Economic Development and Cultural Change
1969 - 2025
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Volume 73, issue 2, 2025
- Can Aid Buy Foreign Public Support? Evidence from Chinese Development Finance pp. 523 - 578

- Lukas Wellner, Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs, Bradley C. Parks and Austin Strange
- National Institutions and Self-Insurance pp. 579 - 606

- Raphael Godefroy and Joshua Lewis
- Gendered Barriers to Formal Health-Care Utilization: Modeling Health-Care Demand in a Low-Resource Setting pp. 607 - 649

- Elisa Cavatorta, Wendy Janssens and Alice Mesnard
- How and Why the Gender Pension Gap in Urban China Decreased between 1988 and 2018 pp. 651 - 678

- Björn Gustafsson, Peng Zhan and Hanrui Jia
- Import Tariff Liberalization and Child Labor: Evidence from China pp. 679 - 715

- Kaihao Liu, Xuefang Wang and Tingru Zhang
- Understanding Regional Price Convergence Clubs in China pp. 717 - 747

- Marina Glushenkova
- When Do Gender Quotas Change Policy? Evidence from Household Toilet Provision in India pp. 749 - 779

- Sugat Chaturvedi, Sabyasachi Das and Kanika Mahajan
- Discrimination against Women in Hiring pp. 781 - 809

- Adam Osman, Jamin D. Speer and Andrew Weaver
- Attrition in Randomized Controlled Trials: Using Tracking Information to Correct Bias pp. 811 - 834

- Teresa Molina-Millán and Karen Macours
- Does Better Parental Education Improve Child Health Outcomes? Evidence from the Compulsory Schooling Law in China pp. 835 - 873

- Jingwei Huang
- Can Role Models Influence Female Students’ Decision to Participate in the Labor Market? Evidence from a Field Experiment pp. 875 - 907

- Christina A. Martini and Viviana Urueña
- The Effect of Age at School Entry on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes in Brazil: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis pp. 909 - 940

- Renato Herdeiro, Alison Pablo Oliveira and Naercio Menezes-Filho
- The Power of the Anticorruption Campaign: Evidence from Cigarette and Alcohol Consumption in China pp. 941 - 977

- Xiaobing Wang, Xinyu Liu, Yanjun Ren, Futoshi Yamauchi and Jikun Huang
- Hukou Status and Children’s Education in China pp. 979 - 1021

- Yue Sun, Liqiu Zhao and Zhong Zhao
Volume 73, issue 1, 2024
- COVID-19, Job Loss, and Intimate Partner Violence in Peru pp. 1 - 35

- Jorge Agüero, Erica Field, Ignacio Rodriguez Hurtado and Javier Romero
- The Leaky Bucket: Transition Costs from Cash to Deposits in a Mexican Transfer Program pp. 37 - 59

- Fernanda Marquez-Padilla and Susan Parker
- Lottery Wins and Employment in a Low-Income Country: Impacts and Mechanisms pp. 61 - 86

- Cuong Nguyen and Tung Phung
- Judicial Presence and Rent Extraction pp. 87 - 126

- Stephan Litschig and Yves Zamboni
- Culture, Intrahousehold Distribution, and Individual Poverty pp. 127 - 165

- Ulugbek Aminjonov, Maira Colacce, Olivier Bargain and Luca Tiberti
- Addressing Gender-Based Segregation through Information: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in the Republic of Congo pp. 167 - 193

- Marine Gassier, Léa Rouanet and Lacina Traore
- A Pandemic Crossing the Border: The Impact of COVID-19 in the US on the Mexican Labor Market pp. 195 - 219

- Irvin Rojas and Jisang Yu
- Correcting Misperceptions about Support for Social Distancing to Combat COVID-19 pp. 221 - 242

- James Allen, Arlete Mahumane, James Riddell, Tanya Rosenblat, Dean Yang and Hang Yu
- Health Certification in Sex Markets: A Field Experiment in Dakar, Senegal pp. 243 - 272

- Shanthi Manian
- Short-Run Impacts of Reducing Water Collection Times on Time Use, Well-Being, and Education in Rural Kenya pp. 273 - 306

- Joseph Cook, Jane Kabubo-Mariara and Peter Kimuyu
- The Effect of Manager Gender and Performance Feedback: Experimental Evidence from India pp. 307 - 338

