HWWA Discussion Papers
From Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
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- 158: Telecommunications-Related Services: Market Access, Deeper Integration and the WTO
- Carlos A P Braga, Carsten Fink and Bernard Hoekman
- 157: Standards in the international telecommunications regime
- Raymund Werle
- 156: Zur Mikrostruktur des Exportbooms
- Joachim Wagner
- 155: The causal effects of exports on firm size and labor productivity: First evidence from a matching approach
- Joachim Wagner
- 154: Making GHG emissions trading work – Crucial issues in designing national and international emmissions trading systems
- Sonja Butzengeiger, Regina Betz and Sven Bode
- 153: Mitigation versus adaptation: The political economy of competition between climate policy strategies and the consequences for developing countries
- Axel Michaelowa
- 152: Rio, Kyoto, Marrakesh – Groundrules for the global climate policy regime
- Axel Michaelowa
- 151: Filtering with search
- Bart Taub
- 150: Preferences for inequality: East vs. West
- Marc Suhrcke
- 149: Internationalisierung der Dienstleistungserstellung: Konsequenzen für den schweizerischen Arbeitsmarkt
- Fred Henneberger and Alexandre Ziegler
- 148: Avoiding perverse effects of baseline and investment additionality determination in the case of renewable energy projects
- Sven Bode and Axel Michaelowa
- 147: Do energy prices induce progress in energy-related technology? An empirical study
- Simon Schmitz
- 146: Regional adjustment dynamics
- Joachim Möller
- 145: Estimating the CDM market under the Bonn Agreement
- Frank Jotzo and Axel Michaelowa
- 144: Transfers, agglomeration and German unification
- Matthias Ross
- 143: Interest rate volatility prior to monetary union under alternative pre-switch regimes
- Bernd Wilfling
- 142: Organizational bargaining
- Guillermo Owen
- 141: Public expenditure and international specialisation
- Marius Brülhart and Federico Trionfetti
- 140: Will there be a concentration of alikes? The impact of labor market structure on industry mix in the presence of product market shocks
- Konrad O. Stahl and Uwe Walz
- 139: Testing for convergence clubs in income per-capita: A predictive density approach
- Fabio Canova
- 138: Complementarity of labor market institutions, equilibrium unemployment and the propagation of business cycles
- Michael Burda and Mark Weder
- 137: Ost-West-Migrationspotential: Wie groß ist es?
- Thomas Straubhaar
- 136: Threshold effects and regional economic growth – Evidence from West Germany
- Michael Funke and Annekatrin Niebuhr
- 135: Die WTO auf dem Weg nach Katar: Anstehende Probleme - neue Herausforderungen
- Richard Senti
- 134: Permanence of CDM forests or non-permanence of land use related carbon credits?
- Michael Dutschke
- 133: Job creation in Italy: Geography, determinants and perspectives
- Giovanni Peri and Alejandro Cunat
- 132: Footloose capital, market access, and the geography of regional state aid
- Gianmarco Ottaviano
- 131: Long-term unemployment and subsidizing vacancies in a growth-matching model
- Angela Birk
- 130: Agglomeration and growth with and without capital mobility
- Richard Baldwin, Rikard Forslid, Philippe Martin, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Frederic Robert-Nicoud
- 129: Rechtliche Aspekte der Einführung eines Emissionshandels-Systems für Treibhausgase in Deutschland und der EU
- Sonja Butzengeiger
- 128: Qualification-mismatch and long-term unemployment in a growth-matching model
- Angela Birk
- 127: The convergence of international interest rates prior to Monetary Union
- Bernd Wilfling
- 126: National CDM criteria, baseline methodologies and case studies for Uzbekistan
- Liliya Zavyalova and Axel Michaelowa
- 125: Competition regimes in telecommunications and the international trading system
- Georg Koopmann
- 124: Taxation of interest in the European Union
- Leif Mutén
- 123: The geography and channels of diffusion at the world's technology frontier
- Wolfgang Keller
- 122: Corporate strategies in the telecommunications sector in an environment of continuing liberalization
- Christine Borrmann
- 121: Openness and urban concentration in Europe, 1870-1990
- Volker Nitsch
- 120: Locating foreign affiliates in Germany: The case of Swedish MNEs
- Henrik Braconier and Karolina Ekholm
- 119: On the endogeneity of an exogenous OCA-criterion: The impact of specialisation on the synchronisation of regional business cycles in Europe
- Ansgar Belke and Jens Michael Heine
- 118: Since when have FOREX markets incorporated EMU into currency pricing? Evidence from four exchange rate series
- Bernd Wilfling
- 117: Glocalisation, foreign direct investment and regional development perspectives: Empirical results for West German regions
- Hermann Knödler and Ulrich Albertshauser
- 116: Transaktionskosten und Wettbewerbspolitik
- Matthias Busse
- 115: Why foreign-owned firms are different: A conceptual framework and empirical evidence for Austria
- Michael Pfaffermayr and Christian Bellak
- 114: Impeded industrial restructuring: The growth penalty
- David Audretsch, Martin Carree, André van Stel and Roy Thurik
- 113: Does firm size matter? Evidence on the impact of liquidity constraint on firm investment behavior in Germany
- David Audretsch and Julie Elston
- 112: Why do people stay? Insider advantages and immobility
- Peter A. Fischer, Einar Holm, Gunnar Malmberg and Thomas Straubhaar
- 111: Internationale Migration - Gehen oder Bleiben: Wieso gehen wenige und bleiben die meisten?
- Thomas Straubhaar
- 110: Convergence and the effects of spatial interaction
- Annekatrin Niebuhr
- 109: Forecasting trend output in the Euro area
- Christian Schumacher