International Journal of Managerial Finance
2005 - 2024
Current editor(s): Dr Alfred Yawson From Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bibliographic data for series maintained by Emerald Support (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 7, issue 4, 2011
- Retesting the CCAPM Euler equations pp. 324-346
- Samih Azar
- An analysis of failed takeover attempts and merger cancellations pp. 347-376
- Karyn L. Neuhauser, Wallace N. Davidson and John Glascock
- Developments in corporate creditworthiness around ownership events pp. 377-396
- Dror Parnes
- Family ownership and firm performance: evidence from Taiwanese firms pp. 397-411
- Jonchi Shyu
Volume 7, issue 3, 2011
- Foreign vs domestic investors and the post‐announcement drift pp. 220-237
- G. Geoffrey Booth, Juha‐Pekka Kallunki, Petri Sahlström and Jaakko Tyynelä
- Joint ventures between US MNCs and foreign governments pp. 238-258
- Mina Glambosky, Kim Gleason and Joan Wiggenhorn
- Determinants of leasing propensity in Canadian listed companies pp. 259-283
- Antonello Callimaci, Anne Fortin and Suzanne Landry
- The impact of IFRS implementation on Greek listed companies pp. 284-303
- George Iatridis and Konstantia Dalla
- Assessing probabilities of financial distress of banks in UAE pp. 304-320
- Ehab Zaki, Rahim Bah and Ananth Rao
Volume 7, issue 2, 2011
- Market regimes, sectorial investments, and time‐varying risk premiums pp. 107-133
- Peixin (Payton) Liu, Kuan Xu and Yonggan Zhao
- Liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk and bank capital pp. 134-152
- Simone Varotto
- Exchange rate regime shift and price patterns pp. 153-178
- Niclas Andrén and Lars Oxelheim
- Financial flexibility and the impact of the global financial crisis pp. 179-216
- Franck Bancel and Usha R. Mittoo
Volume 7, issue 1, 2011
- Taxation and the value of employee stock options pp. 9-37
- Menachem Abudy and Simon Benninga
- Founder family influence and foreign exchange risk management pp. 38-67
- Tom Aabo, Jochen Kuhn and Giovanna Zanotti
- Copula based models for serial dependence pp. 68-82
- Beatriz Vaz de Melo Mendes and Cecília Aíube
- Intraday volatility forecasting from implied volatility pp. 83-100
- Suk Joon Byun, Dong Woo Rhee and Sol Kim
Volume 6, issue 4, 2010
- State‐dominant and non‐state‐dominant ownership concentration and firm performance pp. 264-289
- Kurt Hess, Abeyratna Gunasekarage and Martin Hovey
- Skewness in hedge funds returns: classical skewness coefficients vs Azzalini's skewness parameter pp. 290-304
- Martin Eling, Simone Farinelli, Damiano Rossello and Luisa Tibiletti
- Overall governance, firm value and deviation from one share: one vote principle pp. 305-328
- Yves Bozec, Richard Bozec and Mohamed Dia
- Analysis of managerial efficiency in insurance sector in the UAE: an emerging economy pp. 329-343
- Ananth Rao, Hossein Kashani and Attiea Marie
Volume 6, issue 3, 2010
- The effect of corporate governance on earnings management around UK rights issues pp. 168-189
- Abdullah Iqbal and Norman Strong
- The efficacy of principle‐based corporate governance practices and firm financial performance pp. 190-219
- Krishna Reddy, Stuart Locke and Francis Scrimgeour
- Bank risk and return: the impact of bank non‐interest income pp. 220-244
- Barry Williams and Laurie Prather
- A note on capital structure target adjustment – Indonesian evidence pp. 245-259
- Ludwig Reinhard and Steven Li
Volume 6, issue 2, 2010
- Spread decomposition with common spread components pp. 88-115
- Thomas Henker and Martin Martens
- Impact of capital control measures on the Malaysian stock market pp. 116-127
- Mala Raghavan, Jonathan Dark and Elizabeth Maharaj
- Dividend and debt policies of family controlled firms pp. 128-142
- Lukas Setia‐Atmaja
- Optimal timing of relocation pp. 143-163
- José Azevedo‐Pereira, Gualter Couto and Cláudia Nunes
Volume 6, issue 1, 2010
- The underperformance of equity‐financed bidders pp. 4-23
- Ben Lau and Alex Proimos
- A comparative analysis of the performance of conventional and Islamic unit trust companies in Malaysia pp. 24-47
- Norma, Saad, M. Shabri Abd. Majid, Salina Kassim, Zarinah Hamid and Rosylin Mohd. Yusof
- The shareholder wealth effects of an executive joining another company's Board pp. 48-57
- John Byrd, L. Ann Martin and Subhrendu Rath
- Target gearing in the UK: a triangulated approach pp. 58-80
- Jon Tucker, John Pointon and Moji Olugbode
Volume 5, issue 4, 2009
- How do business group firms utilize internal capital markets? pp. 360-375
- Halit Gonenc
- Sell‐offs, internal capital markets, and long run performance: Canadian evidence pp. 376-390
- Claude Francoeur and Alain Niyubahwe
- Credit scoring and decision making in Egyptian public sector banks pp. 391-406
- Hussein A. Abdou and John Pointon
- The relationship among board of director characteristics, corporate social performance and corporate financial performance pp. 407-423
- Paul Dunn and Barbara Sainty
Volume 5, issue 3, 2009
- A cross‐section analysis of financial market integration in North America using a four factor model pp. 248-267
- Marie‐Claude Beaulieu, Marie‐Hélène Gagnon and Lynda Khalaf
- An empirical analysis of the efficiency of online auction IPO processes and traditional IPO processes pp. 268-310
- Nayantara Hensel
- The lead‐lag relationship between stock index options and the stock index market pp. 311-332
- Sol Kim, In Joon Kim and Seung Oh Nam
- Lucent Technologies, Inc.: using structural models to value debt (and equity) pp. 333-354
- Jack Camiolo, Salvatore Cantale and Michael Purcell
Volume 5, issue 2, 2009
- The nonlinear relation between agency costs and managerial equity ownership pp. 156-178
- Kate Jelinek and Pamela S. Stuerke
- Size, BM, and momentum effects and the robustness of the Fama‐French three‐factor model pp. 179-200
- Gilbert Nartea, Bert D. Ward and Hadrian G. Djajadikerta
- Board of directors' size and performance in the banking industry pp. 201-221
- Mohamed Belkhir
- World and regional factors in stock market returns pp. 222-242
- Suluck Pattarathammas and Anya Khanthavit
Volume 5, issue 1, 2009
- International market structure: global problems and micro solutions pp. 5-15
- Michael S. Pagano
- What order flow reveals about the role of the underwriter in IPO aftermarkets pp. 16-49
- Michael Aitken, Frederick H. deB., Thomas McInish and Kathryn Wong
- Market making in international capital markets pp. 50-80
- Andreas Charitou and Marios Panayides
- Electronic communication networks, market makers, and the components of the bid‐ask spread pp. 81-109
- T. Shawn Strother, James W. Wansley and Phillip Daves
- On the relationship between trading volume and stock price volatility in CASE pp. 110-134
- Eric Girard and Mohammed Omran
- Intraday return and volatility spill‐over across international copper futures markets pp. 135-149
- Donald Lien and Li Yang
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