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Workplace:Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2014-02-03. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pro88

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Working Papers


  1. A Fireside Chat on Current Economic Conditions
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum Fed Week Financial Stability Session
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Pandemic Ebbs and Flows: Economic Data, Inflation Concerns, and Policymaking
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2021) Downloads
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2021) Downloads
  4. Perspectives on the Eventual Economic Recovery
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Remarks at the Panel Discussion, “Central Bank Perspectives on Central Bank Digital Currencies”
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Taking Stock of the Economic Recovery and the Opportunities to Bolster Financial Stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. The Economic Outlook – Optimism Despite the Challenges Ahead
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Addressing the Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. An Update on the Economy and the Main Street Lending Program
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Economic Fragility: Implications for Recovery from the Pandemic
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2020) Downloads
  4. Financial Stability Factors and the Severity of the Current Recession [Annual Robert Glauber Lecture]
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Financial Stability Factors and the Severity of the Current Recession [UBS European Virtual Conference]
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Observations on Monetary Policy and the Zero Lower Bound: Remarks for a Panel Discussion at the 2020 Spring Meeting of the Shadow Open Market Committee: “Current Monetary Policy: The Influence of Marvin Goodfriend”
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Prepared Testimony for the Congressional Oversight Commission
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. The COVID-19 Pandemic, the Economic Outlook, and the Main Street Lending Program
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. The Economic Outlook – and Two Risks to the Forecast that are Worth Watching
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. The Economy’s Outlook, Challenges, and Way Forward
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2020) Downloads
  11. The Main Street Lending Program and Other Federal Reserve Actions
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2020) Downloads


