Statistical Software Components
From Boston College Department of Economics
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- RATS programs to replicate Papell and Prodan one and two break unit root tests

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Pedroni PPP tests on panel data

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Perron-Wada state space model

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Pesaran, Shin and Smith, pooled mean group panel data

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Quah and Vahey core inflation estimation

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate results from Gregory and Hansen(1996) JOE article

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Sims and Zha(1999) "Error Bands for Impulse Responses"

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Sinclair(2009) bivariate state-space model

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate structural break test with Hansen's fixed regressor bootstrap

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Terasvirta's 1994 STAR model results

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Tsay's 1998 multivariate threshold results

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Tse's constant correlation GARCH test results

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Uhlig's VAR identification technique

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Willinger, Taqqu, Teverovsky(1999)

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicate Wright's Alternative Variance Ratio test results

- Tom Doan
- RATS programs to replicates Gali's AEA 1999 VAR results

- Tom Doan
- RBC: Mathematica notebook to solve and simulate Real Business Cycle models

- Ibrahima Diallo
- RBIPROBIT: Stata module to estimate recursive bivariate probit regressions

- Mustafa Coban
- RBOUNDS: Stata module to perform Rosenbaum sensitivity analysis for average treatment effects on the treated

- Markus Gangl
- RC2: Stata module to estimate Goodman's Row and Columns model 2

- John Hendrickx
- RC_SPLINE: Stata module to generate restricted cubic splines

- William Dupont and Walton Plummer
- RCA: Stata module to compute various revealed comparative advantage (RCA) indices

- Muhammad Rashid Ansari
- RCD: Stata module to run commands recursively

- Nikos Askitas and Dan Blanchette
- RCENTILE: Stata module to compute robust confidence intervals for percentiles

- Roger Newson
- RCL: Stata module for estimation and simulation of random coefficient logit models

- Szabolcs Lorincz
- RCM: Stata module to implement regression control method / panel data approach to program evaluation

- Guanpeng Yan and Qiang Chen
- RCOLP2MAT: Stata module to produce a two-way table with row and column percentages as a matrix

- Loris P. Fagioli
- RCSGEN: Stata module to generate restricted cubic splines and their derivatives

- Paul Lambert
- RCSPLINE: Stata module for restricted cubic spline smoothing

- Nicholas Cox
- RCT_MINIM: Stata module to assign treatments to subjects in a controlled trial

- Philip Ryan
- RCTABLE: Stata module to create a table used in randomized controlled trials

- Adrien Bouguen
- RCTMISS: Stata module to analyse a randomised controlled trial (RCT) allowing for informatively missing outcome data

- Ian White
- RD: Stata module for regression discontinuity estimation

- Austin Nichols
- RDATASETS: Stata module to access R datasets available in CSV format from GitHub

- German Rodriguez
- RDBALANCE: Stata module to compute covariate balance statistics with formatted table output in treatment effect analysis and RDD

- Yongli Chen and Yujun Lian
- RDCI: Stata module to calculate risk difference confidence intervals

- Joseph Coveney
- RDCONT: Stata module to compute non-randomized approximate sign test of density continuity

- Ivan Canay
- RDCV: Stata module to perform Sharp Regression Discontinuity Design with Cross Validation Bandwidth Selection

- Boris Kaiser
- RDDENSITY: Stata module to perform Manipulation Testing Using Local Polynomial Density Estimation

- Matias Cattaneo, Michael Jansson and Xinwei Ma
- RDDSGA: Stata module to conduct subgroup analysis for regression discontinuity designs

- Alvaro Carril, Andre Cazor Katz, Maria Paula Gerardino, Stephan Litschig and Dina Pomeranz
- RDECOMPOSE: Stata module to implements Gupta's rate decomposition method for aggregated data

- Jinjing Li
- RDESIGNI: Stata module to perform design analysis

- Daniel Klein
- RDEXO: Stata module to produces relevant estimates for testing the external validity of LATE

- Marinho Bertanha
- RDIFF: Stata module to calculate 95% confidence intervals for the differences of binomial proportions

- Xiaokun Yang
- RDMSE: Stata module to estimate the mean squared error of a local polynomial regression discontinuity or regression kink estimator

- Zhuan Pei
- RDPERMUTE: Stata module to perform a permutation test for the Regression Kink (RK) and Regression Discontinuity (RD) Design

- Simon Jäger and Peter Ganong
- RDPOWER: Stata module to perform power calculations for random designs

- Eric Hedberg
- RDQTE: Stata module for estimation and robust inference for quantile treatment effects (QTE) in regression discontinuity designs (RDD)

- Harold Chiang, Yu-Chin Hsu and Yuya Sasaki
- RDROBUST: Stata module to provide robust data-driven inference in the regression-discontinuity design

- Sebastian Calonico, Matias Cattaneo, Max Farrell and Rocio Titiunik
- RDS: Stata module for respondent driven sampling

- Matthias Schonlau