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HWWI Research Papers

From Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
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199: Circular economy in Germany: A methodology to assess the circular economy performance of NUTS3 regions Downloads
Mirko Kruse and Jan Wedemeier
198: Ein Baltendeutscher bei den Preußen des Balkans: Oskar Anderson und das Sofioter Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (SWIFO) Downloads
Stefan Kolev
197: Cost structure of bio-based plastics: A Monte-Carlo-analysis for PLA Downloads
Claudia Wellenreuther, André Wolf and Nils Zander
196: On the right track? The role of work experience in migrant mothers' current employment probability Downloads
Christina Boll and Andreas Lagemann
195: The role of COVID-19 in spatial reorganization: Some evidence from Germany Downloads
Andree Ehlert, Jan Wedemeier and Tabea Zahlmann
194: Innovative feedstocks in biodegradable bio-based plastics: A literature review Downloads
Claudia Wellenreuther and André Wolf
193: Market dynamics of biodegradable bio-based plastics: Projections and linkages to European policies Downloads
Niklas Döhler, Claudia Wellenreuther and André Wolf
192: Combined transport in Europe: Scenario-based projections of emission saving potentials Downloads
Malte Jahn, Paul Schumacher, Jan Wedemeier and André Wolf
191: Demographic change in Switzerland: Impacts on economic growth in an Overlapping Generations Model Downloads
Luisa-Marie Hauser, Carsten-Henning Schlag and André Wolf
190: Impact of welfare sanctions on the quality of subsequent employment: Wages, incomes, and employment stability Downloads
Ingrid Hohenleitner and Katja Hillmann
189: Impact of welfare sanctions on employment and benefit receipt: Considering top-up benefits and indirect sanctions Downloads
Ingrid Hohenleitner and Katja Hillmann
188: Does Culture Trump Money? Erwerbsverhalten und Kitanutzung von Müttern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland Downloads
Christina Boll and Andreas Lagemann
187: Does culture trump money? Employment and childcare use of migrant and non-migrant mothers of pre-school children in Germany Downloads
Christina Boll and Andreas Lagemann
186: What drives nickel prices: A structural VAR approach Downloads
Lars G. Ehrlich
185: Artificial neural network regression models: Predicting GDP growth Downloads
Malte Jahn
184: Patterns of overeducation in Europe: The role of field of study Downloads
Christina Boll, Anja Rossen and André Wolf
183: The gender pay gap in the public and private sector in Germany - magnitude, evolution 2010-2014 and main drivers Downloads
Christina Boll and Andreas Lagemann
182: Photovoltaic self-consumption after the support period: Will it pay off in a cross-sector perspective? Downloads
Jonas Klamka, André Wolf and Lars G. Ehrlich
181: Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit im Verbundprojekt: Herausforderungen und kritische Faktoren einer erfolgreichen Forschungskooperation Downloads
Andreas Röhlig
180: Public childcare and maternal labour supply: New evidence for Germany Downloads
Christina Boll and Andreas Lagemann
179: The gender lifetime earnings gap: Exploring gendered pay from the life course perspective Downloads
Christina Boll, Malte Jahn and Andreas Lagemann
178: Misperceptions of income distributions: Cross-country evidence from a randomized survey experiment Downloads
Elisabeth Sattler-Bublitz
177: Asset market response to monetary policy news from SNB press releases Downloads
Hendrik Hüning
176: The EU gender earnings gap: Job segregation and working time as driving factors Downloads
Christina Boll, Anja Rossen and Andre Wolf
175: Hamburg's port position: Hinterland competition in Central Europe from TEN-T corridor ports Downloads
Franziska Biermann and Jan Wedemeier
174: The social pay gap across occupations: Survey and experimental evidence Downloads
Elisabeth Sattler-Bublitz and Tobias Regner
173: Overeducation - new evidence for 25 European countries Downloads
Christina Boll, Julian Leppin, Anja Rossen and Andre Wolf
172: A cross-country comparison of gender differences in job-related training: The role of working hours and the household context Downloads
Christina Boll and Elisabeth Sattler-Bublitz
171: Green accounting, institutional quality and investment decisions: Macroeconomic implications from an analysis of the oil and mining sector Downloads
Jana Stöver
170: Environmental regulation and sustainable competitiveness: Evaluating the role of firm-level green investments in the context of the Porter hypothesis Downloads
Jana Stöver and John P. Weche
169: Optimal public information dissemination: Introducing observational learning into a generalized beauty contest Downloads
Hendrik Hüning and Lukas Meub
168: Impact of welfare sanctions on employment entry and exit from labor force: Evidence from German survey data Downloads
Katja Hillmann and Ingrid Hohenleitner
167: Climate change vulnerability in cities: The case of Hamburg Downloads
Julia Rose and Christina Benita Wilke
166: Entrepreneurship, human capital, and labor demand: A story of signaling and matching Downloads
Elisabeth Sattler-Bublitz, Kristian Nielsen, Florian Noseleit and Bram Timmermans
165: Matching skills of individuals and firms along the career path Downloads
Elisabeth Sattler-Bublitz
164: Immigrant-native differences in stockholding: The role of cognitive and non-cognitive skills Downloads
Marc-André Luik and Max Steinhardt
163: Potential effects of a statutory minimum wage on the gender pay gap: A simulation-based study for Germany Downloads
Christina Boll, Hendrik Hüning, Julian Leppin and Johannes Puckelwald
162: It's not all about parents' education, it also matters what they do: Parents' employment and children's school success in Germany Downloads
Christina Boll and Malte Hoffmann
161: A location quotient-based interregional input-output (IRIOLQ) framework Downloads
Malte Jahn
160: Green, greener, grey: Disentangling different types of green growth Downloads
Marie-Christin Rische, Andreas Marcus Röhlig and Jana Stöver
159: How to woo the smart ones? Evaluating the determinants that particularly attract highly qualified people to cities Downloads
Tanja Buch, Silke Hamann, Annekatrin Niebuhr and Anja Rossen
158: The relation between overreaction in forecasts and uncertainty: A nonlinear approachvon Downloads
Julian Leppin
157: On the predictive content of nonlinear transformations of lagged autoregression residuals and time series observations Downloads
Anja Rossen
156: Modeling dynamics of metal price series via state space approach with two common factors Downloads
Vasyl Golosnoy and Anja Rossen
155: What are metal prices like? Co-movement, price cycles and long-run trends Downloads
Anja Rossen
154: A spatial computable general equilibrium model for the analysis of regional climate change impacts and adaptation policies Downloads
Malte Jahn
153: The role of a changing market: Environment for credit default swap pricing Downloads
Julian Leppin and Stefan Reitz
152: Tax sovereignty and feasibility of international regulations for tobacco tax policies Downloads
Michael Bräuninger
151: Entwicklung und Determinanten des Siedlungsabfallaufkommens in Deutschland Downloads
Jan-Ove Erichsen, Friso Schlitte and Sven Schulze
150: Changing patterns of electricity use in European manufacturing: A decomposition analysis Downloads
Lars Wenzel and Andre Wolf
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