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Statistical Software Components

From Boston College Department of Economics
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RATS programs to replicate Papell and Prodan one and two break unit root tests Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Pedroni PPP tests on panel data Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Perron-Wada state space model Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Pesaran, Shin and Smith, pooled mean group panel data Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Quah and Vahey core inflation estimation Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate results from Gregory and Hansen(1996) JOE article Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Sims and Zha(1999) "Error Bands for Impulse Responses" Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Sinclair(2009) bivariate state-space model Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate structural break test with Hansen's fixed regressor bootstrap Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Terasvirta's 1994 STAR model results Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Tsay's 1998 multivariate threshold results Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Tse's constant correlation GARCH test results Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Uhlig's VAR identification technique Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Willinger, Taqqu, Teverovsky(1999) Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicate Wright's Alternative Variance Ratio test results Downloads
Tom Doan
RATS programs to replicates Gali's AEA 1999 VAR results Downloads
Tom Doan
RBC: Mathematica notebook to solve and simulate Real Business Cycle models Downloads
Ibrahima Diallo
RBIPROBIT: Stata module to estimate recursive bivariate probit regressions Downloads
Mustafa Coban
RBOUNDS: Stata module to perform Rosenbaum sensitivity analysis for average treatment effects on the treated Downloads
Markus Gangl
RC2: Stata module to estimate Goodman's Row and Columns model 2 Downloads
John Hendrickx
RC_SPLINE: Stata module to generate restricted cubic splines Downloads
William Dupont and Walton Plummer
RCA: Stata module to compute various revealed comparative advantage (RCA) indices Downloads
Muhammad Rashid Ansari
RCD: Stata module to run commands recursively Downloads
Nikos Askitas and Dan Blanchette
RCENTILE: Stata module to compute robust confidence intervals for percentiles Downloads
Roger Newson
RCL: Stata module for estimation and simulation of random coefficient logit models Downloads
Szabolcs Lorincz
RCM: Stata module to implement regression control method / panel data approach to program evaluation Downloads
Guanpeng Yan and Qiang Chen
RCOLP2MAT: Stata module to produce a two-way table with row and column percentages as a matrix Downloads
Loris P. Fagioli
RCSGEN: Stata module to generate restricted cubic splines and their derivatives Downloads
Paul Lambert
RCSPLINE: Stata module for restricted cubic spline smoothing Downloads
Nicholas Cox
RCT_MINIM: Stata module to assign treatments to subjects in a controlled trial Downloads
Philip Ryan
RCTABLE: Stata module to create a table used in randomized controlled trials Downloads
Adrien Bouguen
RCTMISS: Stata module to analyse a randomised controlled trial (RCT) allowing for informatively missing outcome data Downloads
Ian White
RD: Stata module for regression discontinuity estimation Downloads
Austin Nichols
RDATASETS: Stata module to access R datasets available in CSV format from GitHub Downloads
German Rodriguez
RDBALANCE: Stata module to compute covariate balance statistics with formatted table output in treatment effect analysis and RDD Downloads
Yongli Chen and Yujun Lian
RDCI: Stata module to calculate risk difference confidence intervals Downloads
Joseph Coveney
RDCONT: Stata module to compute non-randomized approximate sign test of density continuity Downloads
Ivan Canay
RDCV: Stata module to perform Sharp Regression Discontinuity Design with Cross Validation Bandwidth Selection Downloads
Boris Kaiser
RDDENSITY: Stata module to perform Manipulation Testing Using Local Polynomial Density Estimation Downloads
Matias Cattaneo, Michael Jansson and Xinwei Ma
RDDSGA: Stata module to conduct subgroup analysis for regression discontinuity designs Downloads
Alvaro Carril, Andre Cazor Katz, Maria Paula Gerardino, Stephan Litschig and Dina Pomeranz
RDECOMPOSE: Stata module to implements Gupta's rate decomposition method for aggregated data Downloads
Jinjing Li
RDESIGNI: Stata module to perform design analysis Downloads
Daniel Klein
RDEXO: Stata module to produces relevant estimates for testing the external validity of LATE Downloads
Marinho Bertanha
RDIFF: Stata module to calculate 95% confidence intervals for the differences of binomial proportions Downloads
Xiaokun Yang
RDMSE: Stata module to estimate the mean squared error of a local polynomial regression discontinuity or regression kink estimator Downloads
Zhuan Pei
RDPERMUTE: Stata module to perform a permutation test for the Regression Kink (RK) and Regression Discontinuity (RD) Design Downloads
Simon Jäger and Peter Ganong
RDPOWER: Stata module to perform power calculations for random designs Downloads
Eric Hedberg
RDQTE: Stata module for estimation and robust inference for quantile treatment effects (QTE) in regression discontinuity designs (RDD) Downloads
Harold Chiang, Yu-Chin Hsu and Yuya Sasaki
RDROBUST: Stata module to provide robust data-driven inference in the regression-discontinuity design Downloads
Sebastian Calonico, Matias Cattaneo, Max Farrell and Rocio Titiunik
RDS: Stata module for respondent driven sampling Downloads
Matthias Schonlau
Page updated 2025-03-31
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