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Politica economica

1997 - 2023

Current editor(s): Giuseppe Marotta

From Società editrice il Mulino
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2011, issue 3

Inequality and poverty during the recession in Italy pp. 297-322 Downloads
Massimo Baldini and Emanuele Ciani
The federalism of oil and environmental policy in Italy pp. 323-344 Downloads
Giorgio Brosio and Aldo Vannini
Intergenerational propagation of inequalities in Italy: education, occupation, earnings pp. 345-374 Downloads
Michele Raitano
Municipal capitalism and its economic and financial effects: understanding the direct and indirect impacts on municipal finances pp. 375-412 Downloads
Luisa Sciandra

2011, issue 2

Tax-incentivized vouchers favouring work-life balance: implementation and prospects for Italy pp. 171-196 Downloads
Luca Beltrametti, Donatella Fresu and Alberto Zanardi
Hiring subsidies vs activation. The effectiveness of two programs to favour stable jobs pp. 197-218 Downloads
Valentina Battiloro and Luca Mo Costabella
Standard Spending Needs of Italian Municipalities pp. 219-254 Downloads
Dino Rizzi and Michele Zanette
The experience of Spending Review in Italy: problems and challenges for the future pp. 255-290 Downloads
Daniela Monacelli and Aline Pennisi

2011, issue 1

The evolution of the taxation of business income in Italy pp. 5-24 Downloads
Vincenzo Visco
The decomposition of the redistributive effect into vertical effect, horizontal effect and reranking: the state of the art and the application to the Italian case pp. 25-48 Downloads
Simone Pellegrino and Achille Vernizzi
Duration dependence in the exit from a temporary job: does contract type matter? pp. 49-82 Downloads
Giulio Bosio
The job search in Italy: public, private and informal recruitment channels pp. 83-124 Downloads
Emiliano Mandrone
Cost Benefit Analysis of Transport Mega Projects and Wider Economic Effects: a Review pp. 125-164 Downloads
Francesca Cattaneo and Marco Percoco

2010, issue 3

The International Financial Crisis: an Excursus from Herodotus to Plutarch, with a stop at Goldfinger pp. 325-338 Downloads
Giorgio Basevi
The duties of the sovereign: A brief guide to the literature pp. 339-358 Downloads
Roberto Artoni and Alessandra Casarico
Educational achievements and social origins in Italy pp. 359-388 Downloads
Daniele Checchi
Conflict of interest and coordination in public good provision pp. 389-408 Downloads
Nicola Acocella and Giovanni Di Bartolomeo
Weight for citations or weights for numerousness? Evaluating Italy's academic economists pp. 409-440 Downloads
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo and Giulia Zacchia

2010, issue 2

Introduction pp. 151-152 Downloads
Politica Economica
Presentation pp. 153-156 Downloads
Pierre Carniti
Factor shares dynamics in Italy pp. 157-178 Downloads
Roberto Torrini
The evolution of the earnings distribution in Italy between 1986 and 2004: evidence from the WHIP database pp. 179-202 Downloads
Alfonso Rosolia
The tax wedge on labour: A survey of the existing literature and analysis of the Italian case pp. 203-240 Downloads
Maria Rosaria Marino and Alessandra Staderini
Firm level wage bargaining and territorial wage differentials: evidence from the Bank of Italy survey on firms pp. 241-292 Downloads
Piero Casadio
The public sector pay gap in Italy pp. 293-318 Downloads
Raffaela Giordano

2010, issue 1

Programme evaluation: counterfactual analysis and good practices pp. 5-54 Downloads
Ugo Trivellato
Informal learning and development of competencies: the role of organizational designs. Implication for industrial policies pp. 55-92 Downloads
Riccardo Leoni and Alessandro Gaj
The link investment-finance: an empirical analysis on the Italian mechanic sector pp. 93-122 Downloads
Carlotta Cagnasso and Marco Mazzoli
Natural disasters insurance: the reasons for the low penetration and the political economic solutions pp. 123-145 Downloads
Donatella Porrini

