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ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung

From ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
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Angebot und Nachfrage im Außenhandel: Theoretische Überlegungen und eine Kointegrationsanalyse für Deutschland
Martin Meurers
Beschäftigungs- und familienpolitische Aspekte der Teilzeitarbeit im Lichte des Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetzes - eine Evaluierung
Sonja Munz
Besteuerungsanreize in den deutschen Kommunalfinanzen
Christian Kelders
Business Fluctuations, Job Flows and Trade Unions - Dynamics in the Economy Downloads
Beate Schirwitz
Changes in the market structure of the public water supply – an analysis of economic, ecological and social effects considering Germany as example
Matthias Egerer
Climate Policy and the Intertemporal Supply of Fossil Resources Downloads
Christian Beermann
Complex dimensions of climate policy: the role of political economy, capital markets, and urban form Downloads
Waldemar Marz
Conditions and Consequences of Education – Microeconometric Analyses Downloads
Annika B. Bergbauer
Consequences of Future Climate Policy: Regional Economies, Financial Markets, and the Direction of Innovation Downloads
Marie-Theres von Schickfus
Corporate Governance und Unternehmenserfolg - Eine empirische Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen den Führungs-, Kontroll- und Anreizstrukturen und der Geschäftsentwicklung deutscher Banken Downloads
Johannes Steinbrecher
Culture, Feedback, and Gender in Education Downloads
Lavinia Kinne
Demand-Oriented Innovation Policy: A Critical Review Downloads
Oliver Falck and Simon Wiederhold
Determinants and Consequences of Student Test Scores: Evidence from International, Big, and Text Data Downloads
Pietro Sancassani
Determinants of Firm Innovation - Evidence from German Panel Data
Stefan Kipar
Die Bedeutung von Patentschutz für den Technologietransfer in Entwicklungsländer: Erfahrungen der chemischen Industrie in Südkorea, Malaysia und Chile im Vergleich
Thomas Röhm
Economic Growth and Business Cycle Forecasting at the Regional Level Downloads
Robert Lehmann
Economic Perspectives on the Implications of Public Child Care and Schooling for Educational Outcomes in Childhood and Adult Life Downloads
Larissa Zierow
Education Economics from a Historical Perspective Downloads
Ruth Maria Schüler
Education, Skills & Labor-Market Success: Microeconometric Analyses Using Large-Scale Skills Assessments Downloads
Franziska Bernadette Hampf
Educational institutions and equality of opportunity
Gabriela Schütz
Educational Production in Preschools and Schools - Microeconometric Evidence from Germany
Martin Schlotter
Effectiveness of Climate Policies: Empirical Methods and Evidence Downloads
Julian Dieler
Effects of innovation on firm performance
Stefan Lachenmaier
Empirical Essays in the Economics of Ageing and the Economics of Innovation Downloads
Janina Reinkowski
Empirical essays on fiscal federalism and political economy in Germany Downloads
Manuela Krause
Empirical Essays on the Socioeconomic Consequences of Economic Uncertainty Downloads
Wolfgang Auer
Empirical Studies on Public Debt and Fiscal Transfers Downloads
Markus Reischmann
Enterprise groups and the measurement of concentration in the official statistics: Measuring capital linkage between enterprises and competition-relevant concentrations
Uwe Christian Täger, Sylvia Brander and Josef Lachner
Essays in Applied Economics Downloads
Jean-Victor Alipour
Essays in Political Economy Downloads
Fabian Ruthardt
Essays in Public Economics and on Equality of Opportunity Downloads
Paul Schüle
Essays in the Economics of Digital Transformation Downloads
Moritz Goldbeck
Essays on Equality of Opportunity Downloads
Paul Hufe
Essays on International Trade and Development Downloads
Benedikt Heid
Essays on network industries: privatization, regulation, and productivity measurement Downloads
Andreas Kuhlmann
Essays on Offshoring, Wage Inequality and Innovation Downloads
Sebastian Benz
Essays on the Behavior of Firms and Politicians Downloads
Marina Riem
Essays on the Integration of New Energy Sources into Existing Energy Systems Downloads
Luise Röpke
EU enlargement and labour-force migration: Proposals for a gradual convergence of labour markets Downloads
Hans-Werner Sinn, Gebhard Flaig, Martin Werding, Sonja Munz, Nicola Düll and Herbert Hofmann
Evaluation of the experimentation clause in par. 6c SGB II: Macroanalysis and Regional Comparisons (Field 4)
Martin Werding, Thiess Büttner, Herbert Hofmann, Christian Holzner, Sonja Munz, Andrea Kirchmann, Martin Rosemann, Jochen Späth and Harald Strotmann
Family policy for young families: Effects of the CDU/CSU’s family grant concept
Martin Werding
Finanzmärkte, Corporate Governance, IuK-Technologien: treibende Faktoren für den Wandel in der Industrie
Günther Vieweg, Michael Reinhard, Alfons J. Weichenrieder, Ralf Meisenzahl, Bent Nowack and Alfons Weichenrieder
Fiscal Policy and the European Stability and Growth Pact: Between macroeconomic necessities and economic- and fiscal-policy requirements
Willi Leibfritz, Rolf Horst Dumke, Albert Müller, Wolfgang Ochel, Michael Reutter and Frank Westermann
Five Essays on International Trade, Factor Flows and the Gains from Globalization Downloads
Inga Heiland
Fossil Resources and Climate Change – The Green Paradox and Resource Market Power Revisited in General Equilibrium Downloads
Johannes Pfeiffer
From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: Studies on the Effects of Resource Endowments and Climate Policy on Economic Outcomes Downloads
Ana Maria Montoya Gomez
Geography Matters: Spatial Dimensions of Trade, Migration and Growth Downloads
Thomas Steinwachs
Gesamtwirtschaftliche Folgen von Vermögensblasen im internationalen Vergleich
Harm Bandholz, Oliver Hülsewig, Gerhard Illing and Timo Wollmershäuser
Glaubwürdigkeit der Geldpolitik: eine empirische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Zentralbank
Sandra Hamella
Gravity Model Applications and Macroeconomic Perspectives Downloads
Jasmin Katrin Gröschl
Page updated 2024-12-10
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