Computational Economics
1993 - 2025
Continuation of Computer Science in Economics & Management. Current editor(s): Hans Amman From: Springer Society for Computational Economics Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 15, issue 3, 2000
- Collinearity and Two-Step Estimation of Sample Selection Models: Problems, Origins, and Remedies pp. 173-199

- Siu Leung and Shih-Ti Yu
- Solving and Estimating Dynamic Models under Rational Expectations pp. 201-221

- Fabrice Collard, Patrick Fève and Corinne Perraudin
- The Power of Tests for Non-Linearity: The Escribano–Pfann Model pp. 223-226

- Steven Cook, Sean Holly and Paul Turner
- Decomposing Simulation Results with Respect to Exogenous Shocks pp. 227-249

- W. Jill Harrison, Mark Horridge and Ken Pearson
- Optimal Sequence of Inter-Generational Borrowing and Lending Leading to Escape from the Poverty Trap through an Invisible Hand pp. 251-272

- Mehrdaad Ghorashi
- On the Use of Enumeration for Investigating the Performance of Hypothesis Tests for Economic Models with a Discrete Response Variable pp. 273-289

- Simon Peters and Andrew Chesher
Volume 15, issue 1-2, 2000
- Empirical Game Theoretic Models: Computational Issues pp. 3-24

- Olivier Armantier and Jean-Francois Richard
- Solution of Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models with Applications to Finite-Horizon Life-Cycle Models of Consumption pp. 25-57

- Michael Binder, Mohammad Pesaran and Hossein Samiei
- A Test for Strong Hysteresis pp. 59-78

- Laura Piscitelli, Rod Cross, Michael Grinfeld and Harbir Lamba
- A Wavelet-Based Nonparametric Estimator of the Variance Function pp. 79-87

- Zuohong Pan and Xiaodi Wang
- Parallel Strategies for Solving SURE Models with Variance Inequalities and Positivity of Correlations Constraints pp. 89-106

- Erricos Kontoghiorghes
- Credit Risk Assessment Using Statistical and Machine Learning: Basic Methodology and Risk Modeling Applications pp. 107-43

- J Galindo and P Tamayo
- Computing Equilibria in Stochastic Finance Economies pp. 145-72

- Felix Kubler and Karl Schmedders
Volume 14, issue 3, 1999
- Average Interest Rate Caps pp. 183-96

- Terry H F Cheuk and Ton Vorst
- A Multicriteria Decision Aid Methodology for Sorting Decision Problems: The Case of Financial Distress pp. 197-218

- Constantin Zopounidis and Michael Doumpos
- Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid Neural Networks in Forecasting Inflation pp. 219-35

- Saeed Moshiri, Norman E Cameron and David Scuse
- Production Games under Uncertainty pp. 237-53

- Maria Sandsmark
- Learning-by-Doing under Uncertainty pp. 255-62

- Francisco Alvarez Gonzalez and Hans Amman
- Should Macroeconomic Policy Makers Consider Parameter Covariances? pp. 263-67

- Hans Amman and David Kendrick
Volume 14, issue 1-2, 1999
- Applied General Equilibrium Modeling with MPSGE as a GAMS Subsystem: An Overview of the Modeling Framework and Syntax pp. 1-46

- Thomas Rutherford
- Dense and Sparse Matrix Classes Using the C++ Standard Template Library pp. 47-68

- Soren S Nielsen
- Mathematica as an Environment for Doing Economics and Econometrics pp. 69-87

- David Belsley
- Display and Interactive Languages for the Internet: HTML, PDF, and Java pp. 89-107

- Dirk Eddelbuttel and William Goffe
- A C++ Platform for the Evolution of Trade Networks pp. 109-34

- David McFadzean and Leigh Tesfatsion
- C for Econometricians pp. 135-49

- Francisco Cribari-Neto
- Programming Languages in Economics pp. 151-81

- David Kendrick and Hans Amman
Volume 13, issue 3, 1999
- Off-Line Computation of Stackelberg Solutions with the Genetic Algorithm pp. 201-09

- Thomas Vallee and Tamer Basar
- Approximated Distributions of Sampling Inequality Indices pp. 211-26

- Paola Palmitesta, Corrado Provasi and Cosimo Spera
- Numerical Solution of an Endogenous Growth Model with Threshold Learning pp. 227-47

