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2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C.

From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
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151274: Parental Nutrition Label Usage and Children's Dietary-related Outcomes Downloads
Maria V. Vinoles, Wen You and Rodolfo Nayga
151273: Buyer-Specific Land Valuation and Prices: An Empirical Analysis of the Farmland Market in the Czech Republic Downloads
Jarmila Curtiss, Ladislav Jelinek, Martin Hruska, Tomas Medonos and Vaclav Vilhelm
151272: Optimizing the Cost and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Switchgrass Supply System to Biorefineries: A Case Study of Tennessee Downloads
Zidong Wang, Tun-hsiang Yu, Burton English and James Larson
151271: The Impacts of Protected Area Size on Land Acquisition Costs for Conservation Downloads
Taeyoung Kim, Seong-Hoon Cho, Eric R. Larson and Paul R. Armsworth
151270: Does Early Cash-Based Interventions in a Food Crisis Enhance Resilience? Evidence from Niger Downloads
Emmanuel Tumusiime
151269: On Technological Change in Crop Yields Downloads
Tor Tolhurst and Alan Ker
151268: What Happens When Food Marketers Require Restrictive Farming Practices? Downloads
Tina L. Saitone, Richard J. Sexton and Daniel Sumner
151267: The Influence of Dining Location on Adult Overweight and Obesity in Urban China Downloads
Haiyan Liu, Thomas Wahl, Junfei Bai and James Seale
151266: Product Differentiation: Implications for Agricultural Producers Downloads
Tian Xia and Xianghong Li
151265: "Local is the New Organic": Do Consumers Agree? Downloads
Thong Meas, Wuyang Hu, Marvin Batte, Timothy Woods and Stan Ernst
151263: On the Institutional Details that Mediate the Impact of Cash Crops on Food Crop Intensification: The Case of Cotton Downloads
David Tschirley and Véronique Thériault
151262: Consumer Attitudes, Labeling Regimes and the Market Success of Food Nanotechnology Downloads
Van T. Tran, Amalia Yiannaka and Konstantinos Giannakas
151227: The Impact of Idiosyncratic and Covariate Shocks on Changes in Risk Preferences Between the Lean and Harvest Seasons for Smallholder Farmers in Vietnam Downloads
Thea Nielsen
151225: Water Reliability, Irrigation Adoption, and Land Use Changes in the Presence of Biofuel Production Downloads
Farzad Taheripour, Thomas Hertel and Jing Liu
151224: Differences between Livestock and Crop Producers’ Participation in Nutrient Trading Downloads
Stacy Sneeringer
151223: Evaluating the Performance of Non-Price Residential Water Conservation Programs Using Quasi-Experiments Downloads
Tatiana Borisova and Pilar Useche
151222: Managing Weather Risk for Cotton in Texas High Plains with Optimal Temporal Allocation of Irrigation Water Downloads
Shyam Nair, Chenggang Wang, Thomas O. Knight, Eduardo Segarra, Jeff Johnson, Stephan Maas and Steven A. Mauget
151221: The Influence of Short-term Financial Incentives (PES) on Social Norms and Behaviors: Laboratory Experimental Evidence Downloads
John M. Kerr, Marie Lapinski-Lafaive, Robert Shupp and Jinhua Zhao
151217: COOL Effects on U.S. Shrimp Trade Downloads
Siny Joseph, Nathalie Lavoie and Julie Caswell
151216: Market and Welfare Effects of Renewable Portfolio Standard in the Vertically Differentiated U.S. Energy Markets Downloads
Suparna Bhattacharya, Konstantinos Giannakas and Karina Schoengold
151215: The implications of environmental policy on nutrient outputs in agricultural watersheds Downloads
Brent Sohngen, Sei Jin Kim, Abdoul Sam and Kevin W. King
151214: Nutrition Label Usage, Diet Health Behavior, and Information Uncertainty Downloads
Christiane Schroeter and Sven Anders
151213: An Assessment of the Canadian Federal-Provincial Crop Production Insurance Program under Future Climate Change Scenarios in Ontario Downloads
Shuang Li and Alan Ker
151212: "Billions and Billions Served" Heterogeneous Effects of Food Source on Child Dietary Quality Downloads