  1. A House Divided: Geographic Disparities in 21st Century America
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Assessing economic conditions and risks to financial stability: remarks at the Stern School of Business, Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions, New York University, New York, New York, September 20, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Central bank balance sheets: misconceptions and realities: remarks at the Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference, Hong Kong, China, March 26, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  4. Central bank independence: what it is, what it isn’t – and the importance of accountability: remarks at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association, Columbia University, New York, New York, July 19, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Exploring Economic Conditions and the Implications for Monetary Policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2019) Downloads
  6. Financial Stability and Regulatory Policy in a Low Interest Rate Environment
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Monetary policy in a low inflation and low unemployment economy: remarks at the Economic Club of New York, New York, New York, May 21, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Monetary policymaking in today’s environment: finding “policy space” in a low-rate world: remarks at the 33rd Annual Cornelson Distinguished Lecture at Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina, April 15, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Perspectives on monetary policy and market volatility: remarks to The Boston Economic Club, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, January 9, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. Perspectives on the U.S. Economic Outlook
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. Risk management in monetary policymaking: remarks to the National Association of Corporate Directors, New England Chapter, Boston, Massachusetts, March 5, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  12. The macroprudential implications of the 1990s Japanese financial crisis: remarks at the 5th Annual Macroprudential Conference, Eltville, Germany, June 21, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  13. Weighing the risks to the economic outlook: remarks at The Leo J. Meehan School of Business, Stonehill College, Easton, Massachusetts, September 3, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  14. Weighing the risks to the economic outlook: remarks at a meeting of The Breakfast Group, Boston, Massachusetts, September 4, 2019
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Comments on “A skeptical view of the impact of the Fed’s balance sheet”: remarks delivered at the 2018 U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, New York, New York, February 23, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Considering alternative monetary policy frameworks: an inflation range with an adjustable inflation target: remarks at the Money, Models, & Digital Innovation Conference, Global Interdependence Center, San Diego, California January 12, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (3)
  3. Ethics and economics: making cyclical downturns less severe: remarks at the Fourth Annual O. John Olcay Lecture on Ethics and Economics, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C., June 27, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Exploring current economic conditions and the implications for monetary policy: remarks at 1Berkshire Economic Outlook Luncheon, Dalton, Massachusetts, October 26, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Exploring current economic conditions and the implications for monetary policy: remarks at the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) 60th Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Monetary, fiscal, and financial stability policy tools: are we equipped for the next recession?: remarks at the 2018 Economics Department Grossman Lecture, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, April 18, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Monetary, fiscal, and financial stability policy tools: are we equipped for the next recession?: remarks at the Tenth Conference of the International Research Forum on Monetary Policy, Washington, D.C., March 23, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Perspectives on the economy and Fed policy: why continuing to remove monetary accommodation is appropriate: remarks at the Springfield Regional Chamber Outlook 2018, Springfield, Massachusetts, March 9, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Reviewing monetary policy frameworks: remarks at a Forum on the Federal Reserve’s Inflation Target, the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, the Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., January 8, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. Revitalizing New England cities: remarks at The Governor's Academy Tenth Annual Boston Business Leaders Luncheon in Boston, Massachusetts, April 10, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. Should the Fed regularly evaluate its monetary policy framework?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  12. Should the Fed regularly evaluate its monetary policy framework?: remarks at the Fall 2018 Conference, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., September 14, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  13. Some unpleasant stabilization arithmetic: remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 62nd Economic Conference, \\"What are the Consequences of Long Spells of Low Interest Rates?\\", Boston, Massachusetts, September 8, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  14. The U. S. economy: an optimistic outlook, but with some important risks: remarks at the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Economic Outlook Breakfast, Boston, Massachusetts, April 13, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  15. Welcome and opening remarks: comments at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s 62nd Economic Conference, titled \"What Are the Consequences of Long Spells of Low Interest Rates?\", Boston, Massachusetts, September 7, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  16. Working Cities Challenge: remarks at the MetroHartford Alliance breakfast event \"Working Cities, Thriving Communities: How Cross-Sector Collaboration Helps Our Communities Thrive\", Hartford, Connecticut, August 8, 2018
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Current economic conditions and the implications for monetary policy: remarks at the Connecticut Business & Industry Association and the MetroHartford Alliance Economic Summit & Outlook 2017, Hartford, Connecticut, January 9, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Estimating key economic variables: the policy implications: remarks at the 84th International Atlantic Economic Conference, International Atlantic Economic Society, Montreal, Canada, October 7, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Exploring the economy’s recent progress, and the implications for policy: remarks at the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce, South Burlington, Vermont, May 10, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  4. Financial stability in a low interest rate environment: remarks at De Nederlandsche Bank & Sveriges Riksbank Macroprudential Conference Series, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 20, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Financial stability: the role of real estate values: remarks at the Asia-Pacific High Level Meeting on Banking Supervision, Bali, Indonesia, March 22, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  6. Following a balanced approach: remarks at The Economic Policy Forum Fall 2017, Department of Economics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, November 15, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Making monetary policy: rules, benchmarks, guidelines, and discretion: remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 61st Economic Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 13, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Monetary policy as the economy approaches the Fed’s dual mandate: remarks at the New York Association for Business Economics, New York, New York, February 15, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. The Federal Reserve balance sheet and monetary policy: remarks at the 26th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson, New York, April 19, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. The case for gradual but regular monetary policy normalization: remarks to The Boston Economic Club, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, March 29, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. Trends and transitory shocks: remarks to the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York, September 27, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  12. Trends in commercial real estate: remarks at the Risk Management for Commercial Real Estate Financial Markets Conference, New York University Stern School of Business, New York, New York, May 9, 2017
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. After the Great Recession, a not-so-great recovery: remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 60th Economic Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 14, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Are financial markets too pessimistic about the economy?: remarks as part of Central Connecticut State University's Distinguished Banking Lecture Series, April 18, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Assessing the economy's recent progress: remarks at the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Maine, November 15, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  4. Does Fed policy reveal a ternary mandate?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (23)
  5. Early observations on gradual monetary policy normalization
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  6. Exploring the economy's progress and outlook: remarks at the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce, Concord, New Hampshire, May 12, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Exploring the economy's progress and outlook: remarks at the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, Quincy, Massachusetts, September 9, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Observations on defining the objectives and goals of supervision: remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Conference, \"Supervising Large, Complex Financial Institutions: Defining Objectives and Measuring Effectiveness\", March 18, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Observations on financial stability concerns for monetary policymakers: remarks at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Science, Beijing, China, August 31, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. Perspectives on quantitative easing in the United States: remarks at the Global Interdependence Center’s Central Banking Series, House of the Estates, Helsinki, Finland, June 6, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. Perspectives on risks: both economic and cyber: remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 2016 Cybersecurity Conference, April 4, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  12. Progress on addressing \"Too Big To Fail\": remarks at the BCBS-FSI High-level Meeting for Africa on Strengthening Financial Sector Supervision and Current Regulatory Priorities: February 4, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  13. Prospects for returning to more conventional monetary policy: remarks at Colby College, Waterville, Maine, February 16, 2016
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Assessing the economy's progress
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Changing economic relationships: implications for monetary policy and simple monetary policy rules
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  3. Credit availability 20 years after Peek and Rosengren: panel discussion
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  4. Credit supply disruptions: from credit crunches to financial crisis
    Current Policy Perspectives, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Cyber security and financial stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Economic uncertainty: the implications for monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Lessons from the U.S. experience with quantitative easing
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  8. Monetary policy normalization: graceful exit or bumpy ride?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Municipal strategies for financial empowerment
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. One policymaker’s wait for better economic data
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. Remarks at a panel discussion on “Monetary policy normalization: graceful exit or bumpy ride?”
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  12. This time is different: lessons from past tightening cycles
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Broker-dealer finance and financial stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (7)
  2. Can economic opportunity flourish when communities do not?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Implications of low inflation rates for monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  4. Labor market slack and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  5. Monetary policy and forward guidance
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. New monetary policy tools: what have we learned?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  7. Observations on labor markets
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Policymaking with a diversity of views
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Short-term wholesale funding risks
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. The economic outlook
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2013) Downloads
  11. Underutilization in U.S. labor markets
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Assessing the economic recovery
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Bank capital: lessons from the U. S. financial crisis
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (4)
  3. Comments on the paper “Crunch time: fiscal crises and the role of monetary policy”
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (4)
  4. Communicating monetary policy at the zero bound
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Educational attainment and economic outcomes
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Implications of fiscal austerity for U. S. monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Monetary policy and financial stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Money market mutual funds and stable funding
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Risk of financial runs: implications for financial stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  10. Should full employment be a mandate for central banks?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (6)
  11. Simplicity and complexity in capital regulation
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  12. The economic outlook and economic policymaking
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  13. The economic outlook and monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  14. The role of banks in the transmission of monetary policy
    Public Policy Discussion Paper, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (17)