- Baoline Chen
- Portmanteau Model Diagnostics and Tests for Nonlinearity: A Comparative Monte Carlo Study of Two Alternative Methods pp. 249-63

- Chris Brooks
- A Calibration Procedure of Dynamic CGE Models for Non-steady State Situations Using GEMPACK pp. 265-87

- Ron Wendner
Volume 13, issue 2, 1999
- Solving Irregular Econometric and Mathematical Optimization Problems with a Genetic Hybrid Algorithm pp. 103-15

- Ralf Ostermark
- Optimal Portfolio Hedging with Nonlinear Derivatives and Transaction Costs pp. 117-45

- Jussi Keppo and Samu Peura
- The Effect of (Mis-Specified) GARCH Filters on the Finite Sample Distribution of the BDS Test pp. 147-62

- Chris Brooks and Saeed M Heravi
- A New Convergence Theorem for Successive Overrelaxation Iterations pp. 163-75

- Andrew Hughes Hallett and Laura Piscitelli
- One Dimensional SDE Models, Low Order Numerical Methods and Simulation Based Estimation: A Comparison of Alternative Estimators pp. 177-97

- Eugene M Cleur and Piero Manfredi
Volume 13, issue 1, 1999
- Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation with a Two-Dimensional Population; A Computational Approach pp. 1-16

- Ritva Tarkiainen and Matti Tuomala
- A Nonrecursive Solution Method for the Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problem with a Singular Transition Matrix pp. 17-23

- Jurgen Ehlgen
- On Optimal Design of Treasury Bonds pp. 25-39

- Rosella Giacometti
- Using Genetic Algorithms to Model the Evolution of Heterogeneous Beliefs pp. 41-60

- James Bullard and John Duffy
- Symplectic Methods for the Solution to Riccati Matrix Equations Related to Macroeconomic Models pp. 61-91

- Guiomar Martin-Herran
- On the Tradeoff between Computational Simplicity and Asymptotic Properties in Multivariate Probit pp. 93-101

- Ayal Kimhi
Volume 12, issue 3, 1998
- The Nonconvexities Problem in Adaptive Control Models: A Simple Computational Solution pp. 203-22

- Marco P Tucci
- ASPEN: A Microsimulation Model of the Economy pp. 223-41

- N Basu, R Pryor and T Quint
- Econometric Estimation of a Continuous Time Macroeconomic Model of the United Kingdom with Segmented Trends pp. 243-54

- K B Nowman
- Front-Tracking Finite Difference Methods for the Valuation of American Options pp. 255-73

- K N Pantazopoulos, E N Houstis and S Kortesis
- Atomic Decomposition of Financial Data pp. 275-93

- Seth Greenblatt
Volume 12, issue 2, 1998
- Bubbles and Market Crashes pp. 97-114

- Michael Youssefmir, Bernardo A Huberman and Tad Hogg
- Comparative Dynamics in Perfect-Foresight Models pp. 115-24

- Lex Meijdam and Marijn Verhoeven
- Teaching Macroeconomics with GAMS pp. 125-49

- Ruben Mercado, David Kendrick and Hans Amman
- An Introduction to Simulated Annealing Algorithms for the Computation of Economic Equilibrium pp. 151-69

- Lihua Wu and Yuyun Wang
- Nonlinear versus Linear Learning Devices: A Procedural Perspective pp. 171-91

- Emilio Barucci and Leonardo Landi
- Running the Economy: A Review of the Internet-Based Fairmodel pp. 193-200

- Mark A Roscam Abbing
Volume 12, issue 1, 1998
- The WALRAS Algorithm: A Convergent Distributed Implementation of General Equilibrium Outcomes pp. 1-24

- John Q Cheng and Michael Wellman
- On the Hicksian Laws of Comparative Statics for the Hicksian Case: The Path-Following Approach Using an Alternative Homotopy pp. 25-33

- Takashi Shiomura
- Simulating the Madness of Crowds: Price Bubbles in an Auction-Mediated Robot Market pp. 35-59

- Ken Steiglitz and Daniel Shapiro
- Computationally Convenient Distributional Assumptions for Common-Value Auctions pp. 61-78

- Michael Gordy
- Implementing the Double Bootstrap pp. 79-95

- B McCullough and Hrishikesh Vinod
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