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Statistical Software Components

From Boston College Department of Economics
Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 USA.
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REGTOTEX: RATS procedure to create a TeX equation from the most recent regression Downloads
Tom Doan
REGTREE: RATS procedure to perform a CART (Classification and Regression Trees) analysis Downloads
Tom Doan
REGWHITENNTEST: RATS procedure to perform White neural network test on regression Downloads
Tom Doan
REGWHITETEST: RATS procedure to perform White heteroscedasticity test on regression Downloads
Tom Doan
REGWLS: Stata module to estimate Weighted Least Squares with factor variables Downloads
Dany Bahar
REGWUTEST: RATS procedure to perform Wu (or Durbin-Wu-Hausman) specification test on regression Downloads
Tom Doan
REGXFE: Stata module to fit a linear high-order fixed-effects model Downloads
Fernando Rios-Avila
REL_CLUST: Stata module to compute indices of relative clusterability of variables Downloads
Dirk Enzmann
RELDIST: Stata module for relative distribution analysis Downloads
Ben Jann
RELICOEF: Stata module to compute Raykov's factor reliability coefficient Downloads
Mehmet Mehmetoglu
RELOGIT: Stata module to perform Rare Event Logistic Regression Downloads
Michael Tomz, Gary King and Langche Zeng
RELRANK: Stata module to generate relative data (grade transformation) Downloads
Ben Jann
RELYPLOT: Stata module to graph reliability plot of predictions for linear or logistic regression models Downloads
Joanne M. Garrett
REMEDIAN: RATS module to compute the median for large datasets Downloads
Eric Blankmeyer
REMR: Stata module to implement robust error meta-regression method for dose–response meta-analysis Downloads
Luis Furuya-Kanamori, Chang Xu and Suhail AR Doi
REMST: MATLAB function to remove trend and seasonal component using the moving average method Downloads
Rafał Weron
RENAMES: Stata module to rename variables Downloads
Nicholas Cox
RENFILES: Stata module providing a convenient way to change filenames for (a matched subset of) files in a directory of choice (and, if wanted, also recursively in a matched subset of offspring-directories) Downloads
Lars Angquist
RENLABV: Stata module to rename (all) value labels to match the names of the assigned variables Downloads
Dirk Enzmann
RENSHEET: Stata module to edit variable names and labels Downloads
Austin Nichols
RENVARLAB: Stata module to rename variables, with option of using variable labels to create new variable names Downloads
Joe Canner
REORDER: Stata module to reorder variables in dataset, reversibly Downloads
Nicholas Cox
REPEATABILITY: Stata module to compute the repeatability coefficient Downloads
Ariel Linden
REPEST: Stata module to run estimations with weighted replicate samples and plausible values Downloads
Francesco Avvisati and François Keslair
REPKIT: Stata module providing utility toolkit for reproducibility Downloads
Analytics Dime
REPLACEBYLAB: Stata module to replace values by drawing on value labels Downloads
Tobias Gummer
REPLACEN: Stata module to replace contents in exactly n observations Downloads
Hendri Adriaens
REPORT: Stata module to produce tables for XML Downloads
Adrian Mander
REPORTERROR: Stata module to estimate true distribution from noisy measurements Downloads
Yingyao Hu and Yuya Sasaki
REPSAMPLE: Stata module to perform representative sampling from a population or theoretical distributions Downloads
Evangelos Kontopantelis
REQUIRE: Stata module to ensure that installed packages have a minimum or exact version Downloads
Sergio Correia and Matthew P. Seay
RESDIAG: RATS module to perform residual diagnostics Downloads
Robert Amano, Jeff Gable and Simon van Norden
RESET2: Stata module to calculate specification tests in 2SLS-IV regression analysis Downloads
Emad Shehata
RESET: Stata module to calculate specification tests in regression analysis Downloads
Emad Shehata
RESETXT: Stata Module to Compute Panel Data REgression Specification Error Tests (RESET) Downloads
Emad Shehata and Sahra Mickaiel
RESHAPE3: Stata module to enhance reshape for multilevel data Downloads
Kerry Du
RESHAPE7: Stata module to provide improved reshape Downloads
Bill Rising
RESHAPE8: Stata module to reshape while preserving variable labels Downloads
Bill Rising
RESIZE: Stata module to change the graph size but keep the font size unchanged Downloads
Ansgar Hudde
RESP: Stata module to compute Index of Relative Specialization Downloads
Joel E. H. Fuchs
RESPDIFF: Stata module for generating response differentiation indices Downloads
Joss Roßmann
RESWAGE: Stata module to estimate a reservation wage model with endogenous selection Downloads
John Reynolds
RETRODESIGN: Stata module to compute type-S (Sign) and type-M (Magnitude) errors Downloads
Ariel Linden
REU: Stata module to compute number of random error units (REU) in epidemiological studies Downloads
Imre Janszky and Nicola Orsini
REV: Stata module to reverse value order of variables Downloads
Daniel Klein
REVCAT: Stata module to fit reversible catalytic models Downloads
Jamie Griffin
REVRS: Stata module to reverse variable value order Downloads
Kyle C. Longest
REWEIGHT2: Stata module to reweight survey data to user-defined control totals Downloads
James Browne
REWRITE: Stata module to rewrite text files from disk performing macro substitutions Downloads
Rosa Gini
RFL: Stata module to maintain lists of recently accessed files Downloads
Dankwart Plattner
Page updated 2025-03-31
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