International Journal of Managerial Finance
2005 - 2024
Current editor(s): Dr Alfred Yawson From Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bibliographic data for series maintained by Emerald Support (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 18, issue 5, 2021
- Stock returns, oil prices and leverage: evidence from US firms pp. 785-811
- Md Ruhul Amin and Andre Varella Mollick
- Are social connections of independent directors all the same? Evidence from corporate monitoring pp. 812-832
- Zhe Li, Emre Unlu and Julie Wu
- CEO pay slice and acquisitions in Australia: the role of tournament incentives pp. 833-868
- Hoa Luong, Abeyratna Gunasekarage and Syed Shams
- Mutual fund manager turnover: an empirical investigation of performance pp. 869-887
- Avinash Ghalke and Shripad Kulkarni
- Employee mistreatment and information asymmetry pp. 888-919
- Omer Unsal
- Valuation of short-lived firms following waves of new listings pp. 920-943
- Yoshie Saito
- Did the STOCK Act impact the performance, risk and flow of hedge funds? pp. 944-978
- Laleh Samarbakhsh and Meet Shah
- Bank stability, credit information sharing and a shift toward households' lending: international evidence pp. 979-996
- Tu D.Q. Le and Dat T. Nguyen
- Role of educational, regional and religious attributes of CEOs in performance of Indian family firms pp. 997-1027
- Ranjan DasGupta and Rajesh Pathak
Volume 18, issue 4, 2022
- Multinational enterprises’ internationalization and adoption of sustainable development goals pp. 617-638
- Ranjan DasGupta, Satish Kumar and Rajesh Pathak
- Do global factors drive the interconnectedness among green, Islamic and conventional financial markets? pp. 639-660
- Sitara Karim and Muhammad Abubakr Naeem
- Do stock markets value green operations? Evidence from India pp. 661-676
- Nemiraja Jadiyappa and Raveesh Krishnankutty
- Board characteristics and environmental disclosures: evidence from sensitive and non-sensitive industries of India pp. 677-700
- P.S. Raghu Kumari, Harnesh Makhija, Dipasha Sharma and Abhishek Behl
- Whether corporate green bonds act as armour during crises? Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 701-724
- Garima Sisodia, Anto Joseph and James Dominic
- Revisiting the financial market interdependence during COVID-19 times: a study of green bonds, cryptocurrency, commodities and other financial markets pp. 725-755
- Amar Rao, Mansi Gupta, Gagan Deep Sharma, Mandeep Mahendru and Anirudh Agrawal
- The best-fitting model(s) of equal risk contribution: evidence from environmental-friendly portfolio pp. 756-782
- Bayu Adi Nugroho
Volume 18, issue 3, 2021
- Nonlinear linkages between bank asset quality and profitability: evidence from dynamic and quantile approaches using a global sample pp. 425-444
- Faisal Alqahtani, Besma Hamdi and Michael Skully
- Informational content of options around analyst recommendations pp. 445-465
- Qingxia Wang, Robert Faff and Min Zhu
- Board independence and private information-based trading: evidence from Malaysia pp. 466-487
- Jiunn-Shyan Khong, Chee-Wooi Hooy and Chun-Teck Lye
- Is the new issue puzzle real? Evidence from implied cost of capital pp. 488-509
- Snow Han
- Individual investors' responses to mutual fund fire sales and sell-side analysts' price-correcting revisions pp. 510-533
- Jinglin Jiang and Weiwei Wang
- How do founder-CEOs sell their remaining ownership shares? Theory and evidence pp. 534-561
- Xu Niu
- Financial expert CEOs, political intervention, and corporate investment decisions: evidence from the anti-corruption campaign pp. 562-593
- Hamish D. Anderson, Jing Liao and Shuai Yue
- Information search in times of market uncertainty: an examination of aggregate and disaggregate uncertainty pp. 594-612