  1. Acting to avoid a \"great stagflation\"
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Avoiding complacency: the U.S. economic outlook, and financial stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Financial crises, and the future of global and Asian banking
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  4. Monetary policy and the mortgage market
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Money market mutual funds and financial stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  6. Our financial structures: are they prepared for financial instability?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    See also Journal Article Our Financial Structures—Are They Prepared for Financial Instability?, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing (2014) Downloads View citations (3) (2014)
  7. Remarks for a panel discussion of the global outlook and risks
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Small business funding and the economic recovery
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Strengthening New England’s smaller cities
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. The economic outlook and its policy implications
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. The economic outlook and unconventional monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. A U.S. perspective on strengthening financial stability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  2. A look inside a key economic debate: how should monetary policy respond to price increases driven by supply shocks?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Defining financial stability, and some policy implications of applying the definition
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (3)
  4. Economic update
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  5. Four common misconceptions about the Federal Reserve
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Global financial intermediaries: lessons and continuing challenges
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Higher education and the economy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Housing and economic recovery
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Remarks at a forum on opportunities and challenges facing New England's smaller industrial cities
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. The role of 'financial myths' in financial crises
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. Towards greater financial stability in short-term credit markets
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  12. Two key questions about the economic recovery
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Asset bubbles and systemic risk
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Considering the routes to a policy destination
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Dividend policy and capital retention: a systemic “first response”
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  4. Five questions about current monetary policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  5. How effective were the Federal Reserve emergency liquidity facilities?: evidence from the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility
    Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (13)
    See also Journal Article How Effective Were the Federal Reserve Emergency Liquidity Facilities? Evidence from the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, Journal of Finance, American Finance Association (2013) Downloads View citations (94) (2013)
  6. How should monetary policy respond to a slow recovery?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Observations on macroprudential supervision
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Prospects for employment: evidence from prior recoveries
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Remarks at the Federal Reserve Conference on REO and Vacant Property Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. Revisiting monetary policy in a low inflation environment
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  11. Understanding the housing collapse: what is to blame and what can be done?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Addressing the credit crisis and restructuring the financial regulatory system: lessons from Japan
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Can we ensure that global banks do not create global problems?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Challenges in resolving systemically important financial institutions
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (3)
  4. Could a systemic regulator have seen the current crisis?
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  5. Housing and the economy: perspectives and possibilities
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Inflation and monetary policy in extraordinary times
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  7. Lessons for the future from the financial crisis
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Making monetary policy during a financial crisis
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  9. Prevention, containment, and policy change – lessons from history
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. Prospects for an economic recovery
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. Testimony at the field hearing of the Committee on Financial Services of the U.S. House of Representatives, “Seeking Solutions – Finding Credit for Small and Mid-Size Businesses in Massachusetts”
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  12. The impact of liquidity, securitization, and banks on the real economy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    See also Journal Article The Impact of Liquidity, Securitization, and Banks on the Real Economy, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing (2010) View citations (6) (2010)
  13. The roles and responsibilities of a systemic regulator
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. A historical perspective on housing downturns
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    Also in Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2008) Downloads
  2. Bank supervision and central banking: understanding credit during a time of financial turmoil
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Chapter Bank supervision and central banking: understanding credit during a time of financial turmoil, BIS Papers chapters, Bank for International Settlements (2009) Downloads (2009)
  3. Current challenges in housing and home loans: complicating factors and the implications for policymakers
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  4. Early lessons from recent financial turmoil
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
  5. Empirical questions in modeling inflation and understanding the implications for policy
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  6. Implications of a credit crunch
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (3)
  7. Liquidity and systemic risk
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  8. Observations on housing, lending, and foreclosure prevention
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  9. Risk-management lessons from recent financial turmoil
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  10. Some principles to consider in future regulatory reform
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  11. The economy and markets
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  12. The impact of financial institutions and financial markets on the real economy: implications of a 'liquidity lock'
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
  13. The mortgage meltdown: implications for credit availability
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads


