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Details about Andreas Dibiasi

Workplace:École d'Économie d'Aix-Marseille (Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE)), Aix-Marseille Université (Aix-Marseille University), (more information at EDIRC)
KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Department of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC), Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ) (Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Andreas Dibiasi.

Last updated 2023-05-19. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pdi480

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Measuring Knightian uncertainty
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (3)
    Also in KOF Working papers, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich (2019) Downloads View citations (5)

    See also Journal Article Measuring Knightian uncertainty, Empirical Economics, Springer (2021) Downloads View citations (3) (2021)
  2. Uncertainty Shocks, Adjustment Costs and Firm Beliefs: Evidence From a Representative Survey
    KOF Working papers, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty: A Cross-Country Analysis
    KOF Working papers, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich Downloads View citations (7)
    See also Journal Article Measuring macroeconomic uncertainty: A cross-country analysis, European Economic Review, Elsevier (2023) Downloads View citations (1) (2023)
  2. Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty: The Labor Channel of Uncertainty from a Cross-Country Perspective
    Papers, Downloads


  1. Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Firm Investment Plans: Evidence from Swiss Survey Data
    KOF Working papers, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich Downloads View citations (8)
    See also Journal Article Exchange rate uncertainty and firm investment plans evidence from Swiss survey data, Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier (2017) Downloads View citations (43) (2017)
  2. The Effect of Policy Uncertainty on Investment Plans
    KOF Working papers, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich Downloads View citations (5)
  3. The Effect of Policy Uncertainty on Investment Plans: Evidence from the Unexpected Acceptance of a Far-Reaching Referendum in Switzerland
    CESifo Working Paper Series, CESifo Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Unveiling Participant Level Determinants of Unit Non-Response in Business Tendency Surveys
    KOF Working papers, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich Downloads View citations (2)

Journal Articles


  1. Measuring macroeconomic uncertainty: A cross-country analysis
    European Economic Review, 2023, 153, (C) Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Working Paper Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty: A Cross-Country Analysis, KOF Working papers (2020) Downloads View citations (7) (2020)


  1. Measuring Knightian uncertainty
    Empirical Economics, 2021, 61, (4), 2113-2141 Downloads View citations (3)
    See also Working Paper Measuring Knightian uncertainty, Post-Print (2021) View citations (3) (2021)


  1. Schweizer Wirtschaft kämpft mit schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen
    KOF Analysen, 2019, 13, (1), 1-70 Downloads


  1. Aufschwung setzt sich fort
    KOF Analysen, 2018, 12, (2), 1-29 Downloads
  2. Breit abgestützter Aufschwung
    KOF Analysen, 2018, 12, (1), 1-70 Downloads
  3. Schweizer Konjunktur im Höhenflug
    KOF Analysen, 2018, 12, (3), 1-73 Downloads
  4. Schweizer Konjunktur verliert an Schwung
    KOF Analysen, 2018, 12, (4), 1-23 Downloads
  5. The effects of policy uncertainty on investment: Evidence from the unexpected acceptance of a far-reaching referendum in Switzerland
    European Economic Review, 2018, 104, (C), 38-67 Downloads View citations (32)


  1. Der Aufschwung ist da
    KOF Analysen, 2017, 11, (4), 1-30 Downloads
  2. Exchange rate uncertainty and firm investment plans evidence from Swiss survey data
    Journal of Macroeconomics, 2017, 51, (C), 1-27 Downloads View citations (43)
    See also Working Paper Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Firm Investment Plans: Evidence from Swiss Survey Data, KOF Working papers (2016) Downloads View citations (8) (2016)
  3. Internationale Impulse beflügeln die Schweizer Wirtschaft
    KOF Analysen, 2017, 11, (3), 1-102 Downloads
  4. Konjunkturbild verbessert sich weiter
    KOF Analysen, 2017, 11, (2), 1-24 Downloads
  5. Weitere Erholung der Schweizer Wirtschaft
    KOF Analysen, 2017, 11, (1), 1-74 Downloads


  1. Langsame Erholung in unsicheren Zeiten
    KOF Analysen, 2016, 10, (4), 1-27 Downloads
  2. Preise fangen sich langsam, verhaltener Konjunkturausblick
    KOF Analysen, 2016, 10, (2), 1-29 Downloads
  3. Schweizer Wirtschaft in turbulentem Umfeld
    KOF Analysen, 2016, 10, (1), 1-72 Downloads
  4. Zurück zu moderatem Wachstum
    KOF Analysen, 2016, 10, (3), 1-108 Downloads


  1. Aufhebung Mindestkurs: Rosskur für Schweizer Wirtschaft
    KOF Analysen, 2015, 9, (1), 1-78 Downloads
  2. Erholung in der EU – Taucher in der Schweiz
    KOF Analysen, 2015, 9, (2), 1-27 Downloads
  3. Moderates Wachstum, Steigende Arbeitslosigkeit
    KOF Analysen, 2015, 9, (4), 1-27 Downloads
  4. Preissenkungen haben Einbruch abgefedert – Abwertung hellt Aussichten auf
    KOF Analysen, 2015, 9, (3), 1-106 Downloads


  1. Metaumfrage im Dienstleistungssektor
    KOF Analysen, 2014, 8, (2), 51-62 Downloads View citations (4)
  2. Robustes Wirtschaftswachstum
    KOF Analysen, 2014, 8, (1), 1-76 Downloads
  3. Schweizer Wirtschaft auf Kurs – dank internationalem Rückenwind
    KOF Analysen, 2014, 8, (4), 1-31 Downloads
  4. Stabiles Wachstum in einem sich verbessernden konjunkturellen Umfeld
    KOF Analysen, 2014, 8, (2), 1-33 Downloads
  5. Warten auf den Aufschwung
    KOF Analysen, 2014, 8, (3), 1-106 Downloads


  1. Gute Konjunkturaussichten für die Schweizer Wirtschaft
    KOF Analysen, 2013, 7, (4), 1-29 Downloads
  2. Schweiz profitiert von Belebung der Weltwirtschaft
    KOF Analysen, 2013, 7, (1), 1-74 Downloads
  3. Schweizer Wirtschaft auf Expansionskurs
    KOF Analysen, 2013, 7, (3), 1-102 Downloads
  4. Schweizer Wirtschaft wächst trotz Rezession in Europa
    KOF Analysen, 2013, 7, (2), 1-29 Downloads
Page updated 2024-10-03