WIDER Working Paper Series
From World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Siméon Rapin (repec@wider.unu.edu). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- wp-2010-095: Between Past and Future of Latin America: Lessons from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic

- Eliana Cardoso
- wp-2010-094: Firm Exit and Armed Conflict in Colombia

- Adriana Camacho and Catherine Rodriguez
- wp-2010-093: Inequality, Income and Poverty: Comparative Global Evidence

- Augustin Fosu
- wp-2010-092: Income Distribution and Growth's Ability to Reduce Poverty: Evidence from Rural and Urban African Economies

- Augustin Fosu
- wp-2010-091: European Transition at Twenty: Assessing Progress in Countries and Sectors

- Erik Berglof, Lise Bruynooghe, Heike Harmgart, Peter Sanfey, Helena Schweiger and Jeromin Zettelmeyer
- wp-2010-090: The Economic Legacy of Civil War: Firm Level Evidence from Sierra Leone

- Paul Collier and Marguerite Duponchel
- wp-2010-089: Country Role Models: Synthesis of Ireland, Japan and Switzerland

- Ronald Findlay
- wp-2010-088: The Swedish Model

- Ari Kokko
- wp-2010-087: Foundations of Minority Communities: Resident Koreans in Japan

- David Rands
- wp-2010-086: The Impact of Multiple Imputation of Coarsened Data on Estimates on the Working Poor in South Africa

- Claire Vermaak
- wp-2010-085: Elites and Institutional Persistence

- James Robinson
- wp-2010-084: Why Are the Elite in China Motivated to Promote Growth?

- Xiaowei Zang
- wp-2010-083: The Long-Run Weight of Communism or the Weight of Long-Run History?

- Gérard Roland
- wp-2010-082: Elite Capture or Capture Elites? Lessons from the 'Counter-elite' and 'Co-opt-elite' Approaches in Bangladesh and Ghana

- Sam Wong
- wp-2010-081: Two for the Price of One? The Contribution to Development of the New Female Elites

- Alison Wolf
- wp-2010-080: ICT Sector, Globalization and Urban Economic Growth: Evidence from Bangalore (India)

- M. R. Narayana
- wp-2010-079: Globalizing Shanghai: International Migration and the Global City

- Wei Shen
- wp-2010-078: Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission-Based Productivity Change and Industrialization in Post-Reform China

- Shiyi Chen and Amelia Santos-Paulino
- wp-2010-077: When Unstable, Growth Is Less Pro-Poor

- Patrick Guillaumont and Catherine Korachais
- wp-2010-076: Subjective Poverty and Reference-Dependence: Income over Time, Aspirations and Reference Groups

- Carolina Castilla
- wp-2010-075: Misuse of Institutions: Lessons from Transition

- Leonid Polishchuk
- wp-2010-074: Poverty and Time

- Walter Bossert, Satya Chakravarty and Conchita D'Ambrosio
- wp-2010-073: Empirical Issues in Lifetime Poverty Measurement

- Michael Hoy, Brennan Thompson and Buhong Zheng
- wp-2010-072: Measuring the Effect of Spell Recurrence on Poverty Dynamics

- Jose Arranz and Olga Cantó
- wp-2010-071: On Some Problems of Variable Population Poverty Comparisons

- Nicole Hassoun and Sreenivasan Subramanian
- wp-2010-070: Globalization and Exclusionary Urban Growth in Asian Countries

- Amitabh Kundu and Debolina Kundu
- wp-2010-069: How Production Firms Adapt to War: The Case of Liberia

- Topher McDougal
- wp-2010-068: Entrepreneurship and Human Development: A Capability Approach

- Thomas Gries and Wim Naudé
- wp-2010-067: Globalizing Households and Multi-ethnic Community Building in Japan

- Chihiro Ishii
- wp-2010-066: Health and the Urban Transition: Effects of Household Perceptions, Illness, and Environmental Pollution on Clean Water Investment

- James H. Spencer
- wp-2010-065: Into the Void: Governing Finance in Central and Eastern Europe

- Katharina Pistor
- wp-2010-064: Moderating Urbanization and Managing Growth: How Can Colombo Prevent the Emerging Chaos?

