Computational Economics
1993 - 2025
Continuation of Computer Science in Economics & Management. Current editor(s): Hans Amman From: Springer Society for Computational Economics Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 8, issue 4, 1995
- Estimating Simultaneous Equations Models by a Simulation Technique pp. 255-65
- Heejoon Kang
- Tensor Methods of Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Estimation with Parameter Constraints pp. 267-81
- Seth Greenblatt
- Control Metaphors in the Modelling of Economic Learning and Decision-Making Behaviour pp. 283-301
- Scott Moss
- A Distributed Block Approach to Solving Near-Block-Diagonal Systems with an Application to a Large Macroeconometric Model pp. 303-16
- Jon Faust and Ralph Tryon
Volume 8, issue 3, 1995
- A Distributed Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Solving Optimal Growth Models pp. 159-79
- Paul Beaumont and Patrick T Bradshaw
- Coordination via Genetic Learning pp. 181-203
- Jasmina Arifovic and B. Eaton
- Self-Organization of Markets: An Example of a Computational Approach pp. 205-31
- Nicolaas Vriend
- Modular Technical Change and Genetic Algorithms pp. 233-53
- Chris Birchenhall
Volume 8, issue 2, 1995
- Modeling the Transportation Domain pp. 81-93
- K Fischer, N. Kuhn, H. J. Müller and J. P. Müller
- On Comparative-Static Analysis in Numerical Nonlinear Economic Models pp. 95-105
- Richard Arnott and John Rowse
- Optimal Sampling-Rates and Tracking Properties of Digital LQ and LQG Tracking Controllers for Systems with an Exogenous Component and Costs Associated to Sampling pp. 107-25
- Jacob Engwerda and Gerard Van Willigenburg
- Solving Nonlinear Dynamic Models by Iterative Dynamic Programming pp. 127-54
- Willi Semmler
Volume 8, issue 1, 1995
- Computational Systems for Qualitative Economics pp. 1-26
- Karl R Lang, James C Moore and Andrew B Whinston
- The Dynamics of Collective Action pp. 27-46
- Bernardo A Huberman and Natalie S Glance
- Computing Economic Equilibria Using Benefit and Surplus Functions pp. 47-64
- David G Luenberger and Robert R Maxfield
- Ten Wishes pp. 65-80
- David Kendrick
Volume 7, issue 4, 1994
- On the Use of Optimization Models for Portfolio Selection: A Review and Some Computational Results pp. 227-44
- Panos M Pardalos, Mattias Sandstrom and Costas Zopounidis
- Minimax Hedging Strategy pp. 245-75
- M A Howe, B Rustem and M J P Selby
- A Fast Algorithm for Computing Integrals in Function Spaces: Financial Applications pp. 277-85
- A Eydeland
- Numerical Schemes for Investment Models with Singular Transactions pp. 287-307
- Agnes Tourin and Thaleia Zariphopoulou
- Jump-Diffusion Processes in the Foreign Exchange Markets and the Release of Macroeconomic News pp. 309-29
- Gordon Johnson and Thomas Schneeweis
Volume 7, issue 3, 1994
- Connectionist Projection Pursuit Regression pp. 155-61
- William Verkooijen and Hennie Daniels
- Using a Genetic Algorithm to Determine an Index of Leading Economic Indicators pp. 163-73
- Arthur M Farley and Samuel Jones
- Recognizing Business Cycle Turning Points by Means of a Neural Network pp. 175-85
- Keshav P Vishwakarma
- Genetic Algorithms, Teleological Conservatism, and the Emergence of Optimal Demand Relations: The Case of Stable Preferences pp. 187-202
- Roger McCain
- Solving Applied General Equilibrium Models Represented as a Mixture of Linearized and Levels Equations pp. 203-23
- W Jill Harrison, Ken Pearson, Alan Powell and John E. Small
Volume 7, issue 2, 1994
- Experiences in the Pricing of Trivariate Contingent Claims with Finite Difference Methods on a Massively Parallel Computer pp. 63-72
- Niklas Ekvall
- Global Estimation of Feedforward Networks with a Priori Constraints pp. 73-87
- Wayne H Joerding and Ying Li
- Tensor Methods for Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Unconstrained Estimation pp. 89-108
- Seth Greenblatt
- Computational Aspects in Applied Stochastic Control pp. 109-46
- Charles S Tapiero and Agnes Sulem
- Decision Modelling with HIPRE 3 Plus: The Amsterdam Airport Case pp. 147-54
- J A M Wesseling and A Gabor
Volume 7, issue 1, 1994
- Computability, Complexity and Economics pp. 1-21
- Alfred Lorn Norman
- Cointegration Tests on MARS pp. 23-35
- Peter Sephton
- Identification Environment and Robust Forecasting for Nonlinear Time Series pp. 37-53
- Berlin Wu
- Global Optimization Using Interval Arithmetic pp. 55-62
- Max E Jerrell
Volume 6, issue 3-4, 1993
- Massively Parallel Implementation of the Splitting Equilibration Algorithm pp. 151-61
- Dae-Shik Kim and Anna Nagurney
- User Modeling for Flexible Inference Control and Its Relevance to Decision-Making in Economics and Management pp. 163-75
- Zhengxin Chen
- A Synopsis of the Smoothing Formulae Associated with the Kalman Filter pp. 177-200
- H R Merkus, David Pollock and Aart de Vos
- Economic Incentives in Software Design pp. 201-17
- Hal Varian
- The Design of Economic Policy under Model Uncertainty pp. 219-40
- Nicos Christodoulakis, David Kemball-Cook and Paul Levine
- A Constrained Optimal Control Program in APL pp. 241-47
- Kang Hong Han
- A User's Guide to the Numerical Solution of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Arising in Continuous Time Dynamic Economic Models pp. 249-55
- William Goffe
- Research Opportunities in Computational Economics pp. 257-314
- David Kendrick
Volume 6, issue 2, 1993
- A Dynamic Software Release Model pp. 77-94
- Suleyman Ozekici and Nese A Catkan
- The Measurement of Gender Earnings Differentials for Foreign-Trained and Local-Trained IT Professionals: The Case of Singapore pp. 95-106
- Rosalind Chew
- Information Technology in a Global Economy pp. 107-14
- Patricia A Glenn
- Development of a Decision Support System for Service Delivery pp. 115-29
- An-Pin Chen, Chien-Hua Hwang, Gary L. H. Tan and Chien-Yuan Lin
- Construction and Modification of Judgement Matrices in Analytic Hierarchy Process pp. 131-37
- Chen Naidong and Guo Minxue
- Work Centre Management: The Manufacturing Philosophy pp. 139-50
- John Paynter
Volume 6, issue 1, 1993
- Implementing the Single Bootstrap: Some Computational Considerations pp. 1-15
- B McCullough and Hrishikesh Vinod
- User Interface Aspects of an MRP II Planning Module pp. 17-50
- M Nussbaum, G Garretón, A. Lepe and E. Parra
- Optimal Growth and Planning in a Multi-regional Economy: A Computer Program and Application to the Italian Case pp. 51-73
- Domenico Campisi, Massimo Gastaldi and Agostino La Bella
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