Travis Smith
151211: Embodied-Technical Change of Farm Tractors in U.S. Agricultural Productivity Analysis: What Does Hedonic Price Tell Us? Downloads
Sun Ling Wang, David Schimmelpfennig and Eldon Ball
151210: Economic Rise and Decline in Indonesia – As Seen from Space Downloads
Susan Olivia and John Gibson
151209: Subsidy Incidence in Farmland Rents: An Application of Ricardian Rent Theory with Uncertainty and Transaction Costs Downloads
Feng Qiu
151208: Impact of Changing Seasonal Rainfall Patterns on Rainy-Season Crop Production in the Guinea Savannah of West Africa Downloads
Marc Müller, Safietou Sanfo and Wolfram Laube
151151: Price Non-Stationary and Import Demand for Milk in China Downloads
Senarath Dharmasena, Jing Wang and C. Rosson
151150: Price Dynamics and Forecasts of World and China Vegetable Oil Markets Downloads
Jing Wang, Senarath Dharmasena and David Bessler
151149: Semi-Parametric, Generalized Additive Vector Autoregressive Models of Spatial Price Dynamics Downloads
Selin Guney and Barry Goodwin
151148: Consumers' Evaluation of Biotechnology in Food Products: New Evidence from a Meta-Survey Downloads
Sebastian Hess, Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, William Redekop and Ashkan Pakseresht
151147: 2-Sided Altruism: Do Intergenerational Transfers Trigger Greater Childbearing In Developing Countries? Downloads
Shonel Sen
151146: Reputation and Multiproduct-firm Behavior: Product Line and Price Rivalry Among Retailers Downloads
Shaoyan Sun and Henry An
151145: The Impact of EU Trade Preferences on the Extensive and Intensive Agricultural and Food Product Margins Downloads
Margherita Scoppola, Valentina Raimondi and Alessandro Olper
151144: A Bioeconomic Model of Plant Disease Management under Spatial-Dynamic Externalities: Grapevine Leafroll Disease Downloads
Shady Atallah, Miguel Gomez and Jon M. Conrad
151143: Evaluating the Determinants of Participation of Pregnant Women in the "Preventing Malnutrition in Children Under Two Years of Age Approach" (PM2A) Program in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala Downloads
Susan Richter
151142: Environmental Policy with Collective Waste Disposal Downloads
Stephen Hamilton, Thomas W. Sproul, David Sunding and David Zilberman
151141: The Impact of Microinsurance on Consumption Smoothing and Asset Protection: Evidence from a Drought in Kenya Downloads
Sarah Janzen and Michael Carter
151140: Potential Impact of Labor Shift in the Southern Fruits and Vegetable Industry Downloads
Sebastain Awondo and Esendugue E. Fonsah
151139: Cooperation makes it happen? Groundwater management in Aguascalientes, Mexico: An experimental approach Downloads
Rodrigo Salcedo and Miguel Angel Gutierrez Macias
151138: Agricultural and Resource Economics Ph.D. Students: Who are They and What Do They Want? Downloads
Jerrod Penn and H. Mikael Sandberg
151137: The Role of Health Status on Income in China Downloads
Ruizhi Xie and Titus Awokuse
151136: Assessing Conditional Probabilities of Adopting Conservation Practices of Kansas Farmers Downloads
Sheng Gong and Jason Bergtold
151135: Climate Shocks and African Maize Prices Downloads
Shun Chonabayashi
Vardges Hovhannisyan and Marin Bozic
150988: Impact Assessment with Opt-in Treatments: Evidence from a rural development project in Nicaragua Downloads
M. Alexandra Peralta and Scott Swinton
150985: Disaggregated Retail Food Price Indices Using Homescan Data: An Application to Income Levels and SNAP Benefits Downloads
Aylin Kumcu and Richard Volpe
150983: Implications of Heterogeneous Producer Incentives for Marketing Order Continuation Downloads
Zoë T. Plakias and Rachael Goodhue
150980: Analysis of Consumer Preferences and Willingness-to-Pay for Organic Food Products in Germany Downloads
Rebecca Illichmann and Awudu Abdulai
Page updated 2025-03-31
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