2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C.
From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 150252: Does Zoning Cause Sprawl?

- Jeffrey Ferris and David Newburn
- 150251: An Analysis of Farmland Option Value: Ascertaining the Nature of the Recent Farmland Bubble Phenomenon

- Bingbing Wang and Cesar Escalante
- 150249: Dynamics of Feeder Cattle Basis and Price Slides

- Kole Swanser
- 150246: Nonlinearities in Regional Rice Prices in the Philippines: Evidence from a Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR) Approach

- Valerien Pede, Harold Glenn Valera, Mohammad Jahangir Alam and Andrew McKenzie
- 150244: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Seed Technology Transfer through Trade – Evidence from U.S. Field Crop Seed Exports

- Minyu Zhou and Ian Sheldon
- 150226: Do Trade Costs Affect the Extensive Margin of Trade? Lessons from U.S. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Imports

- Mina Hejazi and Jason Grant
- 150225: Biased Technology and Contribution of Technological Change to Economic Growth: Firm-Level Evidence

- Hongsong Zhang
- 150224: An Analysis of the Effects of Government Subsidies and the Renewable Fuels Standard on the Fuel Ethanol Industry: A Structural Econometric Model

- Fujin Yi, C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell and Karen Thome
- 150223: Improved production systems for traditional food crops: The case of finger millet in Western Kenya

- Christina Handschuch and Meike Wollni
- 150221: The Cost Effectiveness of Educating Limited Resource Youths on Food and Nutrition

- Ranju Baral, George Davis, Elena Serrano, Mary McFerren and Wen You
- 150220: Analyzing higher moments of nitrogen response for risk efficient fertilizer application in wheat and corn production

- Andreas Meyer-Aurich, Markus Gandorfer and Predrag Rajsic
- 150219: Optimizing Biofuels Production in an Uncertain Decision Environment

- Jadwiga R. Ziolkowska
- 150218: Natural or Organic: An Empirical Analysis of Ready-To-Eat Cereal Market

- Lu Huang
- 150217: The Effect of Consumer Learning Behavior on the Rising Bottled Water Consumption

- Lu Huang and Yizao Liu
- 150215: The Effect of Land Management Changes and Nutrient Runoff Capture on Water Quality and Farm and Watershed Economics

- Mohammad Khakbazan, C. Hamilton and J. Yarotski
- 150213: Estimating the Cost of Liquidity in Livestock Futures Markets using the Information Contained in the Limit Order Book

- Enoch Omololu and Julieta Frank
- 150212: Dynamic food demand and habit forming behaviors: Bayesian approach to a Dynamic Tobit panel data model with unobserved heterogeneity

- Miyoung Oh and Helen Jensen
- 150211: Economic and Nutritional Implications from Changes in U.S. Agricultural Promotional Efforts

- Ho, Shuay‐Tsyr, Bradley J. Rickard and Jura Liaukonyte
- 150210: Seed information, farm size, and the potential for adoption of zinc-fortified wheat varieties in Pakistan

- Hina Nazli and Melinda Smale
- 150209: Measuring Women Empowerment: An Application of the Women Empowerment in Agricultural Index in Northern Ghana

- Sandra Contreras and Timothy Dalton
- 150207: Estimation of Import Demand for Fishery Products in the U.S. Using the Source-Differentiated AIDS Model

- Xiaojin Wang and Michael Reed
- 150204: University Licensing of Patents for Varietal Innovations in Agriculture

- Bradley J. Rickard, Timothy J. Richards and Jubo Yan
- 150203: Agricultural Market Reforms and Nutritional Transition in Rural China

- Linlin Fan, Lia Nogueira and Kathy Baylis
- 150202: Environmental Regulation: Supported by Polluting Firms but Opposed by Green Firms?

- Sherzod Akhundjanov and Felix Munoz-Garcia
- 150200: Adoption of BMPs and technical inefficiency in Canadian canola production

- Ali D. Cagdas, Scott R. Jeffrey, Elwin G. Smith and Peter Boxall
- 150198: Embodied-Technical Change of Farm Tractors in U.S. Agricultural Productivity Analysis: What Does the Hedonic Price Tell Us?

