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From University Library of Munich, Germany
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0405024: American options: the EPV pricing model Downloads
Svetlana Boyarchenko and Sergei Levendorskii
0405023: Banking sector output and labour productivity in six European countries Downloads
Leena Mörttinen
0405022: Return-volatility linkages in the international equity and currency markets Downloads
Bill B. Francis, Iftekhar Hasan and Delroy M. Hunter
0405021: Levy Flights, Autocorrelation, and Slow Convergence Downloads
Sergio Da Silva
0405020: Autocorrelation and the Sum of Stochastic Variables Downloads
Sergio Da Silva
0405018: Autocorrelation as a Source of Truncated Levy Flights in Foreign Exchange Rates Downloads
Sergio Da Silva
0405017: A descriptive analysis of the Finnish treasury bond market 1991–1999 Downloads
Matti Keloharju, Markku Malkamäki, Kjell Nyborg and Kristian Rydqvist
0405016: Practical guide to real options in discrete time Downloads
Svetlana Boyarchenko and Sergei Levendorskii
0405015: Bank exit legislation in US, EU and Japanese financial centres Downloads
Peik Granlund
0405014: Firms' Dynamic Adjustment to Target Capital Structures in Transition Economies Downloads
R.T.A. de Haas and Marga Peeters
Ciccarelli Salvatore
0405012: Caught On Tape: Predicting Institutional Ownership With Order Flow Downloads
John Campbell, Tarun Ramadorai and Tuomo Vuolteenaho
0405011: Real options and the universal bad news principle Downloads
Svetlana Boyarchenko and Sergei Levendorskii
0405010: Optimal Currency Hedging Downloads
Rui Albuquerque
Fernando Rubio Fernandez
0405008: Corporate Governance: Securities Market in Moldova Downloads
Natalia Fadeeva
0405007: Dynamic Adjustment of Corporate Leverage: Is there a lesson to learn from the Recent Asian Crisis? Downloads
Nigel Driffield, Vidya Mahambare and Sarmistha Pal
0405006: Agent-based Model Construction In Financial Economic System Downloads
Hokky Situngkir and Yohanes Surya
0405005: Stylized Statistical Facts of Indonesian Financial Data: Empirical Study of Several Stock Indexes in Indonesia Downloads
Hokky Situngkir and Yohanes Surya
0405004: Payment systems efficiency, policy approaches, and the role of the central bank Downloads
Tanai Khiaonarong
0405003: Simulation-based stress testing of banks’ regulatory capital adequacy Downloads
Samu Peura and Esa Jokivuolle
0405002: Economic evaluation of bank exit regimes in US, EU and Japanese financial centres Downloads
Peik Granlund
0405001: Equilibrium in financial markets with adverse selection Downloads
Tuomas Takalo and Otto Toivanen
0404023: Initiative, Incentives and Soft Information. How Does Delegation Impact The Role of Bank Relationship Managers? Downloads
Jose Liberti
0404022: Financial contracts and contingent control rights Downloads
Jukka Vauhkonen
0404021: Investor protection and business creation Downloads
Ari Hyytinen and Tuomas Takalo
0404020: The role of market discipline in handling problem banks Downloads
David T. Llewellyn and David Mayes
0404019: The rigidity bias Downloads
Risto Herrala
0404018: Determinants of the loan loss allowance: some cross-country comparisons Downloads
Iftekhar Hasan and Larry Wall
0404017: Further evidence on the link between finance and growth: An international analysis of community banking and economic performance Downloads
Allen Berger, Iftekhar Hasan and Leora Klapper
0404016: Further evidence on the link between finance and growth: An international analysis of community banking and economic performance Downloads
Allen Berger, Iftekhar Hasan and Leora Klapper
0404015: An approach to bank insolvency in transition and emerging economies Downloads
David Mayes
Fernando Rubio Fernandez
0404013: On the origins of truncated Lévy flights Downloads
Annibal Figueiredo, Iram Gleria, Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
0404012: Family Matters: The Performance Flow Relationship in the Mutual Fund Industry Downloads
Alexander Kempf and Stefan Ruenzi
0404011: Tournaments in Mutual Fund Families Downloads
Alexander Kempf and Stefan Ruenzi
0404010: Gas Fired Power Plants: Investment Timing, Operating Flexibility and Abandonment Downloads
Stein-Erik Fleten and Erkka Näsäkkälä
0404009: On the Existence of Equilibrium Bank Runs in a Diamond-Dybvig Environment Downloads
Guilherme Carmona
0404008: Crescita, Innovazione Tecnologica e Mercato dei Capitali: il Ruolo del Venture Capital Downloads
Marco Arnone and Umberto Giacometti
0404007: Introduction to Market Microstructure Downloads
Cumhur Ekinci
0404005: Mark-up and Capital Structure of the Firm facing Uncertainty Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain
0404004: Idiosyncratic Risk, Systematic Risk and Stochastic Volatility: An Implementation of Merton’s Credit Risk Valuation Downloads
Hayette Gatfaoui
0404003: How Does Systematic Risk Impact Stocks? A Study On the French Financial Market Downloads
Hayette Gatfaoui
0404002: Pricing and Hedging Options in Incomplete Markets: Idiosyncratic Risk, Systematic Risk and Stochastic Volatility Downloads
Hayette Gatfaoui and Chauveau Thierry
0404001: A Valuation Formula for Firms in the Early Stage of their Lifecycle Downloads
Christophe Faugere and Hany Shawky
0403006: Improving the Market Model: The 4-State Model Alternative Downloads
Octave Jokung and Jean-Christophe Meyfredi
Feng Dai and Zifu Qin
0403004: A General Theory of Stock Market Valuation and Return Downloads
Christophe Faugere and Julian Van Erlach
0403003: The Price of Gold: A Global Required Yield Theory Downloads
Christophe Faugere and Julian Van Erlach
0403002: The Impact of News, Oil Prices, and Global Market Developments on Russian Financial Markets Downloads
Bernd Hayo and Ali Kutan
Page updated 2024-09-10
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