  1. Recent developments in real estate, financial markets, and the economy: a speech at the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Maine, October 10, 2007
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  2. Remarks at the launch of the Mortgage Relief Fund
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
  3. Subprime mortgage problems: research, opportunities, and policy considerations
    Speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Implications of Alternative Operational Risk Modeling Techniques
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc Downloads View citations (3)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2004) Downloads View citations (9)

    See also Chapter Implications of Alternative Operational Risk Modeling Techniques, NBER Chapters, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2007) Downloads View citations (6) (2007)
  2. The potential impact of explicit Basel II operational risk capital charges on the competitive environment of processing banks in the United States
    Basel II White Paper, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) Downloads


  1. Capital and risk: new evidence on implications of large operational losses
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (4)
    See also Journal Article Capital and Risk: New Evidence on Implications of Large Operational Losses, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing (2006) Downloads View citations (38) (2006)
  2. Unnatural Selection: Perverse Incentives and the Misallocation of Credit in Japan
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc Downloads View citations (43)
    See also Journal Article Unnatural Selection: Perverse Incentives and the Misallocation of Credit in Japan, American Economic Review, American Economic Association (2005) Downloads View citations (571) (2005)


  1. Quantification of operational risk
    Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


  1. Japanese Banking Problems: Implications For Southeast Asia
    Working Papers Central Bank of Chile, Central Bank of Chile Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1998) Downloads View citations (6)

    See also Chapter Japanese Banking Problems: Implications for Southeast Asia, Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies Book Series, Central Bank of Chile (2002) Downloads View citations (1) (2002)


  1. Identifying the macroeconomic effect of loan supply shocks
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (22)
    See also Journal Article Identifying the Macroeconomic Effect of Loan Supply Shocks, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing (2003) View citations (78) (2003)
  2. Troubled Banks, Impaired Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of Relative Access to Credit
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc Downloads View citations (9)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2000) Downloads View citations (6)

    See also Journal Article Troubled Banks, Impaired Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of Relative Access to Credit, American Economic Review, American Economic Association (2002) Downloads View citations (179) (2002)


  1. Determinants of the Japan Premium: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc Downloads View citations (4)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1998) Downloads View citations (15)

    See also Journal Article Determinants of the Japan premium: actions speak louder than words, Journal of International Economics, Elsevier (2001) Downloads View citations (50) (2001)
  2. Does the Federal Reserve possess an exploitable informational advantage?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Journal Article Does the federal reserve possess an exploitable informational advantage?, Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier (2003) Downloads View citations (41) (2003)
  3. Factors affecting the Japanese premium
    Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
  4. Impact of greater bank disclosure amidst a banking crisis
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (24)
  5. International implications of disclosing supervisory information
    Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
  6. Is bank supervision central to central banking?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (132)


  1. Can bank supervisory information improve forecasts of variables critical to monetary policy?
    Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
  2. Does the Federal Reserve have an informational advantage? you can bank on it
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (16)
  3. The poor performance of foreign bank subsidiaries: were the problems acquired or created?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (4)
    See also Journal Article The poor performance of foreign bank subsidiaries: Were the problems acquired or created?, Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier (1999) Downloads View citations (72) (1999)
  4. Will greater disclosure and transparency prevent the next banking crisis?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (9)