- Sun Ling Wang, David Schimmelpfennig and Eldon Ball
- 150196: The Higher Order Impacts of Hurricane: Evidence from County Level Analysis

- Meri Davlasheridze, Karen Fisher-Vanden and Henry Klaiber
- 150195: Environmental Kuznets Curve: Stock and Flow Water Pollutants

- Mahesh Pandit and Krishna Paudel
- 150194: By Ounce or By Calorie: The Different Effects of Alternative Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Strategies

- Chen Zhen, Ian Brissette and Ryan Ruff
- 150193: How much of the error term is explained by psychometric variables? The example of organic produce demand

- Carola Grebitus and Jerome Dumortier
- 150190: A Dynamic Stochastic Programming Framework for Modeling Large Scale Land Deals in Developing Countries

- Luca Di Corato and Sebastian Hess
- 150188: Estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System Model for Meats in Iran

- Marzieh Motallebi and Dustin Pendell
- 150187: Permanent and Temporary Shocks in Corn and Soybean Basis Series: A New Approach for Modeling Time-Series

- Yoonsuk Lee and B Brorsen
- 150185: Firm Structure, Environmental Regulation, and Manufacturing Activities

- Jingbo Cui
- 150184: Revisiting the demand for crop insurance: evidences from the Italian market

- Fabio Santeramo, Barry Goodwin, Felice Adinolfi and Fabian Capitanio
- 150182: Missing Markets and Consumer Cooperation
- Brent Hueth
- 150180: Ownership Structure and CEO Pay: Evidence from Member Owned Firms

- Brent Hueth
- 150177: Do Preferential Trade Policies (Actually) Increase Exports? An analysis of EU trade policies

- Maria Cipollina, David Laborde Debucquet and Luca Salvatici
- 150176: Gender and Policy Effects on Technology Adoption in Zambia

- Mariana Saenz
- 150174: Credit Stacking in Agri-Environmental Programs: Water Quality Trading and Carbon Markets

- Adriana Valcu, Sergey S. Rabotyagov and Catherine Kling
- 150173: Food for Thought: The Impact of Integrated Student Experiences on Learning

- Leah Greden Mathews, Karin Peterson, Sally Wasileski, Jason Wingert, Amy Joy Lanou and David Clarke
- 150171: The Talk at Tailgate Markets: How Interactions Influence Purchase Behavior

- Rachel Carson, Kelly Giarrocco, Zoe Hamel, Leah Greden Mathews, Matthew Waissen, Rebecca Baylor, Eric Gerber and Sara Russell
- 150167: Food Insecurity and Educational Achievement: A Multilevel Generalization of Poisson Regression

- Allison Jennifer Ames, Glenn C.W. Ames, Jack E. Houston and Simone Angioloni
- 150164: Adoption Analysis and Impact Evaluation of Potato IPM in Ecuador

- Vanessa D. Carrión, George Norton, Jeffrey Alwang and Victor Barrera
- 150163: The Impact of India’s Rural Employment Guarantee on Demand for Agricultural Technology

- Anil K. Bhargava
- 150162: Consumers’ Attitudes towards Country of Origin Labeling for Sugar

- Karen E. Lewis and Carola Grebitus
- 150161: Energy Sorghum Response to Nitrogen and Production Cost

- Choolwe Haankuku, Francis Epplin and Gopal Kakani
- 150159: An Empirical Examination of Food-for-work Effects on Household Crop Choices using data from Ethiopia

- Nicholas Dadzie and David S. Kraybill
- 150156: Self Control or Social Control? Peer Effects and Temptation Consumption

- Yating Chuang
- 150150: Hybrid Rice as a Pro-Poor Technology? Evidence from Bangladesh

- William A. McFall, Nicholas Magnan and David Spielman
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