- Robert Plasman, Astrid Romain, Michael Rusinek and Corinne Soudan
- 2013/9787: Abandon des formations professionnelles: quelles en sont les causes?
- Robert Plasman, Michael Rusinek and Corinne Soudan
- 2013/9785: La régionalisation de la négociation salariale en Belgique: vraie nécessité ou faux débat
- Robert Plasman, Michael Rusinek and Ilan Tojerow
- 2013/9779: Evaluation des actions en faveur des demandeurs d'emploi soutenues par le FSE en Wallonie et à Bruxelles
- Patrick Feltesse, Robert Plasman and Michael Rusinek
- 2013/9777: Wages and the bargaining regime under multi-level bargaining: Belgium, Denmark and Spain
- Robert Plasman, Michael Rusinek and Francois Rycx
- 2013/9727: Quality provision in the European postal market
- Mathias Dewatripont and Patrick Legros
- 2013/9725: Managing university complexity
- Mathias Dewatripont, Françoise Thys-Clément and Luc Wilkin
- 2013/9723: Economie de marché, état et éducation
- Mathias Dewatripont
- 2013/9719: Politiques internes et redéfinition de l'espace européen
- Mathias Dewatripont
- 2013/9717: Commission impossible
- Mathias Dewatripont, Marco Becht and Philippe Weil
- 2013/9715: Quel rôle pour l'Etat dans une économie de marché?
- Mathias Dewatripont
- 2013/9713: Quel rôle pour l'Etat dans une économie de marché?
- Mathias Dewatripont
- 2013/9711: Théorie de la régulation économique à vol d'oiseau
- Mathias Dewatripont and Peter Praet
- 2013/9709: Faut-il introduire des clauses de renégotiation dans les contrats de travail ?
- Mathias Dewatripont and Peter Praet
- 2013/9707: Durée du travail: évolution autonome et politique économique
- Mathias Dewatripont
- 2013/9705: Contracten, incentives en het reveleren van informatie
- Mathias Dewatripont and Patrick Bolton
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