2009, issue 3

A parametric model for estimating fuzzy poverty measures and their standard errors pp. 279-300 Downloads
Gianni Betti, Antonella D'Agostino, Achille Lemmi and Claudio Quintano
Diversity in Europe: how European citizens support redistributive policies pp. 301-332 Downloads
Riccardo Massari, Maria Grazia Pittau and Roberto Zelli
Tax evasion and misreporting in income tax returns and household income surveys pp. 333-348 Downloads
Massimo Baldini, Paolo Bosi and Michele Lalla
Material deprivation: an application to italian regions pp. 349-368 Downloads
Conchita D'Ambrosio, Giovanna Giuliano and Simona Tenaglia
Small area methods in the estimation of poverty indicators: the case of Tuscany pp. 369-380 Downloads
Caterina Giusti, Monica Pratesi and Nicola Salvati
Contingent behaviour method in the evaluation of externalities: odour emission in a selection and composting centre pp. 381-406 Downloads
Alice Baccheschi, Salvatore Bimonte and Silvia Ferrini

2009, issue 2

Hedonic-Based Price Indexes for the Housing Market in Italian Cities: Theory and Estimation pp. 109-146 Downloads
Alessandra Michelangeli and Alberto Zanardi
Corporate tax reform in Italy: the effects on firms' financial preferences and real choices pp. 147-184 Downloads
Ernesto Zangari
A Micro-macro Model for Fiscal Policy Simulations pp. 185-210 Downloads
Leonardo Ghezzi and Nicola Sciclone
Synchronization and Distance in the Economic Cycle of the Italian Regions pp. 211-232 Downloads
Andrea Brasili and Cristina Brasili
Theories on the Relationships among Education, Growth, and Democracy pp. 233-273 Downloads
Lisa Grazzini

2009, issue 1

The Financial Crisis: New or Old Boundaries between Market and Welfare State? pp. 5-30 Downloads
Filippo Cavazzuti
Funded Pension Schemes and the Payout Phase pp. 31-56 Downloads
Ignazio Visco
Rethinking pension reforms in the wake of the financial crisis pp. 57-74 Downloads
Elsa Fornero
Pensions and flexible workers in Italy: prospects after the NDC reform pp. 75-103 Downloads
Margherita Borella and Giovanna Segre

2008, issue 3

The workers are not horses: analytical perspectives, economic theories and welfare policy pp. 271-310 Downloads
Antonella Picchio
How Cooperative Firms Should be Organised from the Perspective of Today's Economic Theory pp. 311-332 Downloads
Bruno Jossa
The governance of the global value chain of Italian industrial districts: selected case studies pp. 333-366 Downloads
Florentina Constantin, Giovanna de Giusti and Giuseppe Tattara
Fiscal Federalism, Patient Mobility and Soft Budget Constraint in Italy pp. 367-388 Downloads
Rosella Levaggi and Francesco Menoncin

2008, issue 2

A note on budget procedures pp. 141-158 Downloads
Giuseppe Pisauro and Vincenzo Visco
The Reduction of Overtime Income Taxation in Italy: a Preliminary Assessment pp. 159-180 Downloads
Francesco D'Amuri and Maria Rosaria Marino
From the auctioneer to the net: old and new issues in internet auctions pp. 181-210 Downloads
Lucia Parisio
Using the principle of equal sacrifice to evaluate a tax reform pp. 211-234 Downloads
Simone Pellegrino
Competition and R&D investment in human capital-driven growth pp. 235-265 Downloads
Alberto Bucci

2008, issue 1

On keynesian effects of (apparent) non-keynesian fiscal policies pp. 5-46 Downloads
Rosaria Rita Canale, Pasquale Foresti, Ugo Marani and Oreste Napolitano
Assessing the implications of long-term care policies in Italy: a microsimulation approach pp. 47-72 Downloads
Massimo Baldini, Carlo Mazzaferro and Marcello Morciano
Public procurement reform. An Economic-Evolutionary analysis pp. 73-106 Downloads
Mita Marra
Subsidies and Investment: A Test on Firms' Financial Constraints pp. 107-134 Downloads
Giorgio Albareto, Raffaello Bronzini, Guido de Blasio and Roberto Rassu
Page updated 2024-09-16