  1. Bank consolidation and small business lending: it's not just bank size that matters
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (21)
    See also Journal Article Bank consolidation and small business lending: It's not just bank size that matters, Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier (1998) Downloads View citations (191) (1998)
  2. Collateral damage: effects of the Japanese real estate collapse on credit availability and real activity in the United States
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (16)
  3. Is banking supervision central to central banking?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Derivatives Activity at Troubled Banks
    Center for Financial Institutions Working Papers, Wharton School Center for Financial Institutions, University of Pennsylvania Downloads View citations (3)
    Also in Boston College Working Papers in Economics, Boston College Department of Economics (1996) Downloads View citations (1)
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1996) Downloads View citations (1)

    See also Journal Article Derivatives Activity at Troubled Banks, Journal of Financial Services Research, Springer (1997) Downloads View citations (10) (1997)
  2. The International Transmission of Financial Shocks: The Case of Japan
    Boston College Working Papers in Economics, Boston College Department of Economics Downloads View citations (3)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1996) Downloads View citations (13)

    See also Journal Article The International Transmission of Financial Shocks: The Case of Japan, American Economic Review, American Economic Association (1997) Downloads View citations (545) (1997)
  3. Will Legislated Early Intervention Prevent the Next Banking Crisis?
    Boston College Working Papers in Economics, Boston College Department of Economics Downloads View citations (5)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1996) Downloads View citations (10)


  1. Bank regulatory agreements and real estate lending
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (7)
    See also Journal Article Bank Regulatory Agreements and Real Estate Lending, Real Estate Economics, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (1996) Downloads View citations (17) (1996)
  2. Banks and the availability of small business loans
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (19)
  3. Small business credit availability: how important is size of lender?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (39)
  4. The effects of interstate branching on small business lending
    Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago View citations (3)


  1. Bank Real Estate And The New England Capital Crunch
    Boston College Working Papers in Economics, Boston College Department of Economics Downloads View citations (4)
  2. Bank regulation and the credit crunch
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (13)
    See also Journal Article Bank regulation and the credit crunch, Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier (1995) Downloads View citations (250) (1995)
  3. Empirical evidence on vertical foreclosure
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Empirical Evidence on Vertical Foreclosure, Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International (1994) View citations (17) (1994)
  4. The Capital Crunch: Neither A Borrower Nor A Lender Be
    Boston College Working Papers in Economics, Boston College Department of Economics Downloads View citations (2)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1991) Downloads View citations (16)

    See also Journal Article The Capital Crunch: Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing (1995) Downloads View citations (314) (1995)


  1. Bank capital regulation and the New England credit crunch
    Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago View citations (2)
  2. Defaults of original issue high-yield convertible bonds
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads
    See also Journal Article Defaults of Original Issue High-Yield Convertible Bonds, Journal of Finance, American Finance Association (1993) Downloads View citations (4) (1993)
  3. Failed bank resolution and the collateral crunch: the advantages of adopting transferable puts
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Journal Article Failed Bank Resolution and the Collateral Crunch: The Advantages of Adopting Transferable Puts, Real Estate Economics, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (1994) Downloads View citations (5) (1994)
  4. The Real Exchange Rate and Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Relative Wealth vs. Relative Wage Effects
    NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc Downloads View citations (8)
    Also in Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1992) Downloads View citations (7)

    See also Journal Article The real exchange rate and foreign direct investment in the United States: Relative wealth vs. relative wage effects, Journal of International Economics, Elsevier (1994) Downloads View citations (173) (1994)
  5. The role of real estate in the New England credit crunch
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Downloads View citations (3)

Journal Articles


  1. Our Financial Structures—Are They Prepared for Financial Instability?
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2014, 46, (s1), 143-156 Downloads View citations (3)
    See also Working Paper Our financial structures: are they prepared for financial instability?, Speech (2012) Downloads (2012)


  1. How Effective Were the Federal Reserve Emergency Liquidity Facilities? Evidence from the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility
    Journal of Finance, 2013, 68, (2), 715-737 Downloads View citations (94)
    See also Working Paper How effective were the Federal Reserve emergency liquidity facilities?: evidence from the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers (2010) Downloads View citations (13) (2010)