- Marshall A. Geiger, Rajib Hasan, Abdullah Kumas and Joyce van der Laan Smith
Volume 18, issue 2, 2021
- The effect of independent directors' financial expertise on the use of private information in setting bank CEO bonuses pp. 205-221
- Guoping Liu and Jerry Sun
- Bank-appointed directors and idiosyncratic volatility: evidence from India pp. 222-239
- Nemiraja Jadiyappa, Anto Joseph and Garima Sisodia
- Capital structure and earnings quality in microfinance institutions pp. 240-260
- Naima Lassoued
- The stability of dividends and its predictability: a cross-country analysis pp. 261-285
- Rajesh Pathak and Ranjan Das Gupta
- Board performance and its relation to dividend payout: evidence from Malaysia pp. 286-316
- Ravichandran Subramaniam and Mahenthiran Sakthi
- The firm growth-cash flow sensitivity: do financial constraints matter? pp. 317-335
- Abdul Rashid and Mahir Ahmed Hersi
- Confidentiality in loan credit agreements pp. 336-364
- Ca Nguyen and Alejandro Pacheco
- Innovation intensity of military-connected firms pp. 365-397
- Iman Harymawan, Fajar Kristanto Gautama Putra, Amalia Rizki and Mohammad Nasih
- Corporate risk-taking with long-term, short-term and subordinate credit ratings pp. 398-423
- Dror Parnes
Volume 18, issue 1, 2020
- Tax avoidance and stock price crash risk: mitigating role of managerial ability pp. 1-27
- Mukesh Garg, Mehdi Khedmati, Fanjie Meng and Prabanga Thoradeniya
- Do corporate social responsibility disclosures influence investment efficiency in the emerging markets of Asia? pp. 28-48
- Farah Zamir, Greg Shailer and Abubakr Saeed
- Corporate social responsibility and corporate payout policy: the impact of product market competition pp. 49-74
- Shahbaz Sheikh
- Banking sector earnings management using loan loss provisions in the Fintech era pp. 75-93
- Peterson Ozili
- Heterogeneous firm-level responses to the US 2018 tariff announcement pp. 94-117
- Yafeng Qin, Zikai Yang and Min Bai
- Institutional blockholders and the variability of firm performance pp. 118-137
- Peng Huang and Yue Lu
- When no news is good news: failing to increase dividends pp. 138-155
- David Michayluk, Karyn Neuhauser and Scott Walker
- Threat of hostile takeover and the cost of seasoned equity offerings pp. 156-180
- Ali Sheikhbahaei and Syed Shams
- The flexibility of corporate payouts vis-à-vis capital investment: some UK evidence pp. 181-201
- Ioannis Chasiotis and Andreas G. Georgantopoulos
Volume 17, issue 5, 2020
- Gender diversity: the corporate social responsibility and financial performance nexus pp. 665-686
- Humyra Jabeen Bristy, Janice How and Peter Verhoeven
- Group affiliation and corporate debt maturity: Co-insurance or expropriation pp. 687-707
- Jagan Kumar Sur and Yogesh Chauhan
- The effect of corporate social responsibility transparency on corporate payout policies pp. 708-732
- Mohammad Hendijani Zadeh
- Investment–cash flow sensitivity around the crisis: are African firms different? pp. 733-756
- Michael Machokoto, Ngozi Ibeji and Chimwemwe Chipeta
- Price premium of private placement: evidence from India pp. 757-782
- Supriya Katti, Naval Verma, B.V. Phani and Chinmoy Ghosh
- Corporate cash holdings, firm performance and national governance: evidence from emerging markets pp. 783-801
- Imad Jabbouri and Hamza Almustafa
Volume 17, issue 4, 2020
- Investor behavior, stock returns and CDS spreads: evidence from foreign and domestic investors in Korea pp. 497-521
- Jin Young Yang, Aristeidis Samitas and Ilias Kampouris
- Military veterans on the board and executive compensation pp. 522-544
- Zhe Li and Megan Rainville
- Investigating the relationship between working capital management and business performance: evidence from the 2008 financial crisis of EU-28 pp. 545-567
