From University Library of Munich, Germany
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- 0201004: An Integrated Model of Market and Limit Orders
- Sugato Chakravarty and Craig Holden
- 0201003: Stealth-Trading: Which Traders' Trades Move Stock Prices?
- Sugato Chakravarty
- 0201001: Pricing Convertible Bonds with Interest Rate, Equity, Credit and FX Risk
- Ali Bora Yigitbasioglu
- 0112003: An Empirical Comparison of Default Swap Pricing Models
- Patrick Houweling and Ton Vorst
- 0112002: The Interest Rate Exposure of Nonfinancial Corporations
- Söhnke Bartram
- Armin Schwienbacher
- 0111004: The Market Price of Aggregate Risk and the Wealth Distribution
- Hanno Lustig
- 0111003: Testing the Gaussian Copula Hypothesis for Financial Assets Dependences
- Yannick Malevergne and D. Sornette
- 0111001: Inflation and Capital Structure
- Jose Noguera
- 0110003: Analytically inducting option cash flows for Markovian interest rate models: A new application paradigm
- Junwu Gan
- 0110001: Microfinance in Vietnam - A Survey of Schemes and Issues
- Adam McCarty
- 0109001: Bifurcation Routes in Financial Markets
- Author Miloslav
- 0108003: Resources Used to Produce Individual Development Accounts in the First Two Years of the Experimental Program of the American Dream Demonstration at the Community Action Project of Tulsa County
- Mark Schreiner
- 0108002: Corporate Risk Management as a Lever for Shareholder Value Creation
- Söhnke Bartram
- 0108001: Leveraged Buyouts in Poland
- Marcin Piątkowski
- 0107003: Impact of Commonwealth indirect taxes on exporters
- Productivity Commission
- 0107001: International Portfolio Investment: Theory, Evidence, and Institutional Framework
- Söhnke Bartram and Gunter Dufey
- 0106003: The Relative Value Theory
- Silviu Alb
- 0106002: International Cross-Listing: The Effects of Market Fragmentation and Information Flows
- Richard Podpiera
- 0105003: Tradable Schemes
- Jiri Hoogland and Dimitri Neumann
- 0105002: Asians and cash dividends: Exploiting symmetries in pricing theory
- Jiri Hoogland and Dimitri Neumann
- 0105001: Stochastic Dominance Efficiency Tests under Diversification
- Timo Kuosmanen
- 0012009: A Temporary Equilibrium Model of Asset Pricing
- George Vachadze
- 0012008: A Short-Horizon Model of Asset Pricing: Equilibrium Analysis
- George Vachadze
- 0012007: Mispricing and Lasting Arbitrage between Parallel Markets in the Czech Republic
- Jan Hanousek and Libor Nemecek
- 0012006: Do Stock Markets Promote Economic Growth?
- Jan Hanousek, Nauro Campos and Randall Filer
- 0012005: Efficiency of Financial Markets in Transition: The Case of Macroeconomic Releases
- Richard Podpiera
- 0012003: How Important Is Informed Trading for the Bid-Ask Spread? Evidence from an Emerging Market
- Jan Hanousek and Richard Podpiera
- Bernard Belletante and Bernard Paranque
- 0004011: Corporate Finance in Europe from 1986 to 1996
- Michel Delbreil, Ana Esteban, Hans Friderichs, Bernard Paranque, Franz Partsch and Franco Varetto
- 0004010: Volatility in Indian Stock Markets
- Piyush Chowhan and Vasant Shukla
- 0004009: Looking Forward to Pricing Options from Binomial Trees
- Dario Villani and Andrei E. Ruckenstein
- 0004007: A microsimulation of traders activity in the stock market: the role of heterogeneity, agents' interactions and trade frictions
- Giulia Iori
- 0004006: Scaling and multiscaling in financial markets
- Giulia Iori
- 0004004: Trade credit in Italy: Evidence from individual firm data
- Giuseppe Marotta
- 0004002: Another Look at Option Listing Effects
- Stewart Mayhew and Vassil Mihov
- 9912001: Corporate Diversification and Agency
- Benjamin Hermalin and Michael Katz
- 9908002: Market Risk Measurement and the Cattle Feeding Margin: An Application of Value-at-Risk
- Mark Manfredo and Raymond M. Leuthold
- 9907004: Log-periodic power law bubbles in Latin-American and Asian markets and correlated anti-bubbles in Western stock markets: An empirical study
- Anders Johansen and Didier Sornette
- 9907003: Scale invariance and contingent claim pricing II: Path-dependent contingent claims
- Jiri Hoogland and Dimitri Neumann
- 9907002: Scale invariance and contingent claim pricing
- Jiri Hoogland and Dimitri Neumann
- 9905005: A microsimulation of traders activity in the stock market: the role of heterogeneity, agents' interactions and trade frictions
- Giulia Iori
- 9905003: Futures Exchange Innovations: Reinforcement versus Cannibalism
- Joost Pennings and Raymond M. Leuthold
- 9905002: Commodity Futures Contract Viability: A Multidisciplinary Approach
- Joost Pennings and Raymond M. Leuthold
- 9905001: The Financial Industry's Challenge of Developing Commodity Derivatives
- Joost Pennings and M.T.G. Meulenberg
- 9904006: What a Difference a Day Makes: On the Common Market Microstructure of Trading Days
- Frank Gerhard, Dieter Hess and Winfried Pohlmeier
- 9904005: A Survey on Nonparametric Time Series Analysis
- Siegfried Heiler
- 9904004: When are Options Overpriced? The Black-Scholes Model and Alternative Characterisations of the Pricing Kernel
- Guenter Franke, Richard C. Stapleton and Marti G. Subrahmanyam
- 9904003: Misspecified heteroskedasticity in the panel probit model: A small sample comparison of GMM and SML estimators
- Joachim Inkmann
- 9904002: Analyzing the Time between Trades with a Gamma Compounded Hazard Model. An Application to LIFFE Bund Future Transactions
- Nikolaus Hautsch