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From Danubius University of Galati
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2011, issue 5(30)

Overview Research Project Studies on Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises Sector in View of Local and Regional Sustainable Development through Economic and Financial Policies pp. 7-10 Downloads
Doinita Ariton
Mihaela Nicolau and Nicoleta Bărbuţă-Mişu
Angela Roman and Valentina Rusu
Ciprian Alecu
The Importance of Identifying the Quality of Services within a Company pp. 49-58 Downloads
Cornelia Elena Tureac
Improving the Export Capacity of Small and Medium Enterprises by Adapting Financing pp. 59-64 Downloads
Eugenia Grecu and Persida Cechin-Crista
The Importance of Adopting a Support for Policy for the Aquaculture Sector in Romania pp. 67-73 Downloads
Florin Tudor, Raducan Oprea and Ionut Jarca
Jana Maftei and Vasilica Negrut
The Impact of SMEs on the Environment. Legislation and Best Practice pp. 81-85 Downloads
Vasilica Negrut and Jana Maftei
Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier - A Precursor of National Accounting pp. 87-92 Downloads
Neculai Tabara and Andreea Vasiliu
Is the EU Budget Able to Support the Sustainable Development under the Global Crisis? pp. 95-102 Downloads
Vlad- Romeo Ionescu
Professional Accountants as Consultants for Business pp. 103-110 Downloads
Ecaterina Necsulescu and Carmen Sirbu
SMEs between Truth and the Political Approach. The Future of the SMEs in Romania pp. 111-118 Downloads
Romeo Ionescu
The Importance of Communication in Human Resources Management pp. 119-128 Downloads
Ioan Bordean
Study Regarding Romanian Entrepreneurship pp. 129-136 Downloads
Gabriela Marchis
SMEs Competitiveness Reflected Through Productivity - Comparative Study Between Romania and the EU pp. 137-147 Downloads
Maria-Daniela Bondoc and Alina Hagiu
Accounting Approach of Sustainable Performance in the Overall Context of Sustainable Development pp. 149-155 Downloads
Emanuel-Stefan Marinescu and Liviu-Mihail Marinescu
Fiscality and Tax Procedure in Romania. By Florin TUDOR pp. 159-161 Downloads
Romeo Ionescu

2011, issue 30

The New Pattern of European Governance and Its Influence on Business Environment pp. 7-14 Downloads
Gabriela Marchis and Ecaterina Necsulescu
Considerations Regarding the Role of Taxes in Correcting the Economical and Social Inequalities on the Base of Globalization Process pp. 15-27 Downloads
Elena SUMAN (toma) and Marius Frunza
Routing Protocols and Bandwidth Limitation pp. 31-37 Downloads
Cosmin Adomnicai and Marcel Danilescu
Eco-Efficiency: A New Challenge for Romanian SMEs pp. 38-43 Downloads
Ionica Oncioiu and Mihail-Silviu Pocora
Analysis of Economic and Organizational Management Strategies Applied in Anti-Crisis pp. 44-54 Downloads
Nelu Mocanu and Mihai-Silviu Pocora
The public pension system in Romania – analysis before and after 1999 pp. 55-59 Downloads
Lucia Croitoru, Laurentiu Baranga, A.Predescu and Alexandra Pricopi
Application of Competition Policy and Law in Small and transition Economies- Albanian Case pp. 63-72 Downloads
Servete Gruda, Pajtim Melani and Brilanda Bushati
Price Performance of IPOS in Indian Stock Market pp. 73-97 Downloads
Ravi Kiran
A Test of the Validity of Capital Asset Pricing Model in Istanbul Stock Exchange pp. 98-108 Downloads
Rumeysa Bilgin and Eyup Basti
The Uncertainty of USA GDP Forecasts Determined by the Variables Aggregation pp. 109-122 Downloads
Mihaela Bratu
An Insight of the Economic Development Patterns in the Gulf Countries pp. 123-137 Downloads
Raluca Oprescu
The Modelling of the Volatility of Business cycles in Romania pp. 138-147 Downloads
Viorica Chirila
Corruption and Human Development Correlation in Western Balkan Countries pp. 148-157 Downloads
Eglantina Hysa
Aristotle’s Economic Thought pp. 161-172 Downloads
Dimitrios Nikolaou Koumparoulis
The Analysis of Pre and Post-Adhesion European Financial Assistance in Romania, By Gabriela Marchis pp. 175-176 Downloads
Bogdan Andronic
FREEFALL: America, Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy, by JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ, Norton & Company, 2010 pp. 177-179 Downloads
Raluca Oprescu

