International Journal of Managerial Finance
2005 - 2024
Current editor(s): Dr Alfred Yawson
From Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Volume 1, issue 3, 2005
- Corporate investment and financial slack: international evidence pp. 140-163
- Sean Cleary
- Valuing investment projects with expansion options pp. 164-186
- Richard J. Kish and Wenlong Weng
- Adjusting P/E ratios by growth and risk: the PERG ratio pp. 187-203
- Javier Estrada
- Capital asset management process: the case of Hose & Fittings Corporation pp. 204-220
- Sung C. Bae, Bell J.C. Park and Tracy Wagner
Volume 1, issue 2, 2005
- Underpricing, share retention, and the IPO aftermarket liquidity pp. 76-94
- Mingsheng Li, Steven Xiaofan Zheng and Melissa V. Melancon
- Robust multivariate modeling in finance pp. 95-106
- Beatriz Vaz de Melo Mendes and Ricardo Pereira Câmara Leal
- Management's disclosure of hedging activity pp. 108-122
- Jennifer Reynolds‐Moehrle
- Personal taxes, shareholder valuation of riskless corporate taxable cash flows, and management investment decisions pp. 123-136
- Joseph K. Winsen
Volume 1, issue 1, 2005
- Editorial introduction: the value and scope of the financing decision process pp. 5-7
- David Michayluk and Ralf Zurbruegg
- Financial analysts as users of accounting information pp. 8-24
- Pamela S. Stuerke
- Honest EPS: a measure of GAAP earnings relative to pro forma earnings pp. 25-35
- Douglas E. Coté and Rong Qi
- A stochastic approach to modelling the USD/AUD exchange rate pp. 36-48
- Craig Ellis and Patrick Wilson
- Comparison of debt financing between international and domestic firms pp. 49-68
- Halit Gonenc