2005 - 2020
Current editor(s): Department of Statistics, University of Bologna From Department of Statistics, University of Bologna Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Giovanna Galatà (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 67, issue 4, 2007
- Marusca De Castris and Guido Pellegrini
- Bijoy Kumarr Pradhan
- Bernstein-type approximation using the beta-binomial distribution pp. 367-387
- Andrea Pallini
- On bivariate geometric distribution pp. 389-404
- K. Jayakumar and Davis Antony Mundassery Mundassery
- A Modified Bessel Distribution of the Second Kind pp. 405-413
- Saralees Nadarajah
- A combinatorial procedure for constructing D-Optimal exact designs pp. 415-423
- Ike Basil Onukogu and Mary Pascal Iwundu
Volume 67, issue 3, 2007
- Multigroup-multiwaves Lisrel modeling in tourist satisfaction analysis pp. 235-252
- Cristina Bernini and Silvia Cagnone
- Unidimensionality in the rasch model: how to detect and interpret pp. 253-261
- Eugenio Brentari and Silvia Golia
- Efficiency indicators versus frontier methods: an empirical investigation of italian public hospitals pp. 263-279
- Lorenzo Clementi and Antonello Maruotti
- The evaluation of university educational processes: a quantile regression approach pp. 281-292
- Cristina Davino and Domenico Vistocco
- Complex sampling designs for the customer satisfaction index estimation pp. 293-308
- Tonio Di Battista and Pasquale Valentini
- Scoring ordianl variables for constructing composite indicators pp. 309-324
- Marica Manisera
Volume 67, issue 2, 2007
- Recent evolution of italian households' equity portfolio choices: an empirical investigation pp. 119-141
- Attilio Gardini and Alessandro Magi
- Forecasting Tv audience: a consulting project with the italian public television pp. 143-156
- Mauro Gasparini and Daniele Imparato
- Convergence in per-capita gdp across Eu-Nuts2 regions using panel data models extended to spatial autocorrelations effects pp. 157-172
- Gianfranco Piras and Giuseppe Arbia
- Robust regression trees based on m-estimators pp. 173-190
- Giuliano Galimberti, Marilena Pillati and Gabriele Soffritti
- Decomposition of variance in terms of conditional means pp. 191-201
- Alessandro Figa' Talamanca, Angelo Guerriero, Alberto Leone and Gian Piero Mignoli
- A joint calibration model for combining predictive distributions pp. 203-212
- Patrizia Agati, Daniela Giovanna Calo' and Luisa Stracqualursi
- A truncated bivariate inverted dirichlet distribution pp. 213-221
- Saralees Nadarajah
Volume 67, issue 1, 2007
- Measuring competence in computer skills pp. 3-25
- Carlo Filippucci and Silvia Pacei
- Score funcions and statistical criteria to manage intensive follow up in business surveys pp. 27-54
- Roberto Gismondi
- A latent curve analysis of unobserved heterogeneity in university achievements pp. 55-67
- Silvia Bianconcini, Silvia Cagnone, Stefania Mignani and Paola Monari
- A study on a two unit parallel system with erlangian repair time pp. 69-77
- S.N. Singh and S.K. Singh
- some considerations and developments about recently proposed families of distributions with hinge points pp. 79-98
- Maurizio Brizzi
- A note on the use of an origin shift in survey sampling: a conceptual perspective pp. 99-108
- Jagatananda Sahoo, Lokanath Sahoo and Bishnuchran Das
Volume 66, issue 4, 2006
- Structural learning of Gaussian graphical models from microarray data with p larger than n pp. 343-372
- Alberto Roverato and Robert Castelo
- Summary indicators of opinions expressed by the users of given service pp. 373-388
- Marisa Civardi, Corrado Crocetta and Emma Zavarrone
- Heights of twenty years old males of Friuli (Italy) born between 1846 and 1890 pp. 389-414
- Marco Breschi, Alessio Fornasin and Luciana Quaranta
- Hypothesis tests on the scale parameter using median ranked set sampling pp. 415-434
- S. S. Hossain S. S. Hossain and H. A. Muttlak H. A. Muttlak
- Student assessment via graded response model pp. 435-447
- Mariagiulia Matteucci and Luisa Stracqualursi
Volume 66, issue 3, 2006
- Camilo Dagum pp. 231-233
- Italo Scardovi
- Wealth distribution models: analisys and applications pp. 235-268
- Camillo Dagum
- Stochastic and deterministic trend models pp. 269-280
- Estela Bee Dagum and Camilo Dagum
- Modelling university human capital formation and measuring its efficiency. Evidence from Florence University pp. 281-298
- Guido Ferrari
- Recent proposal for the estimation of household human capital pp. 299-312
- Giorgio Vittadini and Pietro Giorgio Lovaglio
- The Dagum model of human capital distribution pp. 313-324
- Michele Costa
- The stochastic interpretation of the Dagum personal income distribution: a tale pp. 325-329
- Lorenzo Fattorini and Achille Lemmi
- Recalling Camilo Dagum pp. 331-338
- Ugo Trivellato
Volume 66, issue 2, 2006
- Displaced calibration of PM10 measurements using spatio-temporal models pp. 127-138
- Daniela Cocchi, Fedele Greco and Carlo Trivisano
- Exponentiated Weibull distribution pp. 139-147
- Manisha Pal, M. Masoom Ali M. Masoom Ali and Jungsoo Woo Jungsoo Woo
- Attraction poles in the University of Bologna: a social network analysis pp. 149-160
- Luisa Stracqualursi and Paola Monari
- Test procedures with selected ranked set sampling pp. 161-170
- Syed S. Hossain Syed S. Hossain and Azmeri Khan Azmeri Khan
- Response surface modelling of thermo-mechanical fatigue in hot forging pp. 171-182
- Guido Berti, Manuel Monti, Luigi Salmaso and Stefano Bonnini
- Limit distributions for the terms of central order statistics under power normalization pp. 183-196
- El Sayed M. Nigm El Sayed M. Nigm
Volume 66, issue 1, 2006
- A note on unit root testing in the presence of level shifts pp. 4-18
- Giuseppe Cavaliere and Iliyan Georgiev
- Alcune indipendenze condizionali nelle serie storiche categoriali bivariate pp. 19-38
- Roberto Colombi Colombi and Sabrina Giordano
- Intervalli di confidenza non parametrici per l'area sotto la curva ROC pp. 39-49
- Gianfranco Adimari
- Row-Column designs with varying replications pp. 51-57
- S.S. Kumari, B.D. Mehta and K.K. Saxena
- Inference in the indeterminate parameters problem pp. 59-75
- Marco Barnabani
- Actuarial values calculated using the incomplete Gamma function pp. 77-84
- Giovanni Mingari Scarpello, Daniele Ritelli and Dario Spelta
- Service quality measurement. A new approach based on Conjoint Analysis pp. 85-113
- Valerio Gatta
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