  1. Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment: Remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 55th Economic Conference
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2012, 44, 165-174 Downloads


  1. The Impact of Liquidity, Securitization, and Banks on the Real Economy
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2010, 42, (s1), 221-228 View citations (6)
    See also Working Paper The impact of liquidity, securitization, and banks on the real economy, Speech (2009) Downloads (2009)


  1. Market and risk management innovations: implications for safe and sound banking
    Economic Review, 2007, (Q1-2), 36 - 39 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Capital and Risk: New Evidence on Implications of Large Operational Losses
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2006, 38, (7), 1819-1846 Downloads View citations (38)
    See also Working Paper Capital and risk: new evidence on implications of large operational losses, Working Papers (2003) Downloads View citations (4) (2003)


  1. Unnatural Selection: Perverse Incentives and the Misallocation of Credit in Japan
    American Economic Review, 2005, 95, (4), 1144-1166 Downloads View citations (571)
    See also Working Paper Unnatural Selection: Perverse Incentives and the Misallocation of Credit in Japan, NBER Working Papers (2003) Downloads View citations (43) (2003)


  1. Commentary on \\"Disclosure, volatility, and transparency: an empirical investigation into the value of bank disclosure.\\"
    Economic Policy Review, 2004, (Sep), 49-51 Downloads


  1. Does the federal reserve possess an exploitable informational advantage?
    Journal of Monetary Economics, 2003, 50, (4), 817-839 Downloads View citations (41)
    See also Working Paper Does the Federal Reserve possess an exploitable informational advantage?, Working Papers (1999) Downloads View citations (2) (1999)
  2. Identifying the Macroeconomic Effect of Loan Supply Shocks
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2003, 35, (6), 931-46 View citations (78)
    See also Working Paper Identifying the macroeconomic effect of loan supply shocks, Working Papers (2000) Downloads View citations (22) (2000)
  3. The impact of economic slowdowns on financial institutions and their regulators: an overview
    Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2003, 12, (2), 150-152 Downloads


  1. Economic cycles and bank health
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 2002 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Troubled Banks, Impaired Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of Relative Access to Credit
    American Economic Review, 2002, 92, (3), 664-682 Downloads View citations (179)
    See also Working Paper Troubled Banks, Impaired Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of Relative Access to Credit, NBER Working Papers (2000) Downloads View citations (9) (2000)


  1. Capital allocation for operational risk: implementation challenges for bank supervisors
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 2001 Downloads
  2. Determinants of the Japan premium: actions speak louder than words
    Journal of International Economics, 2001, 53, (2), 283-305 Downloads View citations (50)
    See also Working Paper Determinants of the Japan Premium: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, NBER Working Papers (1999) Downloads View citations (4) (1999)


  1. Building an infrastructure for financial stability: an overview
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 2000, (jun), 1-18 Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in New England Economic Review, 2000, (Nov), 3-16 (2000) Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Building an infrastructure for financial stability: proceedings of a conference June 2000
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 2000, 44, (Jun) Downloads
  3. Collateral Damage: Effects of the Japanese Bank Crisis on Real Activity in the United States
    American Economic Review, 2000, 90, (1), 30-45 Downloads View citations (819)
  4. Implications of the globalization of the banking sector: the Latin American experience
    New England Economic Review, 2000, (Sep), 45-62 Downloads View citations (103)
    Also in Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 2000, 44, (Jun), 145-185 (2000) Downloads View citations (93)
  5. The Market Reaction to the Disclosure of Supervisory Actions: Implications for Bank Transparency
    Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2000, 9, (3), 298-319 Downloads View citations (63)


