Politica economica
1997 - 2023
Current editor(s): Giuseppe Marotta From Società editrice il Mulino Bibliographic data for series maintained by (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2015, issue 3
- Labour, Profit and Housing Rent Shares in Italian GDP: Long-Run Trends and Recent Patterns pp. 275-314
- Roberto Torrini
- A Profile of the Italian Multinational Firms pp. 315-354
- Riccardo Cristadoro and Leandro D'Aurizio
- The Determinants of Local Tax Setting in the Event of a Tax System under Reform: The Case of Italian Municipal Property Tax pp. 355-376
- Corrado Pollastri and Alberto Zanardi
- Do Women Prefer Pink? The Effect of a Gender Stereotypical Stock Portfolio on Investing Decisions pp. 377-420
- Henriëtte Prast, Mariacristina Rossi, Costanza Torricelli and Dario Sansone
- I debiti commerciali delle amministrazioni pubbliche italiane: un problema ancora irrisolto pp. 421-458
- Leandro D'Aurizio, Domenico Depalo, Sandro Momigliano and Emilio Vadala'
2015, issue 2
- Gender Budgeting: Insights from Current Methodologies and Experiences in Europe pp. 125-134
- Tindara Addabbo, Gulay Gunluk-Senesen and Angela O'Hagan
- The Big Picture Makes a Big Difference: Taking into Account Changed Framework Conditions for Budgetary Policies at European Level in Gender Responsive Budgeting pp. 135-154
- Elisabeth Klatzer and Christa Schlager
- A Macro-Micro Classical Political-Economy Approach to Well-Being Gender Budgets pp. 155-174
- Antonella Picchio
- Gender Budgeting in Turkey: An Assessment of Local Practices from the Well-Being Perspective pp. 175-194
- Gulay Gunluk-Senesen, Yelda Yucel, Aysegul Yakar-Onal, Burcu Yakut-Cakar and Nuray Ergunes
- Gender Budgeting in Education from a Wellbeing Approach: An Application to Italy and Spain pp. 195-212
- Tindara Addabbo, Paula Rodríguez-Modroño and Lina Gálvez-Muñoz
- Gender Mainstreaming in Public Financing of Universities: Central Findings for Germany pp. 213-232
- Birgit Erbe
- Favourable Conditions for the Adoption and Implementation of Gender Budgeting: Insights from Comparative Analysis pp. 233-252
- Angela O'Hagan
- Progress in the Andalusian GRB Practice: Gender Budgeting Audits pp. 253-271
- María José Gualda-Romero, Buenaventura Aguilera-Díaz and Paula Cirujano-Campano
2015, issue 1
- Territories' Attractiveness: Contextual Factors pp. 3-26
- Chiara Bentivogli, Luca Cherubini and Giovanni Iuzzolino
- Energy Poverty in Italy pp. 27-76
- Ivan Faiella and Luciano Lavecchia
- Aligning Taxation and International Financial Reporting Standards: Evidence from Italian Listed Companies pp. 77-96
- Giovanna Gavana, Gabriele Guggiola and Anna Marenzi
- Gender Inequalities and Labour Market Inclusion. An Integrated Approach to Vocational Training in Piedmont pp. 97-120
- Greta Falavigna, Elena Ragazzi and Lisa Sella
2014, issue 2-3
- Institutions and Inequality pp. 171-174
- Daniele Checchi and Marco Leonardi
- Households' Saving and Debt in Italy pp. 175-202
- Tullio Jappelli, Immacolata Marino and Mario Padula
- The Italian Household Consumption: A Comparison Among Recessions pp. 203-234
- Lisa Rodano and Concetta Rondinelli
- On the Structure of Italian Households: Consumption Patterns During the Recent Crises pp. 235-260
- Concetta Rondinelli
- Does Capitalism Enhance the Labor Share? A Critique of Young and Lawson (2014) pp. 261-298
- Hector Sala and Pedro Trivín
- On-the-Job Search and Optimal Schooling under Uncertainty and Irreversibility pp. 299-339
- Anna Zaharieva
2014, issue 1
- Editor's Note pp. 3-4
- Giuseppe Marotta
- Metrics of Innovation: Measuring the Italian Gap pp. 5-50
- Michele Benvenuti, Luca Casolaro and Elena Gennari
- Managing the Baby Boomer Demographic Wave in Defined Contribution Pension Systems pp. 51-72
- Massimo Angrisani and Cinzia Di Palo
- Size and Territorial Spillovers in Municipalities' Spending on Infrastructures: Theory and Empirics pp. 73-106
