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Octave codes

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COORDINATES: Octave functions for coordinate transformations Downloads
Kai Habel (2000-09-10)
FEMOCTAVE: Octave finite element package Downloads
Andreas Stahel (2000-09-06)
IMAGE: Octave module to display with ImageMagick Downloads
Thomas Walter (2000-08-23)
COMPUTATIONAL_GEOMETRY: Octave functions for computational geometry
Kai Habel (2000-08-20)
INVHILB: Octave function to calculate inverse of Hilbert matrix Downloads
Dirk Laurie (2000-08-14)
TOEPLITZ-HANKEL: Octave functions to work with Toeplitz, Hankel matrices Downloads
Dirk Laurie (2000-08-14)
BLKDIAG: Octave function to build a block-diagonal matrix Downloads
Daniel Calvelo Aros (2000-06-25)
SORTROWS: Octave function to sort rows of matrix in ascending order Downloads
Daniel Calvelo Aros (2000-06-25)
OCTJPGLIB: Octave functions to read JPEGs Downloads
Andy Adler (2000-06-08)
MJPLOT: Octave function to produce plots Downloads
Mats Jansson (2000-06-08)
SIGNALPAK: Octave functions for signal processing and audio Downloads
Paul Kienzle (2000-05-14)
BITFUNC: Octave bitwise functions
Kai Habel (2000-04-22)
MINIMIZERS: Octave functions for minimization
Ben Sapp (2000-04-19)
FTEST: Octave function test routine Downloads
Paul Kienzle (2000-04-16)
OCTAVE-NOWAIT: Octave -- EMACS interface functions Downloads
Stephen Eglen (2000-04-13)
NUMERINT: Octave functions for numerical integration
Kai Habel (2000-04-10)
POLYDER: Octave function to differentiate polynomial Downloads
Kai Habel (2000-04-10)
RANDPERM: Octave function to permute integers 1-n Downloads
Stephen Eglen (2000-03-22)
RESHAPE2: Octave function wrapping reshape Downloads
Stephen Eglen (2000-03-22)
COLORMAPS_COORDS: Octave functions for colormaps and coordinate system conversion
Kai Habel (2000-03-19)
__PLTOPT1__: Octave function for graphics line style Downloads
Paul Kienzle (2000-03-17)
GEOMPLEX: Octave functions to generate geometry drawings Downloads
Dirk Laurie (2000-03-07)
SDIRK4: Octave function to solve stiff system of first order ODEs Downloads
Marc Compere (2000-03-07)
MATWRAP: Wrapper generator for matrix languages (Octave, MATLAB) Downloads
Gary Holt (2000-02-11)
RANDMT: Octave function to produce random numbers via Mersenne twister
Shawn Cokus, Makoto Matsumoto, Takuji Nishimura and Dirk Eddelbuettel (2000-02-11)
H5READ: Octave function to import 2d slices from HDF5 datasets Downloads
Steven G. Johnson (2000-02-11)
HISTN: Octave function to produce normalized histogram Downloads
Stephen Eglen (2000-02-09)
YIMAGE: Octave function to provide additional colormaps for image.m Downloads
Yoonsuck Choe (2000-02-06)
GEOMVIEW: Octave function to create 3d plots Downloads
Leopoldo Cerbaro (2000-01-28)
POW: Octave function to compute power function for arbitrary numeric input types Downloads
Rolf Fabian (2000-01-24)
COMMUTATE: Octave function to check for zero commutator matrix Downloads
Rolf Fabian (2000-01-24)
MVO: Octave function to compute matrix-by-vector operations of compatible sizes Downloads
Rolf Fabian (2000-01-21)
VRML: Octave functions to produce VRML files
Etienne Grossmann (2000-01-20)
MATLAB_COMPAT: Octave functions to provide compatibility with MATLAB
Etienne Grossmann (2000-01-20)
BWGRAPHICS: Octave functions to provide monochrome graphics and PGM support
Etienne Grossmann (2000-01-20)
DOWNSIMPLEX: Octave function to compute minimum of function via simplex method
Etienne Grossmann (2000-01-20)
DUMPER: Octave function to dump objects
Etienne Grossmann (2000-01-20)
STRUCT_MANIP: Octave functions for manipulation of structures
Etienne Grossmann (2000-01-20)
POSTGRESQL: Octave functions to access PostgreSQL database
Dirk Eddelbuettel (1999-08-22)
Page updated 2024-09-14
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