Journal of Business Venturing
1985 - 2025
Current editor(s): S. Venkataraman From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 15, issue 5-6, 2000
- University revenues from technology transfer: Licensing fees vs. equity positions pp. 385-392

- Michael J. Bray and James N. Lee
- New venture survival: Ignorance, external shocks, and risk reduction strategies pp. 393-410

- Dean A. Shepherd, Evan J. Douglas and Mark Shanley
- Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions pp. 411-432

- Norris F. KruegerJR, Michael D. Reilly and Alan L. Carsrud
- Management commitment to innovation and esop stock concentration pp. 433-447

- John E. Gamble
- New venture strategy and profitability: A venture capitalist's assessment pp. 449-467

- Dean A. Shepherd, Richard Ettenson and Andrew Crouch
- International corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance: The moderating effect of international environmental hostility pp. 469-492

- Shaker A. Zahra and Dennis M. Garvis
- Strategic experimentation: Understanding change and performance in new ventures pp. 493-521

- Charlene L. Nicholls-Nixon, Arnold C. Cooper and Carolyn Y. Woo
- An investigation of marketing practice by firm size pp. 523-545

- Nicole E. Coviello, Roderick J. Brodie and Hugh J. Munro
Volume 15, issue 4, 2000
- Perceived risks and choices in entrepreneurs' new venture decisions pp. 305-322

- David Forlani and John W. Mullins
- The potential of actuarial decision models: Can they improve the venture capital investment decision? pp. 323-346

- Andrew L. Zacharakis and G. Dale Meyer
- On the survival prospects of men's and women's new business ventures pp. 347-362

- Richard J. BodenJR. and Alfred Nucci
- Small businesses and liquidity constraints in financing business investment: Evidence from shanghai's manufacturing sector pp. 363-383

- Clement Kong-Wing Chow and Michael Ka Yiu Fung
Volume 15, issue 3, 2000
- Dynamic capabilities and new product development in high technology ventures: An empirical analysis of new biotechnology firms pp. 211-229

- David L. Deeds, Dona Decarolis and Joseph Coombs
- Entrepreneurship as a utility maximizing response pp. 231-251

- Evan J. Douglas and Dean A. Shepherd
- An examination of the impact of initial founding conditions and decisions upon the performance of new bank start-ups pp. 253-277

- Charles Bamford, Thomas J. Dean and Patricia P. McDougall
- Women business owners in traditional and non-traditional industries pp. 279-303

- Alexandra L. Anna, Gaylen N. Chandler, Erik Jansen and Neal P. Mero
Volume 15, issue 2, 2000
- Cognitive biases, risk perception, and venture formation: How individuals decide to start companies pp. 113-134

- Mark Simon, Susan M. Houghton and Karl Aquino
- Technology strategy and software new ventures' performance: Exploring the moderating effect of the competitive environment pp. 135-173

- Shaker A. Zahra and William C. Bogner
- Pioneers and followers: Competitive tactics, environment, and firm growth pp. 175-210

- Jeffrey G. Covin, Dennis P. Slevin and Michael B. Heeley
Volume 15, issue 1, 2000
- Sluggish giants, sticky cultures, and dynamic capability transformation pp. 59-78

- Sumit K Majumdar
- Counterfactual thinking and venture formation: The potential effects of thinking about "what might have been" pp. 79-91

- Robert A. Baron
- Spin-offs from research centers at a research university pp. 93-111

- Morten Steffensen, Everett M. Rogers and Kristen Speakman
Volume 14, issue 5-6, 1999
- Firm creation and economic transitions pp. 427-450

- John E. Jackson, Jacek Klich and Krystyna Poznanska
- Has new business creation in russia come to a halt? pp. 451-460

- Vladimir Kontorovich
- The development of the czech sme sector pp. 461-473

- Marie Bohata and Jan Mladek
- Corporate entrepreneurs and privatized firms in russia, ukraine, and belarus pp. 475-492

- Igor Filatotchev, Mike Wright, Trevor Buck and Vladimir Zhukov
- Trade credit and bank finance: Financing small firms in russia pp. 493-518

- Lisa Cook
- Is lack of funds the main obstacle to growth? ebrd's experience with small- and medium-sized businesses in central and eastern europe pp. 519-539

- Francesca Pissarides
Volume 14, issue 4, 1999
- Introduction: Special issue on franchising pp. 321-322

- Rajiv P. Dant and Patrick J. Kaufmann
- Colas, burgers, shakes, and shirkers: Towards a sociological model of franchising in the market economy pp. 323-344

- John Stanworth and James Curran
- Franchising and the choice of self-employment pp. 345-362

- Patrick J. Kaufmann
- Influence of franchisee selection criteria on outcomes desired by the franchisor pp. 363-395

- Thani Jambulingam and John R. Nevin
- The misapplication of Kodak In franchise tying suits pp. 397-415

- Roger D. Blair and Jill Boylston Herndon
Volume 14, issue 3, 1999
- Businesses without glamour? an analysis of resources on performance by size and age in small service and retail firms pp. 233-257

- Candida G. Brush and Radha Chaganti
- Explaining the international intensity and global diversity of early-stage technology-based firms pp. 259-281

- Stephen B. Preece, Grant Miles and Mark C. Baetz
- Size of investment, opportunity choice and human resources in new venture growth: Some typologies pp. 283-309

- Sanjay Prasad Thakur
- A new methodology for aggregating tables: Summarizing journal quality data pp. 311-319

- Diccon R. E. Bancroft, C. Gopinath, Agnes M. Kovacs and Lidia K. Rejto
Volume 14, issue 2, 1999
- An examination of opportunistic action within research alliances: Evidence from the biotechnology industry pp. 141-163