- Ranjith Dayaratne
- wp-2010-063: The New Grand Bourgeoisie under Post-Communism: Central Europe, Russia and China Compared

- Ivan Szelenyi
- wp-2010-062: Reform and Inequality during the Transition: An Analysis Using Panel Household Survey Data, 1990-2005

- Branko Milanovic and Lire Ersado
- wp-2010-061: The Excluded Poor: How Targeting Has Left out the Poor in Peripheral Cities in the Philippines

- Michael P. Canares
- wp-2010-060: The Travails of Unification: East Germany's Economic Transition since 1989

- Charles S. Maier
- wp-2010-059: Twenty Years Later and the Socialist Heritage is still Kicking: The Case of Russia

- Gur Ofer
- wp-2010-058: Fiscal Decentralization and Urbanization in Indonesia

- Margherita Comola and Luiz de Mello
- wp-2010-057: Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and a Global Economic Crisis

- Thomas Gries and Wim Naudé
- wp-2010-056: Women and Landed Property in Urban India: Negotiating Closed Doors and Windows of Opportunity

- Bipasha Baruah
- wp-2010-055: Ethnic Entrepreneurs and Collective Violence: Assessing Spatial Variations in Anti-Chinese Rioting within Jakarta during the May 1998 Riots

- Suranjan Weeraratne
- wp-2010-054: Entrepreneurship and the National System of Innovation: What is Missing in Turkey?

- Elif Bascavusoglu-Moreau
- wp-2010-053: Central Asia after Two Decades of Independence

- Richard Pomfret
- wp-2010-052: Foreign Banks and Credit Volatility: The Case of Latin American Countries

- Meriem Haouat, Diego Moccero and Ramiro Sosa Navarro
- wp-2010-051: The Challenges of Global Environmental Change for Urban Africa

- David Simon
- wp-2010-050: The Tangled Web of Associational Life: Urban Governance and the Politics of Popular Livelihoods in Nigeria

- Kate Meagher
- wp-2010-049: Passage, Profit, Protection and the Challenge of Participation: Building and Belonging in African Cities

- Loren B. Landau
- wp-2010-048: Is There Such a Thing as a Post-Apartheid City?

- Bill Freund
- wp-2010-047: Concepts and Operationalization of Pro-Poor Growth

- Mario Negre
- wp-2010-046: The Allocation of Entrepreneurial Talent and Destructive Entrepreneurship

- Mark Sanders and Utz Weitzel
- wp-2010-045: Urban Development Transitions and their Implications for Poverty Reduction and Policy Planning in Uganda

- Paul Isolo Mukwaya, Hannington Sengendo and Shuaib Lwasa
- wp-2010-044: A Phoenix in Flames?: Portfolio Choice and Violence in Civil War in Rural Burundi

- Eleonora Nillesen and Philip Verwimp
- wp-2010-043: Infrastructure and Poverty Reduction: Implications for Urban Development in Nigeria

- Taiwo Peace Ogun
- wp-2010-042: Cityness and African Urban Development

- Edgar Pieterse
- wp-2010-041: Transition in Southeast Europe: Understanding Economic Development and Institutional Change

- Milica Uvalic
- wp-2010-040: The Great Transformation 1989-2029: Could It Have Been Better? Will It Be Better?

- Grzegorz W. Kolodko
- wp-2010-039: Identity and Space on the Borderland between Old and New in Shanghai: a Case Study

- Deljana Iossifova
- wp-2010-038: Civil Society, Institutional Change and the Politics of Reform: The Great Transition

- László Bruszt, Jan Fidrmuc, Gérard Roland and Nauro Campos
- wp-2010-037: Urbanization and the South Asian Enigma: A Case Study of India

- Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis and K. S. James
- wp-2010-036: The (Evolving) Role of Agriculture in Poverty Reduction

- Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery and Jesper Kühl
- wp-2010-035: Drivers of Poverty Reduction in Lagging Regions: Evidence from Rural Western China

- Luc Christiaensen, Lei Pan and Sangui Wang
- wp-2010-034: A Model of Destructive Entrepreneurship

- Sameeksha Desai, Zoltan Acs and Utz Weitzel
- wp-2010-033: Innovation and Dynamism: Interaction between Systems and Technical Progress

- János Kornai
- wp-2010-032: Transition, Structural Divergence, and Performance: Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union over 2000-2007

- Giovanni Cornia
- wp-2010-031: Twenty Years of Political Transition

- Daniel Treisman
- wp-2010-030: The Face of Urban Poverty: Explaining the Prevalence of Slums in Developing Countries

- Ben C. Arimah
- wp-2010-029: Agglomeration Index: Towards a New Measure of Urban Concentration

- Hirotsugu Uchida and Andrew Nelson
- wp-2010-028: Urban Myths and the Mis-use of Data that Underpin Them