- Martin Abel and Daniel Buchman
- Employer Learning and the Dynamics of Returns to Universities: Evidence from Chinese Elite Education during University Expansion pp. 339 - 379

- Sylvie Démurger, Eric Hanushek and Lei Zhang
- Richer and Healthier? Social Pensions and Unhealthy Consumption Behavior in China pp. 381 - 422

- Xiaobing Wang, Xinyuan Lei, Yanjun Ren and Jianyu Yu
- Psychology, Soft Skills, or Cash? Evidence on Marginal Investments pp. 423 - 450

- Megan Lang, Edward Soule and Catherine H. Tinsley
- Do Women Council Members Allocate More Public Goods? Evidence from Rural India pp. 451 - 486

- Yuko Mori, D. Rajasekhar, R. Manjula, Takashi Kurosaki and Jun Goto
- Mothers’ Social Networks and Socioeconomic Gradients of Isolation pp. 487 - 522

- Alison Andrew, Orazio Attanasio, Britta Augsburg, Jere Behrman, Monimalika Day, Pamela Jervis, Costas Meghir and Angus Phimister
Volume 72, issue 3, 2024
- Labor Market Information and Parental Attitudes toward Women Working Outside the Home: Experimental Evidence from Rural Pakistan pp. 1041 - 1067

- Momoe Makino
- Mobilizing Parents at Home and at School: An Experiment on Primary Education in Angola pp. 1069 - 1116

- Vincenzo Di Maro, Stefan Leeffers, Danila Serra and Pedro Vicente
- Cash Transfers and Women’s Agency: Evidence from Pakistan’s BISP Program pp. 1117 - 1150

- Kate Ambler and Alan de Brauw
- The Impact of Armed Conflict Shocks on Local Cross-Border Trade: Evidence from the Border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo pp. 1151 - 1187

- Andreas Eberhard-Ruiz
- High Hopes: Experimental Evidence on Financial Inclusion and the Transition to High School in Kenya pp. 1189 - 1212

- James Habyarimana and William Jack
- Industrial Gold Mining and Female Empowerment pp. 1213 - 1266

- Anja Tolonen
- The Role of Information and Cash Transfers on Early-Childhood Development: Short- and Long-Run Evidence from Nepal pp. 1267 - 1293

- Michael Levere, Gayatri Acharya and Prashant Bharadwaj
- Incentives to Improve Government Agricultural Extension Agent Performance: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bangladesh pp. 1295 - 1316

- Md. Rajibul Alam and Yoko Kijima
- Does a Productivity Bonus Pay Off? The Effects of Teacher-Incentive Pay on Student Achievement in Brazilian Schools pp. 1317 - 1356

- Tharcisio Leone
- Banking with Agents: Experimental Evidence from Senegal pp. 1357 - 1389

- Sinja Buri, Robert Cull, Xavier Gine, Sven Harten and Soren Heitmann
- Seeking the Shelter of Governments: The Unintended Consequence of Environmental Regulation on Firm Ownership Dynamics pp. 1391 - 1423

- Ni Qin and Dongmin Kong
- Using Communications Technology to Promote Democratic Participation: Experimental Evidence from South Africa pp. 1425 - 1463

- Aaron Erlich, Karen E. Ferree, Clark C. Gibson, Danielle F. Jung, James D. Long and Craig McIntosh
- The Role of Mothers-in-Law in Determining Women’s Work: Evidence from India pp. 1465 - 1492

- Madhulika Khanna and Divya Pandey
- Are Educated Candidates Less Corrupt Bureaucrats? Evidence from Randomized Audits in Brazil pp. 1493 - 1526

- Caíque Melo and Robson Tigre
- The Effect of Future Pension Benefits on Labor Supply in a Developing Economy pp. 1527 - 1566

- Oscar Becerra
Volume 72, issue 2, 2024
- Wheels of Power: Can Free Bicycles for Schoolgirls Free Their Mothers? pp. 423 - 457

- Anders Kjelsrud, Shabana Mitra and Karl Moene
- Marital “Mismatch” from Changes in Women’s Litigant Rights pp. 459 - 491

- Uchenna R. Efobi
- Fetal Origins of Mental Health: Evidence from Africa pp. 493 - 515

- Achyuta Adhvaryu, James Fenske, Namrata Kala and Anant Nyshadham
- Study for Nothing? Gender and Access to Higher Education in a Developing Country pp. 517 - 561

