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Working Paper Series in Economics

From Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department of Economics and Management
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114: Unconventional fiscal policy Downloads
Francesco D'Acunto, Daniel Hoang and Michael Weber
113: Dilution effects, population growth and economic growth under human capital accumulation and endogenous technological change Downloads
Alberto Bucci, Levent Eraydin and Moritz Müller
112: Epidemiological spreading of mortgage default Downloads
Jochen Schweikert and Markus Höchstötter
111: Diffusion of being pivotal and immoral outcomes Downloads
Armin Falk and Nora Szech
110: Physical distance and cooperativeness towards strangers Downloads
Leonie Kühl and Nora Szech
109: The multiplier effect in two-sided markets with bilateral investments Downloads
Deniz Dizdar, Benny Moldovanu and Nora Szech
108: Policy representation by the 2017 Bundestag Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
107: Policy representation by German parties at the 2017 federal election Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
106: Design and results of the third vote experiment during the 2017 election of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology student parliament Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
105: Incentivizing efficient utilization without reducing access: The case against cost-sharing in insurance Downloads
Markus Rieger-Fels
104: Declining labor-labor exchange rates as a cause of inequality growth Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
103: Animal welfare and human ethics: A personality study Downloads
Konstanze Albrecht, Florentin Krämer and Nora Szech
102: A little good is good enough: Ethical consumption, cheap excuses, and moral self-licensing Downloads
Jannis Engel and Nora Szech
101: Opportunity cost, inattention and the bidder's curse Downloads
David Freeman, Erik Kimbrough and J. Philipp Reiss
100: Selection of questions for VAAs and the VAA-based elections Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
99: Guilt in voting and public good games Downloads
Dominik Rothenhäusler, Nikolaus Schweizer and Nora Szech
98: Worker personality: Another skill bias beyond education in the digital age Downloads
Eckhardt Bode, Stephan Brunow, Ingrid Ott and Alina Sorgner
97: The single-peaked domain revisited: A simple global characterization Downloads
Clemens Puppe
96: Neural networks would 'vote' according to Borda's rule Downloads
David Burka, Clemens Puppe, Laszlo Szepesvary and Attila Tasnádi
95: Pervasive enough? General purpose technologies as an emergent property Downloads
Vladimir Korzinov and Ivan Savin
94: The effect of unconventional fiscal policy on consumption expenditure Downloads
Francesco D'Acunto, Daniel Hoang and Michael Weber
93: The third vote experiment: VAA-based election to enhance policy representation of the KIT student parliament Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
92: Condorcet domains, median graphs and the single-crossing property Downloads
Clemens Puppe and Arkadii Slinko
91: Analysis of stochastic technical trading algorithms Downloads
Markus Höchstötter, Mher M. Safarian and Anna Krumetsadik
90: Optimal revelation of life-changing information Downloads
Nikolaus Schweizer and Nora Szech
89: Including excluded groups: The slow racial transformation of the South African university system Downloads
Helena Barnard, Robin A. Cowan, Alan Kirman and Moritz Müller
88: Designing contests between heterogeneous contestants: An experimental study of tie-breaks and bid-caps in all-pay auctions Downloads
Aniol Llorente-Saguer, Roman Sheremeta and Nora Szech
87: Optimal policy identification: Insights from the German electricity market Downloads
Johannes Karl Herrmann and Ivan Savin
86: Devaluation of one's labor in labor-commodities-money-commodities-labor exchange as a cause of inequality growth Downloads
Andranick S. Tanguiane
85: Homo moralis: Personal characteristics, institutions, and moral decision-making Downloads
Thomas Deckers, Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse and Nora Szech
84: When the affordable has no value, and the valuable is unaffordable: The U.S. market for long-term care insurance and the role of Medicaid Downloads
Markus Rieger-Fels
83: Replicator dynamics in value chains: Explaining some puzzles of market selection Downloads
Uwe Cantner, Ivan Savin and Simone Vannuccini
82: On the value of foreign PhDs in the developing world: Training versus selection effects Downloads
Helena Barnard, Robin Cowan and Moritz Müller
81: Semiparametric estimation with generated covariates Downloads
Enno Mammen, Christoph Rothe and Melanie Schienle
80: Beyond dimension two: A test for higher-order tail risk Downloads
Carsten Bormann, Julia Schaumburg and Melanie Schienle
79: Systemic risk spillovers in the European banking and sovereign network Downloads
Frank Betz, Nikolaus Hautsch, Tuomas Peltonen and Melanie Schienle
78: Pleasures of skill and moral conduct Downloads
Armin Falk and Nora Szech
77: On discounting and voting in a simple growth model Downloads
Kirill Borissov, Mikhail Pakhnin and Clemens Puppe
76: A quantitative version of Myerson regularity Downloads
Nikolaus Schweizer and Nora Szech
75: Schumpeterian growth with technological interdependence: An application to US states Downloads
Tim Deeken
74: Knowledge spillovers: On the impact of genetic distance and data revisions Downloads
Tim Deeken
73: Voting and transfer payments in a threshold public goods game Downloads
Christian Feige and Karl-Martin Ehrhart
72: More effort with less pay: On information avoidance, belief design and performance Downloads
Steffen Huck, Nora Szech and Lukas M. Wenner
71: A patent search strategy based on machine learning for the emerging field of service robotics Downloads
Florian Kreuchauff and Vladimir Korzinov
70: Success rates in simplified threshold public goods games: A theoretical model Downloads
Christian Feige
69: Mental accounting, access motives, and overinsurance Downloads
Markus Rieger-Fels
68: Green attitude and economic growth Downloads
Ingrid Ott and Susanne Soretz
67: Revenues and welfare in auctions with information release Downloads
Nikolaus Schweizer and Nora Szech
66: Decision making in politics and economics: 6. Empirically constructing the German political spectrum Downloads
Andranik S. Tangian
65: The effects of disclosure policy on risk management incentives and market entry Downloads
Daniel Hoang and Martin Ruckes
Page updated 2025-01-22
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