- David Satterthwaite
- wp-2010-027: Parsing the Urban Poverty Puzzle: A Multi-generational Panel Study in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas, 1968-2008

- Janice E. Perlman
- wp-2010-026: Evolving City Systems

- Henry Overman and Anthony Venables
- wp-2010-025: The Legacy Effect of Squatter Settlements on Urban Redevelopment

- Ignacio A. Navarro and Geoffrey K. Turnbull
- wp-2010-024: Suburbanization and Residential Desegregation in South Africa's Cities

- Wim Naudé
- wp-2010-023: Solid Wastes, Poverty and the Environment in Developing Country Cities: Challenges and Opportunities

- Martin Medina
- wp-2010-022: Infrastructure and City Competitiveness in India

- Somik V. Lall, Hyoung Gun Wang and Uwe Deichmann
- wp-2010-021: Building Sustainable Historic Centres: A Comparative Approach for Innovative Urban Projects

- Adriana Rabinovich and Andrea Catenazzi
- wp-2010-020: Urban Violence Is not (Necessarily) a Way of Life: Towards a Political Economy of Conflict in Cities

- Dennis Rodgers
- wp-2010-019: Dar es Salaam as a 'Harbour of Peace' in East Africa: Tracing the Role of Creolized Urban Ethnicity in Nation-State Formation

- Deborah Fahy Bryceson
- wp-2010-018: Violent Urbanization and Homogenization of Space and Place: Reconstructing the Story of Sectarian Violence in Beirut

- Nasser Yassin
- wp-2010-017: The Gendered Nature of Asset Accumulation in Urban Contexts: Longitudinal Results from Guayaquil, Ecuador

- Caroline Moser and Andrew Felton
- wp-2010-016: Firm-Level Corruption in Vietnam

- John Rand and Finn Tarp
- wp-2010-015: The Demographic Transformation of Post-Socialist Countries: Causes, Consequences, and Questions

- Elizabeth Brainerd
- wp-2010-014: Measuring the Business Environment for Entrepreneurship in Fragile States

- Chiara Guglielmetti
- wp-2010-013: The Long Road to Normalcy: Where Russia Now Stands

- Vladimir Popov
- wp-2010-012: Urban Settlement: Data, Measures, and Trends

- David E. Bloom, David Canning, Günther Fink, Tarun Khanna and Patrick Salyer
- wp-2010-011: The United Arab Emirates: Some Lessons in Economic Development

- Yaw Nyarko
- wp-2010-010: Development Strategies: Lessons from the Experiences of South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam

- Haider Khan
- wp-2010-009: Non-state Sovereign Entrepreneurs and Non-territorial Sovereign Organizations

- Jurgen Brauer and Robert Haywood
- wp-2010-008: Conflict and Entrepreneurial Activity in Afghanistan: Findings from the National Risk Vulnerability Assessment Data

- Tommaso Ciarli, Saeed Parto and Maria Savona
- wp-2010-007: Development Progress in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Botswana, Ghana, Mauritius and South Africa

- Wim Naudé
- wp-2010-006: Entrepreneurial Activity and Civil War in Colombia: Exploring the Mutual Determinants between Armed Conflict and the Private Sector

- Angelika Rettberg, Ralf J. Leiteritz and Carlo Nasi
- wp-2010-005: Globalization and the Emergence of a Transnational Oligarchy

- Elise Brezis
- wp-2010-004: Economic Adversity and Entrepreneurship-led Growth: Lessons from the Indian Software Sector

- Suma Athreye
- wp-2010-003: Importance of Technological Innovation for SME Growth: Evidence from India

- M. H. Bala Subrahmanya, M. Mathirajan and K. N. Krishnaswamy
- wp-2010-002: Global Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites

- William Robinson
- wp-2010-001: The Triple Crisis and the Global Aid Architecture

- Tony Addison, Channing Arndt and Finn Tarp
- RP2009-56: Post-Apartheid South Africa: An Economic Success Story?

- Mats Lundahl and Lennart Petersson
- RP2009-55: Brazil's Growth Performance: Achievements and Prospects

- Luiz de Mello
- RP2009-54: Country Role Models for Development Success: The Case of Costa Rica

- Alberto Trejos
- RP2009-53: Is that Innovation?: Assessing Examples of Revitalized Economic Dynamics among Clusters of Small Producers in Northern Vietnam

- Jaap Voeten, Job de Haan and Gerard de Groot
- RP2009-52: Incubators as Tools for Entrepreneurship Promotion in Developing Countries

- Semih Akçomak
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