- Oswaldo Molina, Diego Santa María and Gustavo Yamada
- Does Trade Liberalization Foster Intimate Partner Violence? pp. 563 - 602

- Alberto Chong and Daniel Velásquez
- Competition on Agricultural Markets and Quality of Smallholder Supply: The Role of Relational Contracting and Input Provision by Traders pp. 603 - 632

- Erwin Bulte, Jérémy Do Nascimento Miguel and Banawe Plambou Anissa
- The Effect of Monthly Cash Transfers during 5 Years on Households’ Wealth pp. 633 - 658

- Andrea Molina-Vera and Hessel Oosterbeek
- Heterogeneous Firms under Regional Temperature Shocks: Exit and Reallocation, with Evidence from Indonesia pp. 659 - 690

- Victoria Wenxin Xie
- Improving Tax Compliance without Increasing Revenue: Evidence from Population-Wide Randomized Controlled Trials in Papua New Guinea pp. 691 - 723

- Christopher Hoy, Luke McKenzie and Mathias Sinning
- Personalized Information as a Tool to Improve Pension Savings: Results from a Randomized Control Trial in Chile pp. 725 - 770

- Olga Fuentes, Jeanne Lafortune, Julio Riutort, José Tessada and Félix Villatoro
- Income Tax Payers Are Not All the Same: A Behavioral Letter Experiment in Eswatini pp. 771 - 799

- Fabrizio Santoro
- Women’s Empowerment and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from a Multidimensional Policy in India pp. 801 - 832

- Somdeep Chatterjee and Prashant Poddar
- Developing Textbooks to Improve Math Learning in Primary Education: Empirical Evidence from El Salvador pp. 833 - 866

- Takao Maruyama and Takashi Kurosaki
- Land Reform and Child Health in the Kyrgyz Republic pp. 867 - 917

- Katrina Kosec and Olga N. Shemyakina
- Encouraging Female Graduates to Enter the Labor Force: Evidence from a Role Model Intervention in Pakistan pp. 919 - 957

- Hamna Ahmed, Mahreen Mahmud, Farah Said and Zunia Tirmazee
- Farm Size and Productivity: The Role of Family Labor pp. 959 - 995

- Muhammad Ayaz and Mazhar Mughal
- Internal Migration and Labor Market Outcomes in Indonesia pp. 997 - 1040

- Tushar Bharati, Adnan M. S. Fakir and Wina Yoman
Volume 72, issue 1, 2023
- The Salience of Information: Evidence from a Health Information Campaign in Rural China pp. 1 - 26

- Yue Ma, Sean Sylvia, Dimitris Friesen, Katherine Overbey, Alexis Medina and Scott Rozelle
- What Should I Aspire To? Peer Effects in Adolescents’ Friendship Networks pp. 27 - 78

- Ben D’Exelle, Rik Habraken and Arjan Verschoor
- Overconfidence, Trust, and Information-Seeking among Smallholder Farmers: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia pp. 79 - 122

- Hiwot Mesfin, Francesco Cecchi, Eleonora Nillesen and Nyasha Tirivayi
- Estimating the Demand for Business Training: Evidence from Jamaica pp. 123 - 158

- Alessandro Maffioli, David McKenzie and Diego Ubfal
- When Private Beats Public: A Flexible Value-Added Model with Tanzanian School Switchers pp. 159 - 206

- Kasper Brandt
- Crime, Income, and Inequality: Nonlinearities under Extreme Inequality in South Africa pp. 207 - 240

- Amy Thornton, Haroon Bhorat, Adaiah Lilenstein, Jabulile Monnakgotla and Kirsten van der Zee
- Education, Civic Engagement, and Political Participation: Evidence from School Construction in Malian Villages pp. 241 - 281

- Pierre André and Paul Maarek
- Stay at Home with Grandma, Mom Is Going to Work: The Impact of Grandmothers’ Retirement on Mothers’ Labor Decisions pp. 283 - 327

- Maria Florencia Pinto
- The Long-Term Effects of the Rwandan Genocide on Child Work pp. 329 - 360

- Yoo-Mi Chin, Scott Cunningham and Van Pham
- Early-Life Rainfall and Long-Term Human Capital Accumulation of African Women pp. 361 - 387

- Kien Le and My Nguyen
- The Origins of Optimism: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment among Microfinance Clients in Bolivia pp. 389 - 421

- Francesco Cecchi, Elske Voermans and Robert Lensink
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