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Social Protection Discussion Papers and Notes

From The World Bank
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193886: Connecting Social Protection, Labor Market Interventions and Fisheries Management in Viet Nam Downloads
Gianluigi Nico, Thanh Hai Nguyen, Annabelle Bladon, Anna Ducros and Nga Thi Nguyen
193764: Management Practices, Firm Performance, and Work-life Balance in Turkiye Downloads
Laurent Loic Yves Bossavie, Erkan Duman, Aysenur Acar Erdogan, Mattia Makovec and Sirma Demir Seker
193099: Minimum Income and Social Inclusion Pathways – A review ofselected European Union programs Downloads
Marta Serena Liliana Marzi, Alessandra Marini, Ludovica Cherchi and Francesco Cenedese
192987: Safety Nets in Contexts of Violence, Fragility and Forced Displacement: The Case of Burkina Faso and Cameroon Downloads
Anne Chartron Della Guardia, Milli May Lake and Mira Saidi
192986: Advancing Crisis-Resilient Social Protection Through a Hybrid Social Protection Scheme in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Fareeha Adil and Melis U. Guven
192603: Opportunities for Linking Fisheries Management and Social Protection in Solomon Islands Downloads
Anita Ellen Kendrick, Vincenzo Vinci, Xavier F. P. Vincent, Fiona J. Howell and Son H. Nguyen
192601: Supporting Sustainability in Kenya’s Fisheries through Social Protection and Labor Market Interventions Downloads
Kevwe Sylvester Pela, Samantha Ashley De Martino, Federica Ricaldi and David William Japp
192485: Integrating Social Protection with Fisheries Management for Sustainability: Overview of Country Case Studies Downloads
Yuko Okamura, Annabelle Bladon, Gunilla Tegelskär Greig and Gianluigi Nico
192484: Exploring Alternatives for the Economic Inclusion of Low-Income, Artisanal Fisher Communities in Costa Rica: Case Study of Artisanal Fishing and Mollusk Gathering Communities in Puerto Cortés and Golfo Dulce Downloads
Martha Janneth Sanchez Galvis and Luz Rodriguez-Novoa
191318: Social Protection and Jobs for Climate Change Challenges: Current Practice and Future Opportunities Downloads
Cecilia Valentina Costella, Elham Shirin Shabahat, Nian Sadiq and Yuko Okamura
191207: Cash or In-Kind Transfers: Do Outcomes Vary According to Transfer Modality? Downloads
World Bank
191206: Can Safety Nets Reduce Gender-Based Violence? How? Downloads
Alessandra Heinemann and Palak Rawal
191205: Evidence Briefs on Cash Transfers: Overview and Ten Key Messages Downloads
Ioana Alexandra Botea, Aline Coudouel, Alessandra Heinemann, Stephanie Anne Kuttner and Palak Rawal
191203: Cash Transfer Payment Mechanisms: Do Outcomes Vary According to Payment Mechanism? Downloads
World Bank
191202: Cash Transfer Size: How Much Is Enough? Downloads
World Bank
191201: Cash Transfer Timing: How Transfer Duration and Frequency Contribute to Outcomes Downloads
World Bank
190908: The Gig Economy and the Future of Work: Global Trends and Policy Directions for Non-Standard Forms of Employment Downloads
Ramy Yasser Mohamed Zeid, Dana Jasmine Alrayess, Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad, Mehmet Ali Soytas and Nayib Rivera Guivas
189993: Scaling up Social Assistance Where Data is Scarce: Opportunities and Limits of Novel Data and AI Downloads
Yuko Okamura, Tim Julian Ohlenburg and Emil Daniel Tesliuc
189759: Labor Market Integration of Refugees in Germany: New Lessons After the Ukrainian Crisis Downloads
Maddalena Honorati, Mauro Testaverde and Elisa Totino
188471: Social Protection and Labor Market Policies for the Informally Employed: A Review of Evidence from Low- and Middle-Income Countries Downloads
Yashodhan Ghorpade, Camila Franco Restrepo and Luis Eduardo Castellanos Rodriguez
185701: The Impact of the August 2021 Earthquake in Haiti: Evidence from the Social Registry’s Shock Module Downloads
Pascal Jean Edouard Jaupart, Aditi Kharb, Ailo Klara Manigat, Caroline Anne Isabelle Tassot and Cornelia M. Tesliuc
185112: Pathways toward digitalization in Social Protection and Labor (SPL) service delivery Downloads
Christina Louise Lowe, Iamele P. Rigolini, Lucia Solbes Castro and Francesca Adele Bastagli
184975: Novissi Togo - Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Deliver Shock-Responsive Social Protection Downloads
Cina Lawson, Morlé Koudeka, Ana Lucia Cardenas Martinez, Luis Inaki Alberro Encinas and Tina George Karippacheril
184762: Constraints to Digital Financial Inclusion of Beneficiaries of PSARA Cash Transfer Program in Haiti - A Demand-side Analysis and Recommendations Downloads
World Bank
184035: How to Design a Grievance Mechanism that Responds to Gender-Based Violence?: Learningfrom South Sudan Downloads
Palak Rawal
183612: Tracking Global Social Protection Responses to Inflation - Living Paper v. 5 Downloads
Ugo Gentilini, Mohamed Bubaker Alsafi Almenfi, Hrishikesh TMM Iyengar, Giorgia Valleriani, Yuko Okamura, Emilio Raul Urteaga, Sheraz Aziz, Mohammad Farid Al Azim Bin Noruzi and Margret Chu
183577: Tracking Social Protection Responses to Inflation: Living Paper V. 5 Downloads