  1. Japanese banking problems: implications for lending in the United States
    New England Economic Review, 1999, (Jan), 25-36 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Modernizing Financial Regulation: Implications for Bank Supervision
    Journal of Financial Services Research, 1999, 16, (2), 117-123 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. The poor performance of foreign bank subsidiaries: Were the problems acquired or created?
    Journal of Banking & Finance, 1999, 23, (2-4), 579-604 Downloads View citations (72)
    See also Working Paper The poor performance of foreign bank subsidiaries: were the problems acquired or created?, Working Papers (1998) Downloads View citations (4) (1998)
  4. Using bank supervisory data to improve macroeconomic forecasts
    New England Economic Review, 1999, (Sep), 21-32 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Bank consolidation and small business lending: It's not just bank size that matters
    Journal of Banking & Finance, 1998, 22, (6-8), 799-819 Downloads View citations (191)
    See also Working Paper Bank consolidation and small business lending: it's not just bank size that matters, Working Papers (1997) Downloads View citations (21) (1997)
  2. The evolution of bank lending to small business
    New England Economic Review, 1998, (Mar), 27-36 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Derivatives Activity at Troubled Banks
    Journal of Financial Services Research, 1997, 12, (2), 287-302 Downloads View citations (10)
    See also Working Paper Derivatives Activity at Troubled Banks, Center for Financial Institutions Working Papers (1996) Downloads View citations (3) (1996)
  2. Have borrower concentration limits encouraged bank consolidation?
    New England Economic Review, 1997, (Jan), 37-47 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. How well capitalized are well-capitalized banks?
    New England Economic Review, 1997, (Sep), 41-50 Downloads View citations (13)
  4. The International Transmission of Financial Shocks: The Case of Japan
    American Economic Review, 1997, 87, (4), 495-505 Downloads View citations (545)
    See also Working Paper The International Transmission of Financial Shocks: The Case of Japan, Boston College Working Papers in Economics (1996) Downloads View citations (3) (1996)


  1. Are consumer delinquencies a problem for New England banks?
    New England Banking Trends, 1996, (Spr), 3-5 View citations (1)
  2. Bank Regulatory Agreements and Real Estate Lending
    Real Estate Economics, 1996, 24, (1), 55-73 Downloads View citations (17)
    See also Working Paper Bank regulatory agreements and real estate lending, Working Papers (1995) Downloads View citations (7) (1995)
  3. The use of capital ratios to trigger intervention in problem banks: too little, too late
    New England Economic Review, 1996, (Sep), 49-58 Downloads View citations (16)


  1. Antitrust policy and vertical mergers
    New England Economic Review, 1995, (Sep), 27-38 Downloads
  2. Bank lending and the transmission of monetary policy
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1995, 39, 47-79 Downloads View citations (54)
  3. Bank regulation and the credit crunch
    Journal of Banking & Finance, 1995, 19, (3-4), 679-692 Downloads View citations (250)
    See also Working Paper Bank regulation and the credit crunch, Working Papers (1993) Downloads View citations (13) (1993)
  4. Bank regulatory agreements in New England
    New England Economic Review, 1995, (May), 15-24 Downloads View citations (18)
  5. Is bank lending important for the transmission of monetary policy: an overview
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1995, 39, 1-14 Downloads View citations (77)
    Also in New England Economic Review, 1995, (Nov), 3-11 (1995) Downloads View citations (60)
  6. Is bank lending important for the transmission of monetary policy? proceedings of a conference held in June 1995
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1995, 39, (Jun) Downloads View citations (11)
  7. Terminations of formal regulatory actions at New England banks
    New England Banking Trends, 1995, (Win), 3-5
  8. The Capital Crunch: Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1995, 27, (3), 625-38 Downloads View citations (314)
    See also Working Paper The Capital Crunch: Neither A Borrower Nor A Lender Be, Boston College Working Papers in Economics (1993) Downloads View citations (2) (1993)


  1. Bank Real Estate Lending and the New England Capital Crunch
    Real Estate Economics, 1994, 22, (1), 33-58 Downloads View citations (44)
  2. Empirical Evidence on Vertical Foreclosure
    Economic Inquiry, 1994, 32, (2), 303-17 View citations (17)
    See also Working Paper Empirical evidence on vertical foreclosure, Working Papers (1993) Downloads View citations (1) (1993)
  3. Failed Bank Resolution and the Collateral Crunch: The Advantages of Adopting Transferable Puts
    Real Estate Economics, 1994, 22, (1), 135-147 Downloads View citations (5)
    See also Working Paper Failed bank resolution and the collateral crunch: the advantages of adopting transferable puts, Working Papers (1992) Downloads View citations (2) (1992)
  4. Lending to small business in New England
    New England Banking Trends, 1994, (Fall), 3-8
  5. Small business lending in New England
    New England Banking Trends, 1994, (Sum), 3-8
  6. The real exchange rate and foreign direct investment in the United States: Relative wealth vs. relative wage effects
    Journal of International Economics, 1994, 36, (3-4), 373-389 Downloads View citations (173)
    See also Working Paper The Real Exchange Rate and Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Relative Wealth vs. Relative Wage Effects, NBER Working Papers (1992) Downloads View citations (8) (1992)


