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International Journal of Managerial Finance

2005 - 2024

Current editor(s): Dr Alfred Yawson

From Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Volume 10, issue 4, 2014

Estimating cross-sectional regressions in event studies with conditional heteroskedasticity and regression designs that have leverage pp. 418-431 Downloads
Imre Karafiath
Socially responsible stock funds in Brazil pp. 432-441 Downloads
Dimas Hartz Pinto, Celso Funcia Lemme and Ricardo Pereira Câmara Leal
The impact of cash conversion cycle on firm profitability pp. 442-452 Downloads
Darush Yazdanfar and Peter Öhman
Determinants and market implications of differentiated dividends in Korea pp. 453-469 Downloads
Bo Bae Choi, Jangkoo Kang and Doowon Lee
The acquisition puzzle and mispricing: evidence of over-optimism pp. 470-493 Downloads
Ray Donnelly and Amir Hajbaba
Corporate governance and the variability of stock returns pp. 494-510 Downloads
Hardjo Koerniadi, Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti and Alireza Tourani-Rad
The relationship between ownership structure, capital structure and corporate governance practices pp. 511-536 Downloads
Krishna Reddy and Stuart Locke
Portfolio revision and optimal diversification strategy choices pp. 537-564 Downloads
Mourad Mroua and Fathi Abid

Volume 10, issue 3, 2014

Executive options with inflated equity prices pp. 266-292 Downloads
Linus Wilson and Yan Wendy Wu
An examination of the survivability of reverse stock splits pp. 293-311 Downloads
Karyn L. Neuhauser and Thomas H. Thompson
Investor perceptions of the benefits of political connections pp. 312-331 Downloads
Fan Yang, Craig Wilson and Zhenyu Wu
Value-relevance of financial statements pp. 332-367 Downloads
Chelsea Liu, Graeme Gould and Barry Burgan
The announcement and implementation reaction to China's margin trading and short selling pilot programme pp. 368-384 Downloads
Saqib Sharif, Hamish Anderson and Ben Marshall
Ownership control and debt maturity structure: evidence from China pp. 385-403 Downloads
Wenjuan Ruan, Grant Cullen, Shiguang Ma and Erwei Xiang
Yet another careful re-examination of the SAD hypothesis pp. 404-415 Downloads
Mohammed Khaled and Stephen Keef

Volume 10, issue 2, 2014

Capital market supply and REITs’ financing and investment decisions pp. 146-167 Downloads
Qing Bai, Qingqing Chang and Avis Devine
Global real estate mutual funds: regional exposure and forecasting skill pp. 168-179 Downloads
Javier Rodríguez and Herminio Romero
Land value determination in an emerging market: empirical evidence from China pp. 180-199 Downloads
Helen X.H. Bao, John L. Glascock, Sherry Z. Zhou and Lei Feng
Understanding the short- and long-run relationship between vacant allotment and established house prices pp. 200-217 Downloads
Peter Rossini and Valerie Kupke
The causal relationships between stock returns, trading volume, and volatility pp. 218-240 Downloads
Hui-Ching Sana Hsieh
Real estate market cyclical dynamics pp. 241-262 Downloads
Kim Hin Ho and Kwame Addae-Dapaah

Volume 10, issue 1, 2014

The trade-off theory revisited: on the effect of operating leverage pp. 2-22 Downloads
Kristoffer J. Glover and Gerhard Hambusch
Capital structure inconclusiveness: evidence from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore pp. 23-38 Downloads
Razali Haron
Interest on equity and capital structure in the Brazilian context pp. 39-53 Downloads
João Zani, Eduardo Tomedi Leites, Clea Beatriz Macagnan and Marcio Portal
An extensile method on the arbitrage pricing theory based on downside risk (D-APT) pp. 54-72 Downloads
Mohammad Reza Tavakoli Baghdadabad and Paskalis Glabadanidis
Financial constraints for investment in Brazil pp. 73-92 Downloads
Vicente Crisóstomo, Félix López-Iturriaga and Eleuterio Vallelado González
The relation between excess control and cost of capital pp. 93-114 Downloads
Yves Bozec, Claude Laurin and Iwan Meier
Insights from the failure of the Countrywide Financial Corporation pp. 115-136 Downloads
Willoe Freeman, Peter Wells and Anne Wyatt

Volume 9, issue 4, 2013

Technology parks and entrepreneurial outcomes around the world pp. 279-293 Downloads
Douglas Cumming and Sofia Johan
Corporate entrepreneurship and debt financing: evidence from the GCC countries pp. 294-313 Downloads
Reza H. Chowdhury and Min Maung
IPO lockups, founder power, and executive compensation pp. 314-331 Downloads
Lerong He and Hong Wan
The value of group affiliation: evidence from the 2008 financial crisis pp. 332-350 Downloads
Tianshu Zhang and Jun Huang
When should venture capitalists exit their investee companies? pp. 351-364 Downloads
Xun Li, Hwee Huat Tan, Craig Wilson and Zhenyu Wu

