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International Journal of Managerial Finance

2005 - 2024

Current editor(s): Dr Alfred Yawson

From Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Volume 14, issue 5, 2018

Do stock market and banking sectors development promote innovation efficiency? pp. 506-521 Downloads
Soo-Wah Low, Ali Albada, Nurhatiah Ahmad Chukari and Noor Azlan Ghazali
Can informal corporate governance mechanisms mitigate diversification discount? Evidence from Malaysia pp. 522-541 Downloads
Kian Tek Lee and Chee-Wooi Hooy
Effects of asymmetric information on market timing in the mutual fund industry pp. 542-557 Downloads
Vanessa Tchamyou, Simplice Asongu and Jacinta C. Nwachukwu
Dynamic analysis of sin stocks and investor sentiment pp. 558-573 Downloads
Daniel Liston-Perez and Juan Pablo Gutierrez
Feedback trading and short-term return dynamics in Athens Stock Exchange pp. 574-590 Downloads
Dimitrios Kyrkilis, Athanasios Koulakiotis, Vassilios Babalos and Maria Kyriakou
Value-at-risk performance in emerging and developed countries pp. 591-612 Downloads
Luiz Eduardo Gaio, Tabajara Pimenta Júnior, Fabiano Guasti Lima, Ivan Carlin Passos and Nelson Oliveira Stefanelli
Investors overconfidence behaviour at Bombay Stock Exchange pp. 613-632 Downloads
Venkata Narasimha Chary Mushinada and Venkata Subrahmanya Sarma Veluri

Volume 14, issue 4, 2018

Determinants of bank profitability before, during, and after the financial crisis pp. 378-398 Downloads
Ismail Adelopo, Robert Lloydking and Venancio Tauringana
The role of directors: unravelling the effects of boards on corporate outcomes pp. 399-413 Downloads
Francisco Bravo, Nuria Reguera-Alvarado and María del Pilar Pérez
Reallocation of IPO shares: emerging market evidence pp. 414-432 Downloads
Kavita Wadhwa and Sudhakara Reddy Syamala
M&A deal initiation: the case of the unwelcome suitor pp. 433-461 Downloads
Frederick Davis, Thomas Walker and Linyi Zhou
Banking stability determinants in Africa pp. 462-483 Downloads
Peterson Ozili
Does investor sentiment predict Mexican equity returns? pp. 484-502 Downloads
Daniel Liston-Perez, Patricio Torres-Palacio and Sidika Gulfem Bayram

Volume 14, issue 3, 2018

Board interlocking and firm performance: the role of foreign ownership in Saudi Arabia pp. 266-281 Downloads
Allam Hamdan
Labor unemployment insurance and firms’ future performance pp. 282-300 Downloads
Weiwei Wang and Kenneth Zheng
Macroeconomic uncertainty, corporate governance and corporate capital structure pp. 301-321 Downloads
Yee Peng Chow, Junaina Muhammad, A.N. Bany-Ariffin and Fan Fah Cheng
Hedge fund variables and short-run SEO returns pp. 322-341 Downloads
Robert Martin Hull, Sungkyu Kwak and Rosemary Walker
Executive pensions, compensation leverage, and firm risk pp. 342-361 Downloads
Reilly White
Non-linear approach to Random Walk Test in selected African countries pp. 362-376 Downloads
Emmanuel Abakah, Imhotep Alagidede, Lord Mensah and Kwaku Ohene-Asare

Volume 14, issue 2, 2018

Does deposit insurance promote moral hazards and adverse selection? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 150-169 Downloads
Eunice Egbuna, Moses Oduh, Augustine Ujunwa and Chinwe Okoyeuzu
Determining total CEO compensation of selected US public companies pp. 170-187 Downloads
Matiur Rahman and Muhammad Mustafa
Bank size, information sharing and financial access in Africa pp. 188-209 Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
Political connections, institutional monitoring and the cost of debt: evidence from Malaysian firms pp. 210-229 Downloads
Chwee Ming Tee
To pay or not to pay: what matters the most for dividend payments? pp. 230-244 Downloads
Ranajee Ranajee, Rajesh Pathak and Akanksha Saxena
Time-varying synchronization and dynamic conditional correlation among the stock market returns of leading South American economies pp. 245-262 Downloads
Ajaya Kumar Panda and Swagatika Nanda

