2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C.
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- 150557: What Drives the Adoption of Clean Agricultural Technologies? An Ex Ante Assessment of Sustainable Biofuel Production in Southwestern Wisconsin

- Daniel Mooney and Bradford L. Barham
- 150555: The wage effects of training in Rural China

- Zhaoyu Zeng, Hexiao Huang and Chunhui Ye
- 150554: Threshold Effects in Transition to Organic Dairy Production

- Timothy A. Delbridge
- 150553: Spatial externalities in aquifers with varying thickness: Theory and numerical results for the Ogallala aquifer

- Jeffrey Peterson and Alexander Saak
- 150526: Disentangling the Natural Resources Curse: National and Regional Socioeconomic Impacts of Resource Windfalls

- David Fleming and Thomas Measham
- 150525: Evolving Consumer Acceptance of Biotechnology Applications in Canada: Evidence from the Public Opinion Surveys in 2001 (fifth wave) and 2011 (seventh wave)

- Deepananda Herath
- 150524: Nutrition Information, Networks and Childhood Anemia
- Andrew Dillon
- 150523: A spatial model of household fuelwood extraction in northern Uganda

- Daniela A. Miteva, Randall Kramer, Zachary Brown and Martin Smith
- 150522: Effects of Storage Losses and Grain Management Practices on Storage: Evidence from Maize Production in Benin

- Didier Kadjo, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Corinne Alexander and Abdoulaye Tahirou
- 150521: Food Demand, Food Prices and Welfare Analysis utilizing EASI model

- David Magana-Lemus, Ariun Ishdorj and C. Rosson
- 150520: Chinese Producer Behavior: Aquaculture Farmers in Southern China

- David Ortega, H. Holly Wang, Nicole Widmar and Laping Wu
- 150519: Institutional Change on First Nations: Examining factors influencing First Nations Adoption of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management

- Mary Doidge, B. Deaton and Bethany Woods
- 150518: Determinants of Household Food Insecurity in Mexico

- David Magana-Lemus, Ariun Ishdorj and C. Rosson

- Dereje B. Megeressa
- 150516: Do the Trade Winds Alter the Trade Flow? Assessing Impacts of ENSO Shocks on World Cereal Supply

- David Ubilava and Nelson Villoria
- 150514: Biofortification, crop adoption and health information: Impact pathways in Mozambique and Uganda

- Alan de Brauw, Patrick Eozenou, Daniel Gilligan, Christine Hotz, Neha Kumar and J.V. Meenakshi

- Elizabeth M. Juchems, Karina Schoengold and Nicholas Brozovic
- 150510: Sustainable Biofuels, Marginal Agricultural Lands, and Farm Supply Response: Micro-Evidence for Southwest Wisconsin

- Daniel Mooney, Bradford L. Barham and Chang Lian
- 150509: Labor Market Integration in California Agriculture: Do the Data Support Industry Reports of Shortages?

- Derek Farnsworth
- 150508: Income Heterogeneity and Communication in Global Public Goods

- J. Cristobal Ruiz-Tagle
- 150507: How do African households adapt to climate change? Evidence from Malawi

- Aaron M. Cook, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and Juan Sesmero
- 150506: Spatial Competition in Agricultural Markets: A Discrete-Choice Approach

- Brent Hueth and Christopher W. Taylor
- 150505: An Examination of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Local Products

- Aaron Adalja, James Hanson, Charles Towe and Elina Tselepidakis
- 150504: School Meals Experiment: Can a Taste Test Increase Vegetable Acceptance?

- Constance Newman, Joanne Guthrie, Lisa Mancino and Anastasia Snelling
- 150503: Consumer preferences for apple quality traits

- Lilian Carrillo-Rodriguez, R. Karina Gallardo, Chengyan Yue, Vicki McCracken, James Luby and James R. McFerson
- 150502: Farmers Markets and Location Choice for Value Added Processing

- Andrea Bouma, Catherine Durham and Lisbeth Goddik
- 150501: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation from the Conservation Reserve Program: The Contribution of Post-Contract Land Use Change

- Carol Jones, Cynthia J. Nickerson and Mark Sperow
- 150500: The Geographic Distribution of Commercial Fishing: Locational Fundamentals versus Increasing Returns

- Cameron Speir
- 150499: Correcting for Measurement Error in a Stochastic Frontier Model: A Fishery Context

- Christopher Burns
- 150497: A Comparative Efficiency Analysis of Cooperative and Non-cooperative Dairy Manufacturing Firms

- Christopher A. Kanter, Brent Hueth and Brian W. Gould
- 150496: Cropland productivity, carbon sequestration, and commodity prices

- Suk-Won Choi, Sara Ohrel and Brent Sohngen
- 150495: Bioeconomic Modeling of an Imported Disease in California Lettuce

- Christine Carroll, Colin Carter, Rachael Goodhue, C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell and Krishna Subbarao
- 150494: Public Evaluation and Political Acceptance of Sustainable Land Use Polices: A populist democracy policy failure?

- Christian H.C.A. Henning, Nana Zarnekow, Svetlana Petri, Ernst Albrecht and Johannes Hedtrich
- 150493: Social networks, consumer beliefs and nutrition behavior: Theory and empirical evidence for Germany

- Christian H.C.A. Henning and Nana Zarnekow
- 150492: Racial/Ethnic Discrimination in USDA’s Direct Farm Lending Programs

- Charles B. Dodson
- 150491: Investigating the Divergence in Wheat Prices

- Carlos Arnade and Gary Vocke
- 150490: Price Expectations and Supply Response

- Carlos Arnade and Joseph Cooper
- 150489: Modeling Long Overnight Trips by Chaining Recreation Sites

- Min Chen and Frank Lupi
- 150488: Can National Health Insurance Programs Improve Health Outcomes?—Re-Examining the Case of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme in Rural China

- Xueling Chu, Qihui Chen and Xiangming Fang
- 150487: Quality Matters and Not Quantity: Evidence on Productivity Impacts of Extension Service Provision in Ethiopia

- Catherine Ragasa, Guush Berhane, Fanaye Tadesse and Alemayehu Taffesse
- 150486: Driving Factors of Retail Price Variation

- Chenguang Li and Richard Volpe
- 150471: Non-Equivalent Ad Valorem Equivalents and Gravity

- Bruno Larue, Rachidi Kotchoni and Sebastien Pouliot
- 150469: Quality Standards, International Trade and the Evolution of Industries

- Carl Gaigne and Bruno Larue

- Deborah Williams, Krishna Paudel and Mahesh Pandit
- 150467: Anonymous Social Networks versus Peer Networks in Restaurant Choice

- Ashutosh Tiwari and Timothy J. Richards
- 150466: Do Stock Market Prices Reflect the Relevant Information from Government Policies? Evidence from the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008

- Bruno R. Arthur and Ani Katchova
- 150465: Energy and Food Commodity Prices Linkage: An Examination with Mixed-Frequency Data

- Andres Trujillo-Barrera and Joost Pennings
- 150464: The Capital Structure of Commercial Banks and its Impact on Participation in the Farm Service Agency's Guaranteed Loan Program

- Bruce T. McWilliams
- 150463: Assessing the Efficiency of Alternative Best Management Practices to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Broiler Production Region of Louisiana

- Bryan Gottshall and Krishna Paudel
- 150462: On Positive Externality

- Ekaterina Vorotnikova and Andrew Schmitz
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