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2013/7696: Working time, women and low wages in Belgium
Danièle Meulders, Maria Jepsen and Isabelle Terraz
2013/7654: Book review of Frontiers of business cycle research Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7652: [Book review of] Economic and monetary union in Europe: Moving Beyond Maastricht Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7650: Comment on A forecasting equation for the Canada-US dollar exchange rate Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7648: Hidden unemployment: a search theoretic interpretation Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7646: The duration of unemployment as a signal Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7644: The correlation of productivy growth across regions and industries in the U.S Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7642: Consumption, real exchange rates and the structure of international asset markets Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7640: Incomplete asset markets and the cross-country consumption correlation puzzle Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7638: Endogenous fertility in a model with non-dynastic parental preferences Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7636: The cyclical behavior of market ups in U.S. manufacturing and trade: new empirical evidence based on a model of optimal storage Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7634: U.S. trade balance dynamics: the role of fiscal policy and productivity shocks and of financial market linkages Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7632: Explaining international comovements of output and asset returns: the role of money and nominal rigidities Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7630: The exchange rate in a dynamic-optimizing business cycle model with nominal rigidities: a quantitative investigation Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7628: Monetary policy rules in the open economy: effects of welfare and business cycles Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7626: Welfare effects of a monetary union: the role of trade openness Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7624: Macroeconomic effects of nominal exchange rate regimes: new insights into the role of price dynamics Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7622: A dynamic general equilibrium model of international portfolio holding: comment Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7620: Welfare maximizing operational monetary and tax policy rules Downloads
Robert Kollmann
2013/7604: Approximation of stop-loss premiums involving sums of lognormals by conditioning on two variables Downloads
Michèle Vanmaele, Griselda Deelstra and Jan Liinev
2013/7602: Optimal design of the guarantee for defined contribution funds Downloads
Griselda Deelstra, Martino Grasselli and Pierre-François Koehl
2013/7600: Pricing of arithmetic basket options by conditioning Downloads
Griselda Deelstra, Jan Liinev and Michèle Vanmaele
2013/7598: Optimal investment strategies in the presence of a minimum guarantee Downloads
Griselda Deelstra, Martino Grasselli and Pierre-François Koehl
2013/7596: Dual formulation of the utility maximisation problem under transaction costs Downloads
Griselda Deelstra, Huyên Pham and Nizar Touzi
2013/7594: Optimal investment strategies in a CIR framework Downloads
Griselda Deelstra, Martino Grasselli and Pierre-François Koehl
2013/7592: Yield option pricing in the generalized Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model Downloads
Griselda Deelstra
2013/7590: Long-term returns in stochastic interest rate models: applications Downloads
Griselda Deelstra
2013/7588: Conditional dominance criteria:definition and application to risk-management Downloads
Griselda Deelstra, Martino Grasselli and Pierre-François Koehl
2013/7586: Interaction between asset liability management and risk theory Downloads
Griselda Deelstra and Jacques Janssen
2013/7584: Convergence of discretised stochastic interest rate: processes with stochastic drift term Downloads
Griselda Deelstra and Freddy Delbaen
2013/7582: Long-term returns in stochastic interest rate models: different convergence results Downloads
Griselda Deelstra and Freddy Delbaen
2013/7580: Long-term returns in stochastic interest rate models: convergence in law Downloads
Griselda Deelstra and Freddy Delbaen
2013/7578: Long-term returns in stochastic interest rate models Downloads
Griselda Deelstra and Freddy Delbaen
2013/7576: Remarks on Boundary crossing Downloads
Griselda Deelstra
2013/7574: Remarks on the methodology introduced by Goovaerts et al Downloads
Griselda Deelstra and Freddy Delbaen
2013/7548: The Anosov theorem for flat generalized Hantzsche-Wendt manifolds
Bram De Rock, Karel Dekimpe and Wim Malfait
2013/7546: The Nielsen numbers of Anosov diffeomorphisms on flat Riemannian manifolds
Bram De Rock, Karel Dekimpe and Wim Malfait
2013/7544: The Anosov theorem for infra-nilmanifolds with an odd order abelian holonomy group
Bram De Rock, Karel Dekimpe and Hannes Pouseele
2013/7542: The Anosov relation for Nielsen numbers of maps of infra-nilmanifolds
Bram De Rock, Karel Dekimpe and Wim Malfait
2013/7540: The Anosov theorem for infra-nilmanifolds with cyclic holonomy group
Bram De Rock, Karel Dekimpe and Wim Malfait
2013/7536: Analyzing cost efficient production behavior under economies of scope: a nonparametric methodology
Bram De Rock, Laurens Cherchye and Frederic Vermeulen
2013/7440: Les déterminants économiques de l'instabilité politique: une analyse empirique pour l'Afrique
Khalid Sekkat and Abdul Noury
2013/7438: Improving governance to reap the benefit from openness in the MENA
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7436: Monnaie unique et commerce européen
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7434: Infrastructure publique et localisation des entreprises à Bruxelles et en Wallonie
Khalid Sekkat, Didier Baudewyns and Mohammed Ben Ayad
2013/7432: Commerce avec les pays du sud et chômage de long terme en Europe
Khalid Sekkat, Mathias Dewatripont and Andre Sapir
2013/7428: Régime de change et commerce international: le cas du système monétaire européen
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7426: Le marché du travail dans la Communauté Européenne
Khalid Sekkat, Pierre J. Blaise and Pierre Desmarez
2013/7424: Efficacité du secteur public et marché du travail des managers
Khalid Sekkat and Gérard Roland
2013/7422: Croissance économique et intervention publique: vers un rôle plus sélectif de la politique économique
Khalid Sekkat and Françoise Thys-Clément
2013/7420: Politique industrielle et filières de production
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7418: Approches transsectorielles du transnational
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7414: Réglementation et concurrence imparfaite: quelques exemples
Khalid Sekkat and Mathias Dewatripont
2013/7406: Competition and efficiency: a cross countries analysis
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7404: Competition, efficiency and competition policy in Morocco
Khalid Sekkat and Lahcen Achy
2013/7400: Globalization, employment and income distribution in Developing Countries: Morocco
Khalid Sekkat and Lahcen Achy
2013/7398: Copyright industries in Morocco
Khalid Sekkat and Lahcen Achy
2013/7396: The impact of the single market and the single currency on foreign direct investment in the European Union
Khalid Sekkat and Olivia Galgau
2013/7394: Product market integration and the EU exposure to euro/dollar fluctuations
Khalid Sekkat, Adriaan Dierx and Fabienne Ilzkovitz
2013/7392: The sensitivity of European sectors to exchange rate fluctuations
Khalid Sekkat and Michel Fouquin
2013/7390: Product market integration in the EU: an overview
Khalid Sekkat, Adriaan Dierx and Fabienne Ilzkovitz
2013/7388: Macroeconomic policy and structural reform: a conflict between stabilisation and flexibility?
