From University Library of Munich, Germany
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- 0211008: A General Characterization of Quadratic Term Structure Models
- Li Chen and H. Vincent Poor
- 0211007: How to work in the uncertain market conditions
- Dmitry Baryshevsky
- 0211004: Consumption and Investment Optimization under Constraints
- Long Nguyen-Thanh
- 0211003: Portfolio Selection with Probabilistic Utility, Bayesian Statistics, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Pietro Rossi, Massimo Tavoni, Flavio Cocco and Robert Marschinski
- 0211002: Information, Alternative Markets, and Security Price Processes: A Survey of Literature
- Rafiqul Bhuyan
- 0211001: Can technological change explain the stock market collapse of 1974?
- Adrian Peralta-Alva
- 0210006: Why do European Venture Capital Companies syndicate?
- Sophie Manigart and Miguel Meuleman
- 0210005: Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets - An Internet Experiment
- Mathias Drehmann, Jörg Oechssler and Andreas Roider
- 0210004: The realized equity premium has been higher than expected: further evidence
- Marco Taboga
- 0210003: Performance Incentives, Performance Pressure and Executive Turnover
- Narayanan Subramanian, Atreya Chakraborty and Shahbaz Sheikh
- 0210002: Stochastic Dominance Portfolio Analysis of Forestry Assets
- V.-P. Heikkinen and & Timo Kuosmanen
- 0210001: An Analysis of Hedge Fund Performance
- Daniel Capocci
- 0209008: The Small Business Credit Gap: Some New Evidence
- Rajiv Mallick and Atreya Chakraborty
- 0209007: The Importance of Being Known: Relationship Banking and Credit Limits
- Cresenta Fernando, Atreya Chakraborty and Rajiv Mallick
- 0209006: The Geometry of Payoff Spaces
- Marcel Hendrickx
- 0209005: De schuld van het Nederlandse huishouden?
- Hans Groeneveld and Ralph de Haas
- 0209004: Het integraal kwantificeren van valutarisico’s
- Ralph de Haas
- 0209003: Banken, instituties en zachte budgetbeperkingen tijdens de transitie
- Ralph de Haas
- 0209002: Financial collateral and capital adequacy requirements
- Ralph de Haas and Thomas Keijser
- 0209001: The Impact of News, Oil Prices, and International Spillovers on Russian Financial Markets
- Bernd Hayo and Ali Kutan
- 0207019: What Type of Process Underlies Options? A Simple Robust Test
- Peter Carr and Liuren Wu
- 0207018: Markov Chain Approximations For Term Structure Models
- David Backus, Liuren Wu and Stanley Zin
- 0207017: Time-Varying Arrival Rates of Informed and Uninformed Trades
- David Easley, Robert Engle, Maureen O'Hara and Liuren Wu
- 0207016: A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Real Exchange Rates with General Transaction Costs
- Gautam Goswami, Milind Shrikhande and Liuren Wu
- 0207015: Asset Pricing Under The Quadratic Class
- Markus Leippold and Liuren Wu
- 0207014: Design and Estimation of Quadratic Term Structure Models
- Markus Leippold and Liuren Wu
- 0207013: Are Interest Rate Derivatives Spanned by the Term Structure of Interest Rates?
- Massoud Heidari and Liuren Wu
- 0207012: The Finite Moment Log Stable Process and Option Pricing
- Peter Carr and Liuren Wu
- 0207011: Time-Changed Levy Processes and Option Pricing
- Peter Carr and Liuren Wu
- 0207010: Term Structure of Interest Rates, Yield Curve Residuals, and the Consistent Pricing of Interest Rates and Interest Rate Derivatives
- Massoud Heidari and Liuren Wu
- 0207009: Contagion in Financial Markets
- David Backus, Silverio Foresi and Liuren Wu
- 0207008: Accouting for Biases in Black-Scholes
- David Backus, Silverio Foresi and Liuren Wu
- 0207007: Monte Carlo Pricing of American Options Using Nonparametric Regression
- Claudio Pizzi and Paolo Pellizzari
- 0207006: Optimization of Risk Exposure
- Alexei Gretchikha
- 0207005: The Impact of the Introduction of the Euro on Foreign Exchange Rate Risk Exposures
- Söhnke Bartram and G. Karolyi
- 0207004: Analytical Aproach to Value Options with State Variables of a Levy System
- Nguyen Thanh Long
- 0207003: Financial Performance Government Trading Enterprises 1996-97 to 2000-01
- Productivity Commission
- 0207002: Review of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and Certain Other Superannuation Legislation
- Productivity Commission
- 0207001: Linear and Nonlinear Foreign Exchange Rate Exposures of German Nonfinancial Corporations
- Söhnke Bartram
- 0206005: Seize the Moments: Approximating American Option Prices in the GARCH Framework
- Jin-Chuan Duan, Genevieve Gauthier, Caroline Sasseville and Jean-Guy Simonato
- 0206002: On valuing corporate debt with the volatility of corporate assets evolving according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
- Bakhodir Ergashev
- 0206001: Is Liquidity Reflected in Bond Yields? Evidence from the Euro Corporate Bond Market
- Patrick Houweling, Albert Mentink and Ton Vorst
- 0205004: All Moments of Discrete and Continuous Arithmetic Averages on Brownian Paths: A Closed Form
- Allen Abrahamson
- 0205003: Trading system evaluation based on past performance: Random Signals Test
- Alex Strashny
- 0205002: Monetary Conditions and Stock Returns: A South African Case Study
- Clive Coetzee
- 0204002: The Future of the Stock Market Channel In Egypt
- Maged Shawky Sourial
- 0203006: A note on a generalized Black-Scholes formula
- Bakhodir Ergashev
- 0203002: Wealth Effects of Banks' Rights to Market and Originate Annuities
- Arnold Cowan, Jann C. Howell and Mark L. Power
- 0203001: Symmetries in Jump-Diffusion Models with Applications in Option Pricing and Credit Risk
- Jiri Hoogland, Dimitri Neumann and Michel Vellekoop
- 0202002: How Active Are Managers in SA
- Tony Bell and Maarten Ackerman