2011, issue 29

Implications of the inflation targeting strategy in some of the European Union member countries pp. 7-15 Downloads
Sargu Alina Camelia and Angela Roman
The role of accounting in the global financial crisis. Assumptions and realities pp. 16-22 Downloads
Neculai Tabara and Alina Rusu
What is the globalization? Or the irreconcilable antagonism between the economic substance of the markets and the political substance of the nations pp. 23-37 Downloads
Yvon Pesqueux
Big Bang vs. Gradualism – A Productivity Analysis pp. 38-56 Downloads
Hans J. Czap and Kanybek D. Nur-tegin
The impact of quality of loans on the performance of banks pp. 59-66 Downloads
Alin Marius Andries, Vasile Cocris and Maria Popescu
Special rules for the cross-border payment services in euro pp. 68-74 Downloads
Gavrila Simona
Determinants of Information Sharing in Supply Chain among Manufacturing and Trading companies in Albania: A Discriminant Analysis pp. 75-85 Downloads
Alma Spaho
Equity Capital –Basic Tool of Company’s Financial Management pp. 86-94 Downloads
Dumitru Bucataru
The Albanian Pension System: The Need for Reform pp. 97-108 Downloads
Areti Stringa, Raimonda Duka and Kiti Stringa
Public environmental spending and the economic growth in Romania pp. 109-113 Downloads
Florian Nuta
Barriers of ICT implementation within SMEs in service sector in Albania pp. 114-120 Downloads
Evelina Bazini, Djana Ilia and Albert Qarri
Fiscal Performance of Special Category States in India: A Case Study of Tripura State Finance pp. 121-132 Downloads
Ajit Kumar Dash
The effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving economic growth: the case of Nigeria, 1980-2009 pp. 133-146 Downloads
Omankhanlen Alex Ehimare
The Shock Doctrine pp. 149-153 Downloads
Dionysios K. Solomos and Dimitrios N. Koumparoulis

2011, issue 28

The Euro-Zone; is it the crisis ahead! pp. 7-13 Downloads
Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
Social and economic cohesion in Romania: an overview pp. 14-22 Downloads
Alina Nuta and Doinita Ariton
Proposal of a Semi Fuzzy Poverty Index pp. 23-37 Downloads
Majda Fikri, Mohammed Elkhomssi and Sahar Saoud
The new version of gravity model in explaining bilateral trade. “A comparative study for developed and developing nations” pp. 41-54 Downloads
Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Amber Osman and Rabia Khokhar
Financial Performance – A Key Factor for Managerial Decisions pp. 55-65 Downloads
Riana Iren Radu
Premises and alternatives for dimensioning the enterprises bank credits pp. 66-72 Downloads
Bogdan-Florin Filip
E-Business Data Access Authorizing Architecture By Applying Trusting Policies pp. 73-77 Downloads
Laura Danilescu
The Statute of Accounting in the General Process of Knowledge pp. 78-85 Downloads
Emil Horomnea, Georgiana Alexandra Rusu, Alexandra Daniela Socea and Ana Maria Pascu
The Financial “Tsunami” of 2008 and its Effects on the Albanian Economy and Financial System pp. 89-97 Downloads
Albana Hashorva (Cami) and Engjell Pere
Marketing Practices of Textile Business and Firm's Performance: A Case of Pakistan pp. 99-107 Downloads
Arsalan Mujahid Ghouri, Naveed Ur Rehman Khan and Muhammad Abdul Malik
Trade-Growth Nexus: Turkish Case pp. 108-114 Downloads
Akbay O. S.
Galati Port during its Porto-Franco Status pp. 115-119 Downloads
Stefan Gheorghe
Past, present and future of direct payments: a Romanian perspective pp. 120-128 Downloads
Stefan Pete, Ildiko Reka Cardos, Boroka-Julia Biro and Ervin Tamas
BOOK REVIEWS: The Impact of EU Enlargement on Regional Strategies and Policies – By Gabriela Marchis pp. 131-133 Downloads
Bogdan Andronic

2011, issue 27

Corporate Governance Systems used in European Union pp. 7-12 Downloads
Daniela Croitoru
Accounting as a Factor of Progress in the Social and Economic Environment pp. 13-19 Downloads
Willi Pavaloaia and Marius-Dumitru Paraschivescu
Factors Influencing Passenger Car Consumer Behavior and their Use in the Environmental Public Policy pp. 20-26 Downloads
Constantin Sasu and Madalina V. Ariton (Balau)
The Proportionality Hypothesis in Capital Theory: an Assessment of the Literature pp. 27-39 Downloads
Dimitrios Koumparoulis
The Relationship between Stakeholder’s Pressure and New Performance Dimension Including Social Responsibility pp. 42-52 Downloads
Florian Marcel Nu?a
Connections between the Concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Enterprise pp. 53-59 Downloads
Ramona Popescu
Mutual Funds in Romania in 2010 pp. 62-68 Downloads
Loredana-Ioana Pribac and Oana Nicoleta Bucur
The Application of Total Quality System in Universities pp. 79-85 Downloads
Andy Pusca and Constantin Falticeanu
Short Considerations on Tax Competition for SMEs pp. 86-94 Downloads
Florin Tudor
Page updated 2025-03-24