- Ali İhsan Akgün and Ayyüce Memiş Karataş
- Political uncertainty and the choice of external audit: international evidence from private firms pp. 568-588
- Omar Farooq, Harit Satt and Basma El Fadel
- CEO's education and investment–cash flow sensitivity: an empirical investigation pp. 589-618
- Gaurav Gupta, Jitendra Mahakud and Vivek Verma
- Monetary policy, bank leverage and liquidity pp. 619-639
- Dang Van Dan and Khac Quoc Bao Nguyen
- Dividend policy and probability of extreme returns pp. 640-661
- Mohammed Bouaddi, Omar Farooq and Neveen Ahmed
Volume 17, issue 3, 2020
- A tale of two emerging market economies: evidence from payout smoothing in China and Taiwan pp. 361-376
- Edward C. Hoang and Indrit Hoxha
- Crash risk and debt maturity: evidence from Australia pp. 377-400
- Mostafa Hasan, Dewan Rahman, Grantley Taylor and Barry Oliver
- The preventive effect of hedge fund activism: investment, CEO compensation and payout policies pp. 401-415
- Caroline Heqing Zhu
- Overreaction effect: evidence from an emerging market (Shanghai stock market) pp. 416-437
- Krishna Reddy, Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar, Nawazish Mirza and Fangwei Shi
- The relationship between financial risk management and succession planning in family businesses pp. 438-454
- George Mihaylov and Ralf Zurbruegg
- Working capital management and managerial talent pp. 455-477
- Nacasius U. Ujah, Augustine Tarkom and Collins E. Okafor
- Comparing sentiment measures in mutual fund performance pp. 478-493
- Qiang Bu and Jeffrey Forrest
Volume 17, issue 2, 2020
- Social media posts and stock returns: The Trump factor pp. 185-213
- Carl Ajjoub, Thomas Walker and Yunfei Zhao
- Managerial optimism and corporate cash holdings pp. 214-236
- Ly Thi Hai Tran, Thoa Thi Kim Tu and Thao Thi Phuong Hoang
- Does earnings transparency affect corporate payout decisions? pp. 237-255
- Yogesh Chauhan and Rajesh Pathak
- Digital corporate reporting and value relevance: evidence from the US and Japan pp. 256-281
- Yuan George Shan and Indrit Troshani
- Creditors' governance, information asymmetry and debt diversification: evidence from India pp. 282-302
- Nemiraja Jadiyappa, Garima Sisodia, Anto Joseph, Santosh Shrivastsava and Pavana Jyothi
- Too far east is west: tax risk, tax reform and investment timing pp. 303-326
- Wanyi Chen
- Returns and volatility spillovers among cryptocurrency portfolios pp. 327-341
- Ismail Fasanya, Oluwatomisin Oyewole and Temitope Odudu
- Corporate payout policy: does product market competition matter? Evidence from Australia pp. 342-357
- Hai-yen Pham, Richard Chung, Ben-Hsien Bao and Byung-Seong Min
Volume 17, issue 1, 2020
- How multiple large shareholders affect bank profitability under the dispersion and the coalition hypotheses? An insight from the MENA region pp. 1-24
- Rim Boussaada and Abdelaziz Hakimi
- Social media visibility, investor diversity and trading consensus pp. 25-48
- Rajib Hasan and Weiwei Wang
- Market response towards different types of politically connected firms during political events: evidence from Malaysia pp. 49-71
- Wai-Yan Wong and Chee-Wooi Hooy
- Proprietary information and the cost of bank debt pp. 72-96
- HyunJun Na
- Employee performance and corporate cash holdings pp. 97-117
- Ryan Flugum, Joel Harper and Li Sun
- Inadequately educated workforce and financing obstacles: international evidence from SMEs in developing countries pp. 118-137
- Imad Jabbouri and Omar Farooq
- Financial performance and safety in the aviation industry pp. 138-165
- Pedram Fardnia, Thomas Kaspereit, Thomas Walker and Sizhe Xu
- Do minority shareholders benefit from parent-subsidiary mergers? pp. 166-183
- Hardjo Koerniadi and Alireza Tourani-Rad
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