Volume 9, issue 3, 2013

Canadian corporate payout policy pp. 164-184 Downloads
H. Kent Baker, Bin Chang, Shantanu Dutta and Samir Saadi
Dividend investing performance and explanations: a practitioner perspective pp. 185-197 Downloads
Michael Clemens
Determinants and effects of option listings: evidence from ADRs pp. 198-218 Downloads
Spencer Case and Janet D. Payne
Profitability of momentum returns under alternative approaches pp. 219-246 Downloads
Kartick Gupta, Stuart Locke and Francis Scrimgeour
Evaluation of Malaysian mutual funds in the maximum drawdown risk measure framework pp. 247-270 Downloads
Mohammad Reza Tavakoli Baghdadabad and Paskalis Glabadanidis

Volume 9, issue 2, 2013

Order imbalance and returns: evidence from India pp. 92-109 Downloads
Nikhil Rastogi, V.N. Reddy and Kiran Kumar Kotha
Relevance of corporate governance practices in charitable organisations pp. 110-132 Downloads
Krishna Reddy, Stuart Locke and Fitriya Fauzi
Contagion among major world markets: a wavelet approach pp. 133-149 Downloads
Mikko Ranta
Profitability determinants among micro firms: evidence from Swedish data pp. 151-160 Downloads
Darush Yazdanfar

Volume 9, issue 1, 2013

Latin American ADR performance pp. 4-12 Downloads
Mark Schaub
Does family ownership create or destroy value? Evidence from Canada pp. 13-48 Downloads
Kuntara Pukthuanthong, Thomas J. Walker, Dolruedee Nuttanontra Thiengtham and Heng Du
Shareholder wealth effects of M & As: the third wave from Malaysia pp. 49-69 Downloads
Nurhazrina Mat Rahim and Wee Ching Pok
Does realized volatility provide additional information? pp. 70-87 Downloads
Jianfeng Zhang and Wenxiu Hu

Volume 8, issue 4, 2012

Are informed traders reluctant to bear price risk or execution risk? pp. 284-303 Downloads
Ryan Garvey and Fei Wu
Determinants of ownership structure and performance of seasoned equity offerings pp. 304-331 Downloads
Sazali Abidin, Krishna Reddy and Liehui Chen
Corporate governance mechanisms, accounting results and stock valuation in Canada pp. 332-343 Downloads
Sylvie Berthelot, Claude Francoeur and Réal Labelle
Bad debt provisions of financial institutions pp. 344-364 Downloads
Yuan George Shan and Lei Xu
Modeling moneyness volatility in measuring exchange rate volatility pp. 365-380 Downloads
Ariful Hoque and Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti
Tournament behaviour in Malaysian managed funds pp. 381-399 Downloads
Vikash Ramiah, Imad Moosa, Ben O'Neill, Milica Backulja, Amel Yacoub, Terry Hallahan and John Vaz

Volume 8, issue 3, 2012

Concentrated short‐selling activity: bear raids or contrarian trading? pp. 187-203 Downloads
Benjamin Blau and Tyler J. Brough
The anatomy of short sales and price adjustment: evidence from the Hong Kong stock market pp. 204-218 Downloads
Crystal Xiaobei Chen
Short sales in the NYSE batch open and NASDAQ opening cross pp. 219-237 Downloads
W. Paul Spurlin, Bonnie F. Van Ness and Robert Van Ness
A cloudy day in the market: short selling behavioural bias or trading strategy pp. 238-255 Downloads
Ethan Watson and Mary C. Funck
Dynamic short‐sale constraints, price limits, and price dynamics pp. 256-279 Downloads
Tse-Chun Lin

Volume 8, issue 2, 2012

Ownership structure, earnings management and acquiring firm post‐merger market performance pp. 100-119 Downloads
Claude Francoeur, Walid Ben Amar and Philémon Rakoto
Trading costs around M&A announcements pp. 120-138 Downloads
Liuqing Mai
Baltic States and the Euro: a spectral analysis of the 2007 financial crisis pp. 139-154 Downloads
David Gray
Working capital management and firms’ performance in emerging markets: the case of Jordan pp. 155-179 Downloads
Bana Abuzayed

Volume 8, issue 1, 2012

New venture start‐ups and technological innovation pp. 4-35 Downloads
George W. Blazenko, Andrey D. Pavlov and Freda Eddy‐Sumeke
The diversification discount and takeovers: some Australian evidence pp. 36-57 Downloads
Michael Nankervis and Harminder Singh
Entry and exit decisions with switching regime cash flows pp. 58-72 Downloads
Donatien Hainaut
Combining structural models and accounting‐based models for measuring credit risk in real estate companies pp. 73-95 Downloads
J. Samuel Baixauli, Susana Alvarez and Antonina Módica
Page updated 2025-01-20