International Journal of Managerial Finance
2005 - 2024
Current editor(s): Dr Alfred Yawson From Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bibliographic data for series maintained by Emerald Support (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 4, issue 4, 2008
- Corporate governance research: a contingency framework pp. 248-258
- Elisabeth Dedman and Igor Filatotchev
- The market reaction to the appointment of outside directors pp. 259-277
- Abeyratna Gunasekarage and Debra Reed
- The impact of research and development on relative performance evaluation in the UK pp. 278-294
- Lisa Shifei Liu
- Corporate governance and informed trading pp. 295-322
- David Jackson, Shantanu Dutta and Miwako Nitani
- Changes in ownership and minority protection pp. 323-342
- Michele Meoli, Stefano Paleari and Giovanni Urga
Volume 4, issue 3, 2008
- Bank stock repurchase extent and measures of corporate governance pp. 180-199
- Elizabeth Webb
- Is there information content in corporate asset writedowns? pp. 200-219
- Sudip Datta and Mai Iskandar‐Datta
- Acquisition actions in Australia: a test of acquisitions theory pp. 220-231
- Christopher B. Malone and Zicheng Ou
- Earnings management by friendly takeover targets pp. 232-243
- Walid Ben‐Amar and Franck Missonier‐Piera
Volume 4, issue 2, 2008
- Ownership structure and underwriter spread: evidence from Japanese IPO firms pp. 96-111
- Katsushi Suzuki
- The initial and long‐run returns of Japanese venture capital‐backed and non‐venture capital‐backed IPOs pp. 112-135
- Berna Kirkulak-Uludag
- Do general indexes mask sectoral efficiencies? pp. 136-151
- Hicham Benjelloun and Jay Squalli
- Firms as credit suppliers: an empirical study of Spanish firms pp. 152-173
- Olga María Rodríguez‐Rodríguez
Volume 4, issue 1, 2008
- The information content of earnings announcements in Denmark pp. 4-36
- Carina Sponholtz
- Agency costs and corporate governance mechanisms: evidence for UK firms pp. 37-59
- Chris Florackis
- Stock market liquidity and information asymmetry around voluntary earnings disclosures pp. 60-75
- Faten Lakhal
- R&D and dividend payments as determinants of corporate value in the UK pp. 76-91
- Jannine Poletti Hughes
Volume 3, issue 4, 2007
- Buyback trading of open market share repurchase firms and the return volatility decline pp. 316-337
- Jaemin Kim
- The role of indemnification agreements and legal liability in railroad disasters pp. 338-359
- Thomas J. Walker, Dolruedee Thiengtham, Onem Ozocak and Sergey S. Barabanov
- The use of GARCH models for the calculation of minimum capital risk requirements pp. 360-371
- Christos Floros
- Dealing with panel data in accounting and managerial finance research pp. 372-389
- Vincent O'Connell
Volume 3, issue 3, 2007
- Dynamic relationships and technological innovation in hot and cold issue markets pp. 200-228
- Thomas J. Walker and Michael Y. Lin
- Value enhancement using momentum indicators: the European experience pp. 229-262
- Ron Bird and Lorenzo Casavecchia
- Random walk currency futures profits revisited pp. 263-286
- Kuntara Pukthuanthong, Lee R. Thomas Lee R. Thomas and Carlos Bazan
- Cycles and common cycles in real estate markets pp. 287-305
- Kim Liow
- An examination of the Australian Stock Exchange andAustralian Financial Review's fair values pp. 306-312
- Steve Easton and Irena Ivanovic
Volume 3, issue 2, 2007
- Do good or bad borrowers pledge more collateral? pp. 132-163
- Christian Koziol
- Effects of working capital management on SME profitability pp. 164-177
- Pedro Juan García‐Teruel and Pedro Martínez‐Solano
- Global valuation of equity: one market correcting another pp. 178-190
- Jeff Madura and Nivine Richie
- The relationship between implied volatility and autocorrelation pp. 191-196
- Robert Faff and Michael D. McKenzie
Volume 3, issue 1, 2007
- Survey research in finance pp. 5-10
- Karyn L. Neuhauser
- Survey research in finance: views from journal editors pp. 11-25
- H. Kent Baker and Tarun K. Mukherjee
- Translation and validation of the Graham‐Harvey survey for the Brazilian context pp. 26-48
- Marcos Alencar Abaide Balbinotti, Cristiane Benetti and Paulo Renato Soares Terra
- Decision processes in German mutual fund companies: evidence from a telephone survey pp. 49-69
- Kerstin Drachter, Alexander Kempf and Michael Wagner
- The perception of dividends by Canadian managers: new survey evidence pp. 70-91
- H. Kent Baker, Samir Saadi, Shantanu Dutta and Devinder Gandhi
- The impact of individual‐owners on currency speculation: the case of Danish non‐financial firms pp. 92-107
- Tom Aabo
- Risk and decision making by finance executives: a survey study pp. 108-124
- Les Coleman
Volume 2, issue 4, 2006
- The firm's strategic dynamics and corporate governance life‐cycle pp. 256-279
- Igor Filatotchev, Steven Toms and Mike Wright
- Corporate governance codes in the European Union pp. 280-301
- Niels Hermes, Theo J.B.M. Postma and Orestis Zivkov
- Corporate governance and the quality of accounting earnings: a Canadian perspective pp. 302-327
- Flora F. Niu
- Managerial overconfidence and corporate takeovers pp. 328-342
- Hongbo Pan, Xinping Xia and Minggui Yu
- Is economic value added more associated with stock return than accounting earnings? The UK evidence pp. 343-353
- Ahmad Ismail
- An analytical theory of project investment: a comparison with real option theory pp. 354-363
- Jing Chen
Volume 2, issue 3, 2006
- Effects of the method of payment and the mode of acquisition on performance and risk metrics pp. 176-195
- Sema Dube and John L. Glascock
- Do investors herd intraday in Australian equities? pp. 196-219
- Julia Henker, Thomas Henker and Anna Mitsios
- Auditor choice, retained ownership, and earnings disclosure for IPO firms pp. 220-240
- Kun Wang and Zahid Iqbal
- Inflation and bond‐stock characteristics of international security returns pp. 241-251
- Moon K. Kim and Ravi Shukla
Volume 2, issue 2, 2006
- Operating characteristics, risk, and performance of born‐global firms pp. 96-120
- Kimberly C. Gleason, Jeff Madura and Joan Wiggenhorn
- Investors' response to mutual fund company mergers pp. 121-135
- David Allen and Jerry Parwada
- Intangible assets and firm diversification pp. 136-153
- Christopher B. Malone and Lawrence Rose
- Value‐at‐risk under extreme values: the relative performance in MENA emerging stock markets pp. 154-172
- Aktham Maghyereh and Haitham A. Al‐Zoubi
Volume 2, issue 1, 2006
- The valuation effects of long‐term changes in capital structure pp. 4-18
- Cécile Carpentier
- When does single‐source versus multiple‐source lending matter? pp. 19-48
- Christian Koziol
- Cost‐efficiencies, profitability, and strategic behavior: evidence from Japanese commercial banks pp. 49-76
- Nayantara D. Hensel
- Currency risk management: simulating the Canadian dollar pp. 77-90
- Francisco Carrada‐Bravo, Hassan K. Hosseini and Lorenzo Fernandez
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