Ugo Gentilini, Mohamed Bubaker Alsafi Almenfi, Hrishikesh Tirumala Madabushi Matam I, Yuko Okamura, Emilio Raul Urteaga, Giorgia Valleriani, Jimmy Vulembera Muhindo, Sheraz Aziz and Margret Chu
183525: Productive Inclusion Programs in Urban Africa Downloads
Jorge Eduardo Avalos, Thomas Bossuroy, Timothy Joseph Peter Clay and Puja Vasudeva Dutta
183521: Social Protection in a World of Crisis: Learning from the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemicin Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus Downloads
World Bank, Sarah Coll-Black, Cornelius Claus Von Lenthe and Stefanie Koettl-Brodmann
181798: Une Approche de Priorité au Numérique pour les Transferts Monétaires d'Urgence:Programme STEP-KIN en République Démocratique du Congo Downloads
Anit Nath Mukherjee, Laura Ximena Bermeo Rojas, Yuko Okamura, Jimmy Vulembera and Paul G. A. Bance
181666: Social Protection Program Spending and Household Welfare in Ghana Downloads
Dhushyanth Raju, Stephen D. Younger and Christabel Ewuradjoa Dadzie
180967: Childcare Arrangements for Low-Income Families: Evidence from Low and Middle-Income Countries Downloads
Alisa Katharina Arif Currimjee, Jem Heinzel-Nelson Alvarenga Lima and Sara Troiano
180033: Linking Humanitarian Cash Assistance and National Social Protection Systems: Flagship Report Downloads
Corinna Kreidler, Sophie Battas, Karin Seyfert and Mira Saidi
178842: Tracking Global Social Protection Responses to Inflation - Living paper v. 4 Downloads
Ugo Gentilini, Mohamed Bubaker Alsafi Almenfi, Hrishikesh Tirumala Madabushi Matam I, Giorgia Valleriani, Yuko Okamura, Emilio Raul Urteaga and Sheraz Aziz
178312: Delivering Affordable, Quality Childcare in Bangladesh: Policy Lessons from a Global Review Downloads
Fahmina Rahman and Anmol Kamra
178128: Affordable Childcare: A Needs Assessment of Low-income Mothers and Childcare Providers inUrban Bangladesh Downloads
Fahmina Rahman Dutta and Anmol Kamra
177854: My Skills, My Career Superpowers: How Skillcraft Helps Jobseekers to Self-assess, Identify and Develop Skills for Jobs in South Africa Downloads
World Bank
177340: Guiding Social Protection Targeting Through Satellite Data in São Tomé and Príncipe Downloads
Peter Simonsen Fisker, Jordi Jose Gallego-Ayala, David Malmgren Hansen, Thomas Pave Sohnesen and Edmundo Murrugarra
177338: Digitizing Cash Transfers to Remote Rural Populations: Challenges and Solutions from theExperience of Zambia Downloads
Emma Sameh Wadie Hobson, Craig Patrick Kilfoil and Andrea Martin
176300: Tracking Global Social Protection Responses to Price Shocks: Living Paper v.3 Downloads
Ugo Gentilini, Mohamed Bubaker Alsafi Almenfi, Hrishikesh Tirumala Madabushi Matam I, Yuko Okamura, Emilio Raul Urteaga, Giorgia Valleriani and Sheraz Aziz
176248: Forewarned, but not Forearmed?: Lessons for the Recent Floods in Pakistan from 2010 Downloads
Yashodhan Ghorpade
173060: Tracking Social Protection Responses to Displacement in Ukraine and Other Countries Downloads
Ugo Gentilini, Mohamed Bubaker Alsafi Almenfi, Hrishikesh Tirumala Madabushi Matam I, Yuko Okamura, Emilio Raul Urteaga, Giorgia Valleriani, Jimmy Vulembera Muhindo and Sheraz Aziz
172379: Adapting Social Protection to FCV and Insecurity - The Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo Downloads
World Bank
171201: Tracking Global Social Protection Responses to Price Shocks: Living Paper v.2 (Vol. 2) Downloads
Ugo Gentilini, Mohamed Bubaker Alsafi Almenfi, Hrishikesh Tirumala Madabushi Matam I, Yuko Okamura, Emilio Raul Urteaga, Giorgia Valleriani, Jimmy Vulembera Muhindo and Sheraz Aziz
170803: Enhancing Workers’ Protection in Jordan Downloads
Friederike Uta Rother, Carole Chartouni, Javier Sanchez-Reaza, Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca and Belal N. Y Fallah
170802: Voluntary Savings Schemes to Protect Informal Workers in Jordan Downloads
Friederike Uta Rother, Carole Chartouni, Javier Sanchez-Reaza, Ernesto Ariel Brodersohn Ostrovich and Montserrat Pallares-Miralles
170158: Cash in the City: The Case of Port-au-Prince Downloads
Olivia Severine D'Aoust, Julius Gunneman, Karishma Vijay Patel and Caroline Anne Isabelle Tassot
168061: Tracing Labor Market Outcomes of Technical and Vocational Training Graduates in Saudi Arabia: A Study on Graduates from the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC): التقني والمهني في المملكةالعربية السعودي ة: دراسة بشأن خريجي مؤسسة التعلي م والتدريب التقني والمهني (TVTC) نايب ريفيرا ومهتابو ل عزام ومحمد إحسان أجواد Downloads
Nayib Rivera Guivas, Mehtabul Azam and Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad
167319: Early Lessons from Social Protection and Jobs Response to COVID-19 in Middle East andNorth Africa (MENA) Countries Downloads
Alex Kamurase and Emma Schwirck Willenborg
160059: Intent to Implementation: Tracking India’s Social Protection Response to COVID-19 Downloads
Shrayana Bhattacharya and Sutirtha Sinha Roy
Page updated 2024-10-09
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