Statistical Software Components
From Boston College Department of Economics
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- STPM2CR: Stata module to estimate flexible parametric competing risks regression models

- Sarwar Islam, Paul Lambert and Mark Rutherford
- STPM2ILLD: Stata module to estimate Flexible Parametric Illness-death Models

- Sally R. Hinchliffe, David A. Scott and Paul Lambert
- STPM3: Stata module to fit flexible parametric survival models

- Paul Lambert
- STPM: Stata module to fit flexible parametric models for survival-time data

- Patrick Royston
- STPP: Stata module to compute Pohar-Perme non-parametric estimate of marginal relative (net) survival

- Paul Lambert
- STQUANT: Stata module to estimate quantiles for survival time

- Enzo Coviello
- STR2D: Stata module to compute explained variation for survival models

- Patrick Royston
- STRATARAND: Stata module to perform stratified random assignment

- John Ternovski
- STRBEE: Stata module to estimate a treatment effect adjusting for treatment switches

- Ian White
- STRCS: Stata module to estimate flexible parametric survival models on the log hazard scale

- Hannah Bower, Michael J. Crowther and Paul Lambert
- STRDATE: Stata module to replace string date variables with numeric date variables with the same names

- Roger Newson
- STRDIST: Stata module to calculate the Levenshtein distance, or edit distance, between strings

- Michael Barker and Felix Pöge
- STREAMPLOT: Stata module to produce streamplots

- Asjad Naqvi
- STRGEN: Stata module to generate string variables without knowing string type

- Nicholas Cox
- STRGROUP: Stata module to match strings based on their Levenshtein edit distance

- Julian Reif
- STRIPPLOT: Stata module for strip plots (one-way dot plots)

- Nicholas Cox
- STRKEEP: Stata module to clean string variables by keeping only whitelisted characters

- Roger Chu
- STRMST2: Stata module to compare restricted mean survival time

- Angel Cronin
- STRPARSE: Stata module to parse string variables

- Michael Blasnik and Nicholas Cox
- STRREC: Stata module to recode string variables according to rules

- Daniel Klein
- STRSRCS: Stata module to fit flexible parametric models for relative survival using restricted cubic splines

- C. P. Nelson
- STRUCTRESIDS: RATS procedure to compute structural residuals from standard residuals

- Tom Doan
- STSELPRE: Stata module to fit proportional hazards model to case-cohort data

- Enzo Coviello
- STSURVDIFF: Stata module to compute difference in Kaplan-Meier survival curves

- Patrick Royston
- STSURVIMPUTE: Stata module for flexible imputation of censored survival data

- Patrick Royston
- STTEX: Stata module to integrate Stata results into a LaTeX document

- Ben Jann
- STUDYSI: Stata module to calculates sample size and power for comparative studies

- Abdel G. Babiker
- STUTE_TEST: Stata module to compute Stute (1997) linearity test

- Clément de Chaisemartin, Xavier D'Haultfoeuille, Diego Ciccia, Felix Knau and Doulo Sow
- STYLERULES: Stata module -- suggestions on programming style

- Nicholas Cox
- STYLETEXTAB: Stata module to style LaTeX tables exported by collect suite of commands

- Gorkem Aksaray
- SUBINFILE: Stata module to perform byte-based substitution for the contents of a text-formatted file

- Chuntao Li, Yuan Xue and Rong Gao
- SUBLIME: Stata module to set up StataEditor (a package of Sublime Text) automatically

- JeongHoon Min
- SUBMATRIX: Stata module to perform advanced matrix subscripting

- Daniele Spinelli
- SUBSAVE: Stata module to save a subset of the dataset in memory to a disk file

- Roger Newson
- SUBSET: Stata module to implement best covariates and stepwise subset selection

- Giovanni Cerulli
- SUBSETBYVIF: Stata module to select a subset of covariates constrained by VIF

- Walton Plummer and William D. Dupont
- SUBSETPLOT: Stata module for plots for each subset with rest of the data as backdrop

- Nicholas Cox
- SUBSIM: Stata module providing subsidy simulation toolkit (SUBSIM)

- Abdelkrim Araar and Paolo Verme
- SUCHOWTEST: Stata module to calculate successive Chow tests on cross section and time series data

- Ibrahima Diallo
- SUM2: Stata module to store summary statistics

- Roy Wada
- SUM2DOCX: Stata module to report summary statistics to formatted table in DOCX file

- Chuntao Li and Yuan Xue
- SUMDIST: Stata module to calculate summary statistics for income distributions

- Stephen Jenkins
- SUMDOCX: Stata module to generate comprehensive summary statistics and comparison tables

- Kabira Namit
- SUMMARIZEBY: Stata module to use statsby functionality with summarize

- Ilya Bolotov
- SUMMCLUST: Stata module to compute cluster level measures of leverage, influence, and a cluster jackknife variance estimator

- James MacKinnon, Morten Nielsen and Matthew Webb
- SUMMDATE: Stata module for summarizing date variable

- Nicholas Cox
- SUMMOUT: Stata module to produce comparative table of summary statistics

- Andres L Gonzalez Rangel
- SUMMTAB: Stata module to compute summary statistics overall and/or across levels of a categorical variable

- John A. Gallis
- SUMSCALE: Stata module to generate summated scales

- Mehmet Mehmetoglu
- SUMSTATS: Stata module to produce tables of summary statistics

- Benjamin Daniels