- David L. Deeds and Charles W. L. Hill
- An examination of the influence of industry structure on eight alternative measures of new venture performance for high potential independent new ventures pp. 165-187

- Kenneth Charles Robinson
- A proclivity for entrepreneurship: A comparison of entrepreneurs, small business owners, and corporate managers pp. 189-214

- Wayne H. StewartJr., Warren E. Watson, Joann C. Carland and James W. Carland
- Predicting new venture survival: An analysis of "anatomy of a start-up." cases from Inc. Magazine pp. 215-232

- William B. Gartner, Jennifer A. Starr and Subodh Bhat
Volume 14, issue 1, 1999
- Preface to the special issue on franchising pp. 1-3

- Rajiv P. Dant and Patrick J. Kaufmann
- Franchising and the domain of entrepreneurship research pp. 5-16

- Patrick J. Kaufmann and Rajiv P. Dant
- Franchising versus corporate ownership: The effect on price dispersion pp. 17-34

- Francine Lafontaine
- The challenge of autonomy and dependence in franchised channels of distribution pp. 35-67

- Rajiv P. Dant and Gregory T. Gundlach
- Standardization and adaptation in business format franchising pp. 69-85

- Patrick J. Kaufmann and Sevgin Eroglu
- The pricing of a brand name product: Franchising in the motel services industry pp. 87-102

- Lawrence Wu
- Why do entrepreneurs become franchisees? an empirical analysis of organizational choice pp. 103-124

- Darrell L. Williams
- The effect of organizational context on entrepreneurial strategies in franchising pp. 125-140

- Cecilia M. Falbe, Thomas C. Dandridge and Ajith Kumar
Volume 13, issue 6, 1998
- Why do venture capital firms exist? theory and canadian evidence pp. 441-466

- Raphael Amit, James Brander and Christoph Zott
- Small business growth through geographic expansion: A comparative case study pp. 467-492

- Bruce R. Barringer and Daniel W. Greening
- Strategy and the board of directors in venture capital-backed firms pp. 493-503

- Vance H. Fried, Garry D. Bruton and Robert D. Hisrich
- Outcome quality of small- to medium- sized enterprise-based alliances: The role of perceived partner behaviors pp. 505-522

- K. Mark Weaver and Pat H. Dickson
- Does one size fit all? exploring the relationship between attitudes towards growth, gender, and business size pp. 523-542

- Jennifer E. Cliff
Volume 13, issue 5, 1998
- The pricing of successful venture capital-backed high-tech and life-sciences companies pp. 333-351

- Houlihan Valuation Advisors
- An examination of the substitutability of founders human and financial capital in emerging business ventures pp. 353-369

- Gaylen N. Chandler and Steven H. Hanks
- What determines success? examining the human, financial, and social capital of jamaican microentrepreneurs pp. 371-394

- Benson Honig
- To agree or not to agree? consensus and performance in new ventures pp. 395-422

- G. Page WestIII and G. Dale Meyer
- Cultures of success: Characteristics of the u.k.'s leading mbo teams and managers pp. 423-439

- Yehuda Baruch and David Gebbie
Volume 13, issue 4, 1998
- The rural entrepreneurial venture: creating the virtual megafirm pp. 257-274

- Richard L. Van Horn and Michael G. Harvey
- Cognitive mechanisms in entrepreneurship: why and when enterpreneurs think differently than other people pp. 275-294

- Robert A. Baron
- Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy distinguish entrepreneurs from managers? pp. 295-316

- Chao C. Chen, Patricia Gene Greene and Ann Crick
- Validation of a didactic model for the analysis of training objectives in entrepreneurship pp. 317-332

- Jean-Pierre Bechard and Jean-Marie Toulouse
Volume 13, issue 3, 1998
- Novice, portfolio, and serial founders: are they different? pp. 173-204

- Paul Westhead and Mike Wright
- Technology-based, "adolescent" firm configurations: strategy identification, context, and performance pp. 205-230

- Karen A. Bantel
- Hostile environmental jolts, transaction set, and new business pp. 231-255

- S. Venkataraman and Andrew H. VAN de VEN
Volume 13, issue 2, 1998
- Franchising as an entrepreneurial venture form pp. 91-94

- Frank Hoy and Scott Shane
- Franchising growth and franchisor entry and exit in the U.S. market: Myth and reality pp. 95-112

- Francine Lafontaine and Kathryn Shaw
- Survival patterns among newcomers to franchising pp. 113-130

- Timothy Bates
- Franchising for sustainable advantage? Comparing the performance of independent retailers and trade-name franchisees pp. 131-150

- Reginald A. Litz and Alice C. Stewart
- NAFTA and franchising: A comparison of franchisor perceptions of characteristics associated with franchisee success and failure in Canada, Mexico, and the United States pp. 151-171

- Cecilia M. Falbe and Dianne H. B. Welsh
Volume 13, issue 1, 1998
- Control techniques and upward flow of information in franchising in distant markets: conceptualization and preliminary evidence pp. 3-28

- Rajiv P. Dant and Nada I. Nasr
- Encroachment: legal restrictions on retail franchise expansion pp. 29-41

- William Slater Vincent
- Technological acquisition and investment: lessons from recent indian experience pp. 43-55

- B. L. Pandit and N. S. Siddharthan
- A lack of insight: do venture capitalists really understand their own decision process? pp. 57-76

- Andrew L. Zacharakis and G. Dale Meyer
- Entrepreneurship and female youth: knowledge, attitudes, gender differences, and educational practices pp. 77-88

- Marilyn L. Kourilsky and William B. Walstad
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