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Statistical Software Components

From Boston College Department of Economics
Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 USA.
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NPINFO: Stata module to merge network-based nodal characteristics Downloads
Sebastian Pink and Sabrina Vogel
NPIV: Stata module to perform Nonparametric instrumental-variable regression on a scalar endogenous regressor Downloads
Denis Chetverikov, Dongwoo Kim and Daniel Wilhelm
NPROC: Stata module to produce nonparametric receiver operating curves Downloads
Philip Price and Fred Wolfe
NPSERIES: Stata module to perform Nonparametric Power Series Estimation Downloads
Boris Kaiser
NPSS: Stata module to estimate nonparametric heteroskedastic state space models Downloads
Irene Botosaru and Yuya Sasaki
NPSYNTH: Stata module to implement Nonparametric Synthetic Control Method Downloads
Giovanni Cerulli
NROW2: Stata module to rename variables as their nth row values Downloads
Dejin Xie
NROW: Stata module to rename variables as their nth-row values Downloads
Alvaro Carril
NRUNS: Stata module to compute number of runs compared with random shuffles Downloads
Nicholas Cox and Nigel Smeeton
NSCALE: Stata module to scale data Downloads
JeongHoon Min
NSPLIT: Stata module to split numeric variable into components Downloads
Dan Blanchette
NSTAGE: Stata module for multi-arm, multi-stage (MAMS) trial designs for time-to-event outcomes Downloads
Patrick Royston, Daniel Bratton, Babak Choodari-Oskooei and Frederike Maria-Sophie Barthel
NSTAGEBIN: Stata module to provide facilities for optimising and designing multi-arm multi-stage (MAMS) randomised controlled trials with binary outcomes Downloads
Babak Choodari-Oskooei, Daniel J. Bratton and Mahesh KB Parmar
NSTAGEBINOPT: Stata module to compute admissible multi-arm multi-stage trial designs with binary outcomes Downloads
Daniel Bratton
NTREATREG: Stata module for estimation of treatment effects in the presence of neighbourhood interactions Downloads
Giovanni Cerulli
NUM2BASE26: Stata module to provide an interface to Mata's numtobase26() function Downloads
Sven-Kristjan Bormann
NUM2WORDS: Stata module to convert numbers to text Downloads
Eric Booth
NUMBER_EXPORTING: Stata module to format a numeric value and export in LaTeX format Downloads
Olena Bogdan, Adrien Matray, Pablo E. Rodriguez and Chenzi Xu
NUMDATE: Stata module to generate date-times or components Downloads
Nicholas Cox
NW_FROMLIST: Stata module to build a network from a list of long-form data Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NW_PROJECTION: Stata module to project a bipartite network into one of its two dimensions Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NW_WCC: Stata module to calculate Weighted Clustering Coefficients (WCC) in Complex Direct Networks Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NWANND: Stata module to compute ANND (average nearest neighbor degree) and related measures Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NWASSORTATIVITY: Stata module to compute network assortativity coefficient Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NWCLUSTER: Stata module to compute the clustering coefficient of a network's vertices Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NWDISPARITY: Stata module to calculate the disparity of a network's nodes Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NWIND: Stata module to compute Newey-Windmeijer VCE after ivreg2 GMM-CUE estimation Downloads
Helmut Farbmacher
NWRECIPROCITY: Stata module to calculate reciprocity metrics for (weighted) directed networks Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NWSTRENGTHCENT: Stata module to compute Freeman's centrality index (1979) for strength centrality Downloads
Charlie Joyez
NYSIIS: Stata module to calculate nysiis codes from string variables Downloads
Adrian Sayers
NYTIMES: Stata module to display top news stories from the New York Times Downloads
Neal Caren
OAXACA8: Stata module to compute decompositions of outcome differentials Downloads
Ben Jann
OAXACA9: Stata module to compute the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition Downloads
Ben Jann
OAXACA: Stata module to compute the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition Downloads
Ben Jann
OBSDIFF: Stata module to identify differences in values across observations for a variable Downloads
Eric Booth
OBSOFINT: Stata module to display observations of interest Downloads
Maarten Buis and Ronnie Babigumira
OCMT: Stata module to perform multiple testing approach in high-dimensional linear regression Downloads
Héctor M. Núñez and Jesus Otero
OCRATIO: Stata modules to fit continuation-ratio models on ordinal response data Downloads
Rory Wolfe
ODA: Stata module for conducting Optimal Discriminant Analysis (Windows only) Downloads
Ariel Linden
ODDSRISK: Stata module to convert Logistic Odds Ratios to Risk Ratios Downloads
Joseph Hilbe
ODI: Stata module to score Oswestry Disability Index Downloads
Johann Blauth and Monica Daigl
ODK_VALIDATE: Stata module to validdate ODK survey forms Downloads
Kabira Namit
ODKEXPORT: Stata module to export xlsForms to readable docx or xlsx files Downloads
Anna Reuter
ODKMETA: Stata module to import ODK data Downloads
Matthew White
ODKSPLIT: Stata module to split and label multiple response variables generated from ODK or SurveyCTO Downloads
Mehrab Ali
OERATIO: Stata module to calculate ratio of observed to expected outcomes Downloads
Brent McSharry
OESCH: Stata module to recode ISCO codes into Oesch class scheme Downloads
Simon Kaiser
OGLM9: Stata module to estimate Ordinal Generalized Linear Models Downloads
Richard Williams
OGLM: Stata module to estimate Ordinal Generalized Linear Models Downloads
Richard Williams
OLSHODRICK: RATS procedure to compute Hodrick standard errors Downloads
Tom Doan
Page updated 2025-03-31
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