Khalid Sekkat, Marco Buti, Carlos Martinez-Mongay and Paul Van den Noord
2013/7386: Should intra-Arab trade increase?
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7384: Réussir le partenariat euro-méditerranéen: réformes économiques et coopération Sud-Sud
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7382: Policy reform and export competitiveness
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7380: Trade and jobs in Europe: introduction
Khalid Sekkat, Mathias Dewatripont and Andre Sapir
2013/7378: Labour Market Effects of Trade with LDCs in Europe
Mathias Dewatripont, Andre Sapir and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7376: Life cycle consumption and liquidity constraints: an empirical analysis at the EC level
Khalid Sekkat, Françoise Thys-Clément and Denise Van Regemorter
2013/7374: Market socialism and the managerial labor market
Khalid Sekkat and Gérard Roland
2013/7372: Institutional quality and trade: which institutions? Which trade?
Khalid Sekkat and Pierre-Guillaume Méon
2013/7370: Openness, investment climate and FDI in Developing countries
Khalid Sekkat and Marie-Ange Véganzonès
2013/7368: Opening up telecommunications to competition and MENA integration in the world economy
Khalid Sekkat, Carlos Maria Rossotto and Aristomene Varoudakis
2013/7364: Does corruption grease or sand the wheels of growth?
Pierre-Guillaume Méon and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7362: Measuring total-factor agricultural productivity under drought conditions: the case of Morocco
Khalid Sekkat and Azzeddine Azzam
2013/7358: Economic obstacles to expanding intra-African trade
Roberto Longo and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7356: The sources of growth in Morocco: an empirical analysis in a regional perspective
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7354: Automatic fiscal stabilisers in EMU: a conflict between efficiency and stabilization? Downloads
Khalid Sekkat, Marco Buti, Carlos Martinez-Mongay and Paul Van den Noord
2013/7350: Stabilization policy and business cycle phases in Europe: a Markov switching VAR analysis
Khalid Sekkat, Michel Beine and Bertrand Candelon
2013/7348: The impact of trade and exchange-rate policy reforms on North African manufactured exports
Khalid Sekkat and Aristomene Varoudakis
2013/7346: Political cycles, fiscal deficits and output spillovers in Europe
Andre Sapir and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7344: On the aggregate impact of exchange rate variability on the EU trade
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7342: Exchange rate management and manufactured exports in Sub-Saharan Africa
Khalid Sekkat and Aristomene Varoudakis
2013/7340: Managerial career concerns, privatization and restructuring in transition economies
Gérard Roland and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7338: Politique des taux de change et exportations de produits manufacturiers en Afrique Sub-Saharienne
Khalid Sekkat and Aristomene Varoudakis
2013/7336: Optimum electoral areas: should Europe adopt a single election day?
Andre Sapir and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7332: Regional integration among the Maghreb countries and free trade with the European union: a challenge for both sides of the mediterranean
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7330: Intégration intra-régionale et libre-échange avec l'Europe: quel choix pour les pays du Maghreb?
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7326: What future for European growth?
Khalid Sekkat and Andre Sapir
2013/7324: Optimal exchange rate stabilization in the DM-zone: a revealed preference approach
Jean Mercenier and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7322: Strategic bargaining and vertical separation
Bruce R. Lyons and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7320: Producer opportunism in retailing contracts
Mathias Dewatripont and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7318: L'analyse de causalité comme méthode de détermination des filières industrielles
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7316: Competition and efficiency in the Arab world
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7312: Vertical relationships and the firm in the global economy
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7310: European integration and the functioning of product markets
Khalid Sekkat, Adriaan Dierx and Fabienne Ilzkovitz
2013/7306: The effect of the 1992 Europe on African exports to the EEC
Khalid Sekkat and Abdeslam Marfouk
2013/7304: Money stock targeting and money supply: an intertemporal optimization approach, with an application to Canada
Jean Mercenier and Khalid Sekkat
2013/7302: Filières de production: revue de la littérature et comparaison avec la théorie néo-classique
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7298: Les relations verticales inter-entreprises: objectifs et instruments
Khalid Sekkat
2013/7296: Multilingualism Downloads
Victor Ginsburgh
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