  1. Business failures in New England
    New England Economic Review, 1993, (Nov), 33-44 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Defaults of Original Issue High-Yield Convertible Bonds
    Journal of Finance, 1993, 48, (1), 345-62 Downloads View citations (4)
    See also Working Paper Defaults of original issue high-yield convertible bonds, Working Papers (1992) Downloads (1992)
  3. Lessons from the Rhode Island banking crisis
    New England Economic Review, 1993, (May), 3-12 Downloads View citations (7)
  4. Real estate and the credit crunch: proceedings of a conference held in September 1992
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1993, 36, (Jun) Downloads


  1. Crunching the recovery: bank capital and the role of bank credit
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1992, 36, 151-186 Downloads View citations (10)
  2. Real estate and the credit crunch: an overview
    New England Economic Review, 1992, (Nov), 25-36 Downloads View citations (5)
  3. The advantages of \"transferrable puts\" for loans at failed banks
    New England Economic Review, 1992, (Mar), 3-11 Downloads
  4. The capital crunch in New England
    New England Economic Review, 1992, (May), 21-31 Downloads View citations (20)
  5. The outlook for New England banking
    Annual Report, 1992, 6-13 Downloads


  1. Foreign exchange intervention as a signal of monetary policy
    New England Economic Review, 1991, (May), 39-50 Downloads View citations (29)


  1. Are the distinctions between debt and equity disappearing? An overview
    New England Economic Review, 1990, (Mar), 3-10 Downloads View citations (5)
    Also in Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1989, 33, 1-11 (1989) Downloads
  2. Are the distinctions between debt and equity disappearing? proceedings of a conference held October 1989
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1990, 33, (Oct) Downloads View citations (3)
  3. How diversified is New England?
    New England Economic Review, 1990, (Nov), 3-16 Downloads View citations (6)
  4. The case for junk bonds
    New England Economic Review, 1990, (May), 40-49 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Regulation of debt and equity
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1989, 33, 173-220 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Is the United States for sale? Foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies
    New England Economic Review, 1988, (Nov), 47-56 View citations (1)
  2. State anti-takeover statutes
    New England Economic Indicators, 1988, (Q IV), iv-xi
  3. The merger boom: an overview
    New England Economic Review, 1988, (Mar), 22-32
    Also in Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1987, 31, 1-16 (1987) Downloads View citations (2)
  4. The merger boom: proceedings of a conference held October 1987
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1988, 31, (Oct) Downloads
  5. The stock market and economic activity
    New England Economic Review, 1988, (May), 39-50 View citations (6)


  1. Are hostile takeovers different?
    Conference Series ; [Proceedings], 1987, 31, 199-242 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Forecasting changes in inflation using the Treasury bill futures market
    New England Economic Review, 1987, (Mar), 41-48 View citations (1)
  3. Should states restrict takeovers?
    New England Economic Review, 1987, (Jul), 13-21


  1. Is there a need for regulation in the government securities market?
    New England Economic Review, 1986, (Sep), 29-40 View citations (4)


  1. The Australian Road Freight Industry: Is There a Need for Government Regulation?
    Australian Economic Papers, 1981, 20, (37), 299-308 View citations (1)



  1. Revisiting the CRA - foreword
    Monograph, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Downloads



  1. Bank supervision and central banking: understanding credit during a time of financial turmoil
    A chapter in Household debt: implications for monetary policy and financial stability, 2009, vol. 46, pp 6-16 Downloads
    See also Working Paper Bank supervision and central banking: understanding credit during a time of financial turmoil, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2008) Downloads View citations (2) (2008)


  1. Implications of Alternative Operational Risk Modeling Techniques
    A chapter in The Risks of Financial Institutions, 2007, pp 475-505 Downloads View citations (6)
    See also Working Paper Implications of Alternative Operational Risk Modeling Techniques, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2005) Downloads View citations (3) (2005)


  1. Japanese Banking Problems: Implications for Southeast Asia
    Chapter 10 in Banking, Financial Integration, and International Crises, 2002, vol. 3, pp 303-332 Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Working Paper Japanese Banking Problems: Implications For Southeast Asia, Central Bank of Chile (2001) Downloads View citations (1) (2001)


  1. Synergies between Bank Supervision and Monetary Policy: Implications for the Design of Bank Regulatory Structure
    A chapter in Prudential Supervision: What Works and What Doesn't, 2001, pp 273-300 Downloads View citations (4)
Page updated 2025-03-23