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From University Library of Munich, Germany
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0510031: Price, Trade Size, and Information Revelation in Multi-Period Securities Markets Downloads
Shino Takayama and Han Ozsoylev
0510030: Evaluating Brazilian Stock Mutual Funds with Stochastic Frontiers Downloads
Andre Santos, Joao Tusi, Newton Da Costa and Sergio Da Silva
0510029: Time-varying Beta Risk of Pan-European Industry Portfolios: A Comparison of Alternative Modeling Techniques Downloads
Sascha Mergner and Jan Bulla
0510028: Implied Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Jump Diffusion Models Downloads
Stefano Galluccio and Yann Le Cam
0510027: Inflation bond option pricing in Jarrow-Yildirim model Downloads
Marc Henrard
0510026: Asset Price Dynamics in a Financial Market with Heterogeneous Trading Strategies and Time Delays Downloads
Alessandro Sansone and Giuseppe Garofalo
Cumhur Ekinci
0510024: Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Bond-Credit Spreads und Ratings Downloads
Sascha Mergner
0510023: Demographic Developments, Funded Pension Provision and Financial Stability Downloads
Stefan Schmitz
0510006: The Contagion Effect of the Terrorist Attacks of the 11th of September Downloads
João Leitão and Cristóvão Oliveira
0510005: Measuring and Analyzing Returns on Aggregate Residential Housing Downloads
Fuad Hasanov and Douglas Dacy
0510004: Collateral, Access to Credit, and Investment in Bulgaria, chap. 8 in D. Jones and J. Miller (eds) THE BULGARIAN ECONOMY: LESSONS FROM REFORM DURING EARLY TRANSITION, Ashgate 97 Downloads
Zeljko Bogetic
0510003: What’s Common to Relationship Banking and Relationship Investing? Reflections within the Contractual Theory of the Firm Downloads
Doris Neuberger
0510002: Prévisions de résultat et réactions: étude de deux sous- réactions sous l’angle du biais d’ancrage Downloads
Michael Kaestner
0510001: What’s Common to Relationship Banking and Relationship Investing? Reflections within the Contractual Theory of the Firm Downloads
Doris Neuberger
0509028: How Ownership Structure Affects Capital Structure and Firm Performance? Recent Evidence from East Asia Downloads
Nigel Driffield, Vidya Mahambare and Sarmistha Pal
0509027: Convexity adjustment and delivery option in Australian dollar 90 Day Bills Futures Downloads
Marc Henrard
0509024: Time-varying Beta Risk of Pan-European Sectors: A Comparison of Alternative Modeling Techniques Downloads
Sascha Mergner
0509023: Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds, using Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen Downloads
Hewad Wolasmal
0509022: Stock Selection Based on Cluster Analysis Downloads
Newton Da Costa, Jefferson Cunha and Sergio Da Silva
0509021: How Equilibrium Prices Reveal Information in Time Series Models with Disparately Informed, Competitive Traders Downloads
Todd Walker
0509020: Calibration of the Hobson&Rogers model: empirical tests Downloads
Andrea Pascucci and Paolo Foschi
0509019: DESARROLLO DE LAS TOMAS DE Desarrollo de las Tomas de Control Corporativo después de la Ley de Opas Downloads
Vicente Lazen and Ana Cristina Sepulveda
0509018: Introducción a la Supervisión Basada en Riesgos Downloads
Vicente Lazen
0509017: Quasi-Real Indexing-- The Pareto-Efficient Solution to Inflation Indexing Downloads
David Eagle and Dale Domian
0509016: Financial Development, Labor and Market Regulations and Growth Downloads
Raquel Fonseca and Natalia Utrero-González
Gergei Bana
0509014: Credit ratings and the standardised approach to credit risk in Basel II Downloads
Patrick Van Roy
0509013: The impact of the 1988 Basel Accord on banks' capital ratios and credit risk-taking: an international study Downloads
Patrick Van Roy
0509012: Is there a difference in treatment between solicited and unsolicited bank ratings and, if so, why? Downloads
Patrick Van Roy
0509011: PRIVATE BANKING IN EUROPE - Getting Clients & Keeping Them! Downloads
Anna Omarini and Philip Molineux
0509010: Dynamic State Tameness Downloads
Jaime Londoño
0509009: Imperfect Market or Imperfect Theory: A Unified Analytical Theory of Production and Capital Structure of Firms Downloads
Jing Chen
0509008: Exogenous shocks and real estate rental markets: An event study of the 9/11 attacks and their impact on the New York office market Downloads
Franz Fuerst
0509007: A Dynamic Analysis of Bid-Ask Spreads with Multiple Trade Sizes Downloads
Shino Takayama and Han Ozsoylev
0509006: Inventory and the Stock Market Downloads
Richard Lai
0509005: Why Funds of Funds? Downloads
Richard Lai
0509004: A Catering Theory of Analyst Bias Downloads
Richard Lai
0509003: Modelling International Bond Markets with Affine Term Structure Models Downloads
Georg Mosburger and Paul Schneider
0509002: Do Time-Varying Covariances, Volatility Comovement and Spillover Matter? Downloads
Lakshmi Balasubramanyan
0509001: The Number of Bank Relationships of SMEs: A Disaggregated Analysis for the Swiss Loan Market Downloads
Doris Neuberger and Christoph Schacht
0508021: Central counterparty clearing: constructing a framework for evaluation of risks and benefits Downloads
Kirsi Ripatti
0508020: Bank interest rates in a small European economy: Some exploratory macro level analyses using Finnish data Downloads
Karlo Kauko
0508019: Rural Credit Delivery System in Maharashtra: A Step Towards Rejuvenation Downloads
Deepak Shah
0508018: Relationship lending and competition: Higher switching cost does not necessarily imply greater relationship benefits Downloads
Timo Vesala
0508014: On Risk Premia and Volatility Transmission Across the Stock and Bond Markets Downloads
Francis Vitek
0508013: A Simple Approach to Combining Internal and External Operational Loss Data Downloads
Pavel Okunev
0508012: The DF Structure Models for Options Pricing On the Dividend- Paying and Capital-Splitting Downloads
Feng Dai
0508011: La banque en ligne dans les pays émergents: le cas de la Tunisie Downloads
Achraf Ayadi and Ihcène Kaffela
0508010: China’s banking reform: An assessment of its evolution and possible impact Downloads
Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Sergio Gavila and Daniel Santabárbara
Page updated 2024-09-10
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