- Massimiliano Ferraresi and Leonzio Rizzo
- Airport Infrastructures and Tourism. A Choice Experiment for a Comparative Evaluation of the Siena Airport Project pp. 107-136
- Salvatore Bimonte, Silvia Ferrini and Gaetano Grilli
- Contributions and Labour Cost Data from Individual Social Security Administrative Data pp. 137-166
- Elisa Grand and Roberto Quaranta
2013, issue 3
- What After Fornero's Reform pp. 241-268
- Sandro Gronchi and Raimondo Manca
- Evaluating consumer incentives: the Italian case of building renovations pp. 269-292
- Fabio Berton and Alessandro Cavallari
- Tourism Tax: Public Spending and Taxation in Tourism Destinations pp. 293-318
- Guido Candela, Massimiliano Castellani and Maurizio Mussoni
- The impact of CAP's «second pillar» transfers on agricultural employment in the 2000-2006 programming cycle: the case of Sardinian municipalities pp. 319-351
- Ivan Etzo, Antonella Mandarino and Paolo Mattana
2013, issue 2
- Does immigration causes the regional economic growth? The place of origin is a selective factor of territorial dynamics pp. 151-180
- Claudio Di Berardino and Alessandro Sarra
- The effect of subsidies for transformations to permanent contracts. First evidence from an Italian policy pp. 181-198
- Bruno Anastasia, Anna Giraldo and Adriano Paggiaro
- The short-term effects of Emilia's earthquake on regional economic growth pp. 199-214
- Guglielmo Barone, Federica Benni, Cristina Brasili and Sauro Mocetti
- Veni, vidi, ICI. Is there any trade-off between land use and local taxation? pp. 215-235
- Salvatore Bimonte and Arsenio Stabile
2013, issue 1
- The State and the territories pp. 5-56
- Gianfranco Cerea
- The relative efficiency of regional fiscal policies pp. 57-90
- Michele Zanette
- The estimate of the tax gap: An application in Tuscany pp. 91-118
- Leonardo Ghezzi, Letizia Ravagli, Stefano Rosignoli and Nicola Sciclone
- Electoral rules and Corruption: The role of Political Competition pp. 119-143
- Maria Rosaria Alfano, Anna Laura Baraldi and Claudia Cantabene
2012, issue 3
- The European Redemption Fund: A Comparison of Two Proposals pp. 273-306
- Carmelo Parello and Vincenzo Visco
- The geography of income inequality in Italy pp. 307-343
- Paolo Acciari and Sauro Mocetti
- Fiscal needs and standard costs: an empirical analysis for Italian municipalities of Puglia pp. 343-369
- Massimiliano Ferraresi and Leonzio Rizzo
- Expectations, Employment and Prices: A Suggested Interpretation of the New «Farmerian» Economics pp. 369-395
- Marco Guerrazzi
2012, issue 2
- Workforce disposal, long-term unemployment and out-of-labor force in Italy: new data for economic policy pp. 135-156
- Bruno Contini and Elisa Grand
- Is it possible to make tax evaders pay more by shifting taxation from income to consumption? pp. 157-168
- Giampaolo Arachi and Massimo D'Antoni
- Health care and fiscal federalism: Paradoxes of recent reform in Italy pp. 169-196
- Enza Caruso and Nerina Dirindin
- Expenditure rules for a sounder fiscal position: New perspectives for Italy pp. 197-228
- Alessandra Cepparulo and Luisa Giuriato
- Income disparities in the enlarged EU: National convergence and regional divergence pp. 229-266
- Claudio Di Berardino and Giuseppe Mauro
2012, issue 1
- For a Fistful of Euros. Histories of Ordinary Unemployment pp. 5-48
- Roberto Leonbruni, Adriano Paggiaro and Ugo Trivellato
- The comparison between the normal and the special VAT scheme. An application to the art market pp. 49-76
- Guido Candela, Emanuela Randon and Antonello Scorcu
- On the optimal size of local jurisdiction: the case of Italian provinces pp. 77-102
- Guglielmo Barone
- Measures of labour underutilization: a european comparison pp. 103-129
- Elisabetta Olivieri and Marco Paccagnella
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