Volume 14, issue 1, 2017

Payout and firm’s catering pp. 2-22 Downloads
Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves
The endogeneity of poison pill adoption and unsolicited takeovers pp. 23-36 Downloads
Duc Giang Nguyen
Financial constraints and optimal working capital – evidence from an emerging market pp. 37-53 Downloads
Gaurav S. Chauhan and Pradip Banerjee
CEO pay-risk sensitivity, firm policies, and 2009 Australian tax reforms pp. 54-77 Downloads
Chao Bian, Christopher Gan, Zhaohua Li and Baiding Hu
Asymmetric and nonlinear inter-relations of US stock indices pp. 78-129 Downloads
Dimitrios Vortelinos, Konstantinos Gkillas (Gillas), Costas Syriopoulos and Argyro Svingou
The impact of social influence on the relationship between personality traits and perceived investment performance of individual investors pp. 130-148 Downloads
Fatima Akhtar, K.S. Thyagaraj and Niladri Das

Volume 13, issue 5, 2017

Business cycle and investment flows of retail and institutional mutual funds pp. 498-520 Downloads
Galla Salganik-Shoshan
The interrelationship between net interest margin and non-interest income: evidence from Vietnam pp. 521-540 Downloads
Tu DQ Le
What drives credit risk of microfinance institutions? International evidence pp. 541-559 Downloads
Naima Lassoued
Lead-lag relationship between futures and spot FX market in India pp. 560-577 Downloads
Varuna Kharbanda and Archana Singh
Impact of oil volatility shocks on global emerging market stock returns pp. 578-591 Downloads
Probal Dutta, Md Hasib Noor and Anupam Dutta
Corporate governance strength and stock market liquidity in Malaysia pp. 592-610 Downloads
Hamdan Amer Al-Jaifi, Ahmed Hussein Al-rassas and Adel Ali AL-Qadasi

Volume 13, issue 4, 2017

Political connections, ownership structure and quality of governance pp. 358-377 Downloads
Saidatou Dicko
Ownership structure and the choice of SEO issue method in the UK pp. 378-396 Downloads
Panagiotis Andrikopoulos, Ji Sun and Jie Guo
The real effects of primary and secondary equity markets on firm performance pp. 397-418 Downloads
Andriansyah Andriansyah
Bank earnings management and income smoothing using commission and fee income pp. 419-439 Downloads
Peterson Ozili
Analysis of the survival capacity of mutual funds: a systematic review of the literature pp. 440-474 Downloads
Laura Fabregat-Aibar, Antonio Terceño and M. Glòria Barberà-Mariné
Size, trading volume, and the profitability of technical trading pp. 475-494 Downloads
Yung-Ho Chang, Chia-Ching Jong and Sin-Chong Wang

Volume 13, issue 3, 2017

The capital structure dynamics of Malaysian firms: timing behavior vs adjustment toward the target pp. 226-245 Downloads
Islam Abdeljawad and Fauzias Mat Nor
Net trade credit: what are the determinants? pp. 246-266 Downloads
Godfred Adjapong Afrifa and Ernest Gyapong
Debt policy and firm performance of family firms: the impact of economic adversity pp. 267-286 Downloads
Elisabete Simões Vieira
On the relationship between oil and equity markets: evidence from South Asia pp. 287-303 Downloads
Md Hasib Noor and Anupam Dutta
Corporate dividend decisions and dividend smoothing pp. 304-331 Downloads
Basil Al-Najjar and Erhan Kilincarslan
Does competition only impact on insolvency risk? New evidence from the Chinese banking industry pp. 332-354 Downloads
Yong Tan and John Anchor

Volume 13, issue 2, 2017

Research on capital structure determinants: a review and future directions pp. 106-132 Downloads
Satish Kumar, Sisira Colombage and Purnima Rao
Family ownership and free cash flow pp. 133-148 Downloads
Thitima Sitthipongpanich
Corporate financial policy and the value of cash under uncertainty pp. 149-164 Downloads
Atreya Chakraborty, Christopher Baum and Boyan Liu
Corporate governance structure and capital adequacy: implications to bank risk taking pp. 165-185 Downloads
Heba Abou-El-Sood
Institutional investors, monitoring and corporate finance policies pp. 186-212 Downloads
W. Sean Cleary and Jun Wang
The precision of asset beta estimates pp. 213-224 Downloads
Vance Lesseig and Janet D. Payne

Volume 13, issue 1, 2017

Hedge funds vs SEO firms: a comparative analysis pp. 2-20 Downloads
Robert Martin Hull, Sungkyu Kwak and Rosemary Walker
Investment styles and the multifactor analysis of market timing skill pp. 21-35 Downloads
Jarkko Peltomäki
Internet gambling stock returns: empirical evidence from the UK pp. 36-49 Downloads
Daniel Perez Liston
Market reactions to corporate name changes: evidence from the Toronto Stock Exchange pp. 50-69 Downloads
Ernest N. Biktimirov and Farooq Durrani
The impact of idiosyncratic risk on accrual management pp. 70-90 Downloads
Sudip Datta, Mai Iskandar-Datta and Vivek Singh
Revisiting the price-volume relationship: a cross-currency evidence pp. 91-104 Downloads
Satish